Sunday, June 24, 2018

Have you unknowingly been worshiping Satan?

Have you unknowingly been 
worshiping Satan?

Have you unknowingly been worshiping Satan? 
The Illuminati, have hidden God and Satan's true names so that you will be deceived! 
Have we been tricked into worshiping Fallen Angels?


Pat G said...

If the name Lord is satans name why would Gabriel having a disagreement over Moses body finally tell satan/devil the Lord rebuke you. why would the devill rebuke himself. that doesn't make sense. Even though I have read in different articles that the Vatican has hidden old Bible scriptures hidden, and kept the book of Enoch out of our bible and changed some wordings. Our Father in heaven knows what has been hidden from us and he knows our hearts if we truly love him and he is a Father of mercy. What we need to do is to pray for the real truth to be shown to us. Always someone trying to cause confusion and do you know who causes confusion. the devil/serpent himself. what you going to say about the names Yeshua(Jesus) and Yahwah(God/Father in Heaven)? which was from very ancient Hebrew scriptures. here is what I got of wikipedia Oh but Christians are the only ones worshiping the fallen angel/the devil. There is a difference in the way god is spelled. little g can mean satan, or any idol you wish to worship, but our Father in Heaven or Jesus is spelled with capital God. The supreme God, God of Gods and Lord of Lords the Almighty. The names of God in these prayers by Meher Baba are explained as follows.

Hari: another name of Vishnu — Hinduism
Paramatma: Supreme Soul or Over-soul — Vedanta
Allah: The one God — Islam
Ahuramazda: Name of God's attribute of Life and Wisdom — Zoroastrianism
God: Supreme Being — Christianity and Judaism
Yezdan (also Yazdan): "Worthy of Worship" — Zoroastrianism
Hu: a name of God meaning He, God — Sufism
Ya (as in Ya Yezdan): an Arabic word meaning "O"
Ishwar (also Ishvara): the Supreme Being which is the lord and the ruler of everything — Hinduism
God Almighty is a name of God in Judaism, from El Shaddai.[3] It is also one of the traditional 101 names of God in Zoroastrianism, Harvesp-tawan.[4]
Parvardigar (also Parwardigar): The Preserver or Sustainer — Sufism
In Islam there are 99 names of God.[5] Meher Baba gave a list of 101 Names of God.[6]

Seven Names of God in Judaism

The tradition of seven names of God is not new to Meher Baba. In medieval Judaism, God was sometimes called The Seven.[7] Among the ancient Hebrews, the seven names for the Deity over which the scribes had to exercise particular care were:[8]

El (One of the oldest names of a monotheistic God, dating at least as early as tablets found in Syria 2300 BC)
Elohim ("Strong One" or "Lord Almighty")
Adonai ("My Lord" and origin of the Greek name Adonis)
Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh ("I am that I am")
Shaddai ("Almighty" According to Exodus 6:2, 3, Shaddai was the name by which God was known to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.)
Zebaot ("Heavenly Host")

See Names of God in Judaism.
Seven Names of God in Christianity

Some Christians recognize seven names of God, often citing Psalm 23.[9][10][11]

YHWH-Yireh — "The Lord will provide" (Genesis 22:13-14)
YHWH-Rapha — "The Lord that healeth" (Exodus 15:26)
YHWH-Niss"i — "The Lord our Banner" (Exodus 17:8-15)
YHWH-Shalom — "The Lord our Peace" (Judges 6:24)
YHWH-Ra-ah — "The Lord my Shepherd" (Psalm 23:1)
YHWH-Tsidkenu — "The Lord our Righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6)
YHWH-Shammah — "The Lord is present" (Ezekiel 48:35)
Link where I got the infor (Under NOTES)

Anonymous said...

Good information - thanks! But we must be aware of one important factor: the enemy has rewritten certain parts of the Bible, leaving some out entirely, and even if leaving some books in - they have rewritten certain sentences that do not say what was written in the original manuscripts so we must be careful to investigate a 'version' and the publisher prior to purchasing. West Publishers - originally known for publishing law books, now is known to be satanic with the Bible versions, and Zondervan is another whose publications are questioned. Surely there are more. Just be careful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes there are many differing versions. One website that may help you to understand the differences is: . Another good one to research is: . Several years ago there was one woman here in the States who did extensive research on these versions, explaining how certain words have been changed and how the 'new' words inserted or sentences rewritten changed the original intent greatly. Cannot think of her name right now but just suggesting to anyone seriously searching to use caution and research before you get serious about the one you spend lots of money on that may be grossly misleading you! Another point: Just because a 'preacher' leads you in a direction doesn't mean he is correct. In this day and age, there are MANY wolves in sheep's clothing in America's Christian churches. It is our responsibility to be informed and to make a solid decision on just who we are choosing to sit under. Examples - Rick Warren and others like him who have integrated Islam and the Quran in to their 'churches.' BE CAREFUL!!!!

Anonymous said...

To the comments above and all those who are confused. Please watch this video "UNVEILING THE EVIL OT GOD"- by Bobby Collier - YouTube. He has many videos to watch if you are confused as so many are. You will be thankful and your life will begin to prosper. You will learn to understand the truth and be set free from all the confusion. If you don't take the time to look into this then it is your loss and you do not accept the truth, and don't ascribe evil to God our father as that is a slanderous and false accusation against your creator who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY! We you were saved from the beginning of the world. Also go to and read some of the exceptional stories of those who have had an experience where they have died and gone to heaven and returned with amazing insight. To anyone that thinks having a NDE experience is just lack of oxygen to the brain you are most sadly mistaken. To anyone who is tempted to reply in a negative manner to this comment without checking into the info I've given, well don't bother