Sunday, June 17, 2018

Dear Readers of the Nesara News Blogspot website and Patriots of the world.

Dear Readers of the Nesara News Blogspot website and Patriots of the world.

The following are suggestions for assisting humanity in becoming free.
My intention is to see us all live, "Happily Ever After."

1) For people in service here and all over the world.  The war for good and evil was already won. This is only a clean up. While it is a great clean up and still dangerous for most of you, it will assist you if you embrace that your work is only a clean up.

1a) For the military- I understand that you teach by way of fear. I understand deeply. And I am asking you who are in charge to please study the art of unconditional love, peace, helpfulness and kindness. Earth and humanity are in desperate need of this from you.  Whether you are positive or negative, healing is not something kind people need. We need to end war on earth. So we need you men and women in the military to allow us the people to lift you up with love and let yourselves learn how to get along with everyone. Just like Warf in Star Treck. He may be a violent warrior with his own kind. But with races who do not kill or harm others, he is very gentle and kind. 

Humanity needs this from you right now. It is the only way to help the children and humanity at large.

2) For those who are not in service who work for the system that is dead and being replaced. You will be amazed with how many people around you will help if you will. Meaning fear of loosing your jobs is holding you back. All of you. It is OK to learn from those who suffer being fired or laid off who somehow keep a roof without doing the wrong thing. It is going to take all of us helping each other and co-creating abundance in ways you never thought you could. But you can. If you are human, you are unlimited.

2a) Attorneys and Judges, we are counting on you to stop harming. You yourselves are loved by the unseen far more than you realize. We the people are looking up to you hoping you choose life for yourselves. Vs the bloody war you all were taught would come at this time.  War is old news and division is also. Please hold hands with humanity. So we can transition with love for all including you.

3) For the prison owners and those in the position of harming others or being harmed yourselves. For the construction workers and those in banks and all places where humanity is harmed, Your right to live is just as important as anyone. Earth loves everyone. It is simply the programs in the DNA from the human experiment that has you thinking you need to allow harm to humanity.   It has been proven that love is eternal and abundant. So I am asking you to consider looking into how much more money you can make turning the prisons into healing centers. Than participating in the blood bath that was planned to end this game.

4) To those of you who drink blood and are still human. Who participate in black majick and the ancient spiritual teachings. Healing is in human DNA. It is yours. The things you were raised to hate, the things you were raised to destroy, are the only things that can heal you. You have been forgiven. So you are free to heal now. You have unlimited potential so you can heal. You simply have to forgive yourselves and everyone. It is not rocket science. It is basic science. You were lied to like everyone was in the matrix.

4a) For those who believe you need human blood for your own food, it is time to say you have the technology to stop this and not die.

4b) For those who need DNA to have a human body, it is possible to find an ethical way.  That is the gift of life and love. There is always a way to live, prosper and have unlimited life without causing harm.

4c) For those who have been controlled by those who need loosh, they know love won. It is time for you to know and step into this new era. Because you can.

5) For those who are greedy, lustful, who lie, cheat and manipulate, the same goes for you. From the top to the man on the street.

(If you are negative and do not know how to be positive, study those who are and learn. It will not take you long.)

6) To those who control from the top to those who manage the people on a local level. We, we the people as a whole, would be honored to become proud of you. We want to be able to see you realize to kill those who thought humanity should cut their heads of, or your heads off, it is not acceptable to creation. You have been given an opportunity to live happily ever after with everyone else. You have the opportunity to do what you have never done. To heal and learn how to become happy.

7) For the people who are just nice folks, we must all help. All of us who love must stand in a way we never have. To realize the loosh is real and it is our job to control ourselves. To end our own negative emotions so we are love in reality not just claiming to be because our nature is not to harm. Everyone got programmed to be negative, so no one is innocent. We are all in this together.

8) For the aliens and fallen ones, who flew here, who are being reported as fighting over earth and humanity, this never was your earth. It is a place for all of us freely and equally.  You are all such gifted beings. Such amazing beings. We the people, humanity would like to be proud of you right now. When you fight over control for earth and humanity it makes you look like you have forgotten all life, including your own.  It will be awesome for humanity to see you honor your intellect and skills towards the unlimited potential we all have now. For as you know, love won and this is only a clean up. Love is for you as well from the prime creator. Humanity is of more value when happy and free than when in prison. 

Please, to Everyone,  learn about the teachings of Dr. Hew Lem. He healed a prison mental ward in Hawaii with respect, love and personal responsibility for what he knew or did not know, what he did or did not do and what his ancestors did nor did not do to contribute to those who need to eat people alive, drink blood, dismember and kill in what was once joy for living these things.  His work is on Youtube. He is retired.

Everyone is loved by the One True Creator. We all need to remember that and share the healing.

Please study the teachings of Dr. Emoto on the study of water and how it speaks.

My first suggestion for taking tangible action with our responsibility to take care of earth and each other is for those in the position to create holidays, to create a Global Hand Holding Day!

Next, those who are standing up on earth to free humanity, to free ourselves, who have no money to give, no skills to negotiate or to do business are the majority. Your potential has been unleashed. Please consider how you can in a nice, non-threatening way, ask your local authorities to please participate in the transition of leaving the British control to have a truly American government, run by the people as some of our politicians and other leaders have already said must be done.  

Civil unrest is not an option. Sound mindedness is.

I will offer more concrete suggestions as I see how things go from here. 
In closing, thank you to everyone for making the time to read this message.  And as you ponder what has been written here, please remember or learn if this has not been shown to you, science has proven that,

"Thoughts Are Things."

To heal earth, self and others, we must control our minds and hearts to stop listening to negative thinking and feeling. It is the only way we will survive. For this is the end of the old system and the birthing of the new.

With Unconditional Love for All
Not just some...
From Someone Who Loves You


Anonymous said...

Wonderful words. We must all learn to love all life because we are all connected to all life through the unconditional love of creative energy of the most high. Those who will refuse to give up destructive energies are going to be removed. Choose love and live life to the full joy and happiness it is meant to be. Be kind to others and remember all life is created from the same unconditional loving energy. What you do to others you do your self. Have a truly happy blessed day.
From someone else who loves you:)

Anonymous said...

Who actually wrote and submitted this for publishing?

Enki's Advocate said...

Dear Freewill

Three things: First, glad you're out of the clutches of the corporate beast. Second, thanks for this great post, it outlines the next steps, not only for Americans, but for all of our brothers and sisters on Gaia and beyond. Third, you and all of my patriot family are in my prayers at all times.

Freewill said...

Thank you Tony.

Anonymous said...

This is what true awareness is about. May the whole being of mankind and creation resonate in joy and goodness. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thoughts by Ram Dass:

"We all are just walking each other home"

"All that you seek is already in you"