Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A Thank You and a Call to Action

By Anna Von Reitz

 First, I want to very much thank everyone who has dug into their own "Cookie Jar" money and those who continue to do so, to help fund the operations of The Living Law Firm and make possible the progress of The American States and Nations Bank. 

Both efforts are crucial and both are still in desperate need of funds, because our fake government has made such a mess of things that our assets have been falsely involved in their corporate bankruptcies. I am still the Paymaster---- Paypal is: avannavon@gmail.com and mailing address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

The work load is unbelievable, so I very rarely get a chance to send written thank you notes, but I always FEEL the gratitude to each and every one of you and often send my silent wishes and blessings across the miles. 

The first important "Call to Action" is for everyone to reclaim their original birthright political status and get their Good Names solidly back on the land and soil jurisdiction of their State of the Union.  The second is to gather together and "populate" your County and State via the lawful assembly process.  Go to https://national-assembly.net or contact contentmanager1@yahoo.com

The third is my personal plea to all of you to take the time to check all the disinformation about me that is flooding the internet, thanks to my exposure of the banks and the Satanists and all the other crappola.  

Please note:  

1. I do not recommend that normal average Americans set up Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA's) which are meant for Federal employees and dependents and those who --- for reasons known only to God --- wish to buy Treasury Bonds. 

2.  I am not a Bar Attorney.  You can't be a Bar Attorney and serve in any capacity related to the land and soil jurisdiction of this country.  Thus I am not a "Judge" in their system.  Please note that there is a difference between the "Alaska State" and the "State of Alaska".  You have to be sharp enough to pick up on these differences or you will be misled and fed all sorts of poppycock. 

3. There is a difference also between the word "person" and the word "people" as I have recently pointed out yet again.  A "person" -- like a US citizen -- has no rights guaranteed by any Federal Constitution.  Only "people" have such guarantees.  So if you want the protections of the Constitutions you are heir to, run-don't-walk back to the land and soil of your birth and teach others to do the same.  

4. The UN Corporation is an evil thing, an uber-militaristic mercenary operation not to be confused with the United Nations organization.  

5. We haven't had an actual United States Treasury in this country since 1924.  The IMF has served as the treasury since 1946.  All mailings from entities pretending to be or to represent any US Treasury are fraudulent and need to be attacked under the provisions against mail fraud. 

6. This morning I was awakened by this blurb from Paul under the heading, "This one will get you going...." and this link:  http://www.preparingyou.com/ wiki/Judge_Anna

Obviously, whoever wrote this is in La-La-Land and "wiki" needs a wake up call.  But I don't have time to do it.  

Please, my readers, feel free to join in the real battle for planet Earth--- which is a battle of truth against lies and love against hate?  

Correct this "wiki" posting for me?  Let loose on "Virgotriad" and "Manna Trust" and all these other agents of disinformation?  Just squash them flat. I have given you all more than enough information to defend yourselves, and also enough to defend me, too. 

1 comment:

native male said...

People is plural for person's both artificial or fictitious.
native on native soil can not be artificial or fictitious.