Monday, October 3, 2011

"The earth is the LORD's" and America is "one nation Under GOD"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Reader: "The earth is the LORD's" and America is "one nation Under GOD"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Oct-2011 16:53:20
(Thanks, B. :)
Reader Austin Batman writes:
Greetings to all the brethren of the Earth and those who seek after Truth
Psalm 24 : The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof - This verse of scripture declares the ownership of the planet, it belongs to He who made it. HIS name is –YHWH pronounced as Yahweh.It is made up off the Hebrew letters Yud,Heh,Waw,Heh.The Idiomatic meaning of the letters is as follows.Yud=hand, Heh= window or to look or behold,Waw=nail, and Heh=behold or look. This name was Given to Moses at the burning bush 1300 hundred years or so before the time of Yeshua , whom commonly is called Jesus. Thus Yud Heh Waw Heh idiomatically speaking , reading right to left as Hebrew is read = Hand behold nail behold, we might say “behold the hand, behold the nail. This is stated for clarity as to who owns the earth. YHWH. The earth is YHWH and the fullness thereof.
Now I will demonstrate who has the management rights or as I like to say Who controls the “Lease’. A lease is set typically for a period of time under conditions set by the owner. Originally the management or lease was given to a Son of GOD called Adam. Being a direct creation of GOD, made him a Son of GOD. Adams children were sons of man, they were and are not Sons of GOD. So GOD who made and owns the earth gave the management/Lease to Adam his Son. But there was another direct creation of GOD, another Son called Lucifer, later called Satan or the Devil who wanted the lease/management of the earth. This Son of GOD Satan, received the management/lease from Adam we learn from Satan’s encounter with Yeshua, The Son of GOD. In Luke 4:5 “And the devil took him up (Yeshua) and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will, If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.”. The words- has been delivered to me, Yeshua did not argue against. The management/lease has been given to the Devil, via Adam. Adam committed High treason. What Adam was to perform under the terms of the lease was violated and then given to the Devil. Next notice these words “and I give it to whom I will, If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours”. So the control of the Lease belongs to Satan/Devil and He can give it to whomever he chooses. But the Devil does not own it.
Biblically let us put some flesh and blood on the subject. Daniel was a man of prayer and servant of GOD according to the old testament, not a Son of God by creation, he had human parents. The New Birth as available in this Administration of Grace was not available yet, where one can become a Son of GOD. Being a servant of GOD Daniel was very devoted and he spent 21 days in prayer as outlined in Daniel chapter 10. One of the points to be made here is that the encounter Daniel has with the Angel Gabriel who exposes some of the entities that were given that region of the world to control. That region was Persia known as Iran, with parts of Iraq. It took Michael and Gabriel to remove that fallen angel out of the region and when that happened the promonece of Persia was removed. The Prince of Greece came next- Alexander the great as prophesied. Seems interesting that today Greece again is falling and Persia is regaining prominence. Babylon specifically.
Now the devil is a counterfeit and when he offers the control over to some man, the devil tells them “ Worship me and I will give it to you”. They must become one of his “children”. To do so they are to perform whatever he requires and the lie is “Now you are mine and I give this to you”. The person does not know the truth and carries out the required duty to attain what has been offered to them. One does not get to the top in this world unless you worship One GOD or the other. You must attain sonship to gain the top position. No common individual ever rises above one who is sold out to one God or the other. This is a great key for understanding.
This essay reflects a similar reality for the United States of America. Once it was a nation founded under “one nation Under GOD”. The people gave the management to its representatives and elected officials. These elected officials gave it over to the bankers. These bankers were given the positions as they worshiped the evil one. They have gained control through evil actions and are attempting to destroy America. You see we as Americans still have religious freedom to worship the true GOD. The devil wants to destroy that. But the devil does not own America. GOD does.
I know of a group of men and women who are the Tip of the Sword fighting for the life of this country and hence the world. They are praying and acting on the behalf of all the good people of the planet. Along with Michael the Archangel they stand ready to act and they request your prayers and support.
I Pray this in the name of Yeshua the Messiah this letter and request travels as the Lord directs. May we win this victory and secure the next generation so that they can be saved and come unto a knowledge of the truth.
Austin Batman

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