Friday, June 29, 2018

Echos of Paul Revere

Listen America, hear loud and clear
the bellowing echos of dear, Paul Revere.
An American hero, he rode through that night
To sound the alarm of our enemies might.

Sev'teen Seventy-Six, on the 4th of July,
As Liberty rings, our flag's high in God's sky.
Philadelphia a buzz, our Republic was founded,
Natural rights are our freedoms, Americans resounded.

What happened you ask, how'd we end up here?
Manipulative conditioning, a weapon used called fear.
In their parallel world, serving Lucifer their master,
By inflicting on mankind unnatural disaster.

While false flags abound and threats ever loom,
With fighting, corruption and nuclear doom.
Some continue to follow and trust and believe
Their lies and malarky with intent to deceive.

Diversion, confusion to push revolution
While media ignores, we choose resolution.
The Chemtrails, the toxins, abuses galore
As Zio-Kazar infect, cease, stop it, no more!

They came here by land, the air and the sea
To steal, own, control the Land of the Free.
Minutemen , Patriots, Jural Assemblies, too!
Committees of Safety, our Common Law renew!

The wars were all planned, WWI and War II,
Were funded on both sides by Rothschilds, who knew?
Standard Oil and Ford Company are equally vile
Deceptively acting in real 3rd Reich style.

Set down your weapons, strategize, end their reigns,
It's time humanity break free from their chains.
The matrix entraps His unknowing creations
with shadows of secrets and greedy inflations.

The evil inflicted on global society,
Wreaks of cruel ills with such impropriety.
The boundaries they've crossed in their push to divide
through races, religions and mixed-ethnic pride.

Kidnapping, raping, collusion, control,
Illusion, deception, enslavement their goal.
Sacrificing children, these murders unearthed,
Organs of babies whose souls were unbirthed.

Incorporate us each at the time of our birth,
Give book-entry value as though that’s our worth.
Convert us to stock, trade us for their gains.
They’ve stolen our assets, they’ve stolen our names.

How Satan is using America's trusted
The ones we elected, the ones so encrusted.
For they are the turncoats who sold out their souls,
Now fearful they scramble to plug up their holes.

So, stand up America, in Oneness unite
In peaceful equality, champion the fight.
Set aside your 2nd, our numbers are strong,
Remove the corrupt, we must, they are wrong.

The cabal are of darkness, so shallow, a shell,
Soon they shall be banished, exiled to hell.
Their theft and deception, despicable greed,
Is finally exposed. No, they will not succeed!

by: Pennsylvanian


Anonymous said...

A wonderful quatrain poem using the 1,1,2,2 rhythm. A classic record of modern history. Thanks for posting.

If your desire is to break free
You must reach out and help unite We the People
Then this would be the best way to do it

Do not let the opportunity go begging because when the "American Woman entwined by an evil snake" crashes into the chasm of hell we will need to operate independently, by ourselves and be prepared for what's to come ... parable of 10 bridesmaids.

Anonymous said...