Soldiers “End Of The World” Email Sends US Into Panic
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
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According to this report, American Army Specialist William Millay [photo 2nd left], a 22-year-old military policeman from Owensboro, Kentucky, stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska had “growing concerns” over the massive military buildup by the US Northern Command (NORTHCOM) of troops and equipment being secreted through his base from Afghanistan, Japan and South Korea headed towards “staging areas” throughout America.
The US Northern Command is a Unified Combatant Command of the United States military. Created on 1 October 2002 in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 attacks whose mission is to protect the United States homeland and support local, state, and federal authorities. The support that NORTHCOM provides to civil authorities is limited by the Posse Comitatus Act which limits the role of the US Military in civil law enforcement.
However, in the case of national emergencies, natural or man-made, the US Air Forces Northern National Security Emergency Preparedness Directorate (AFNORTH) would take charge of the situation or event.
US military, intelligence and political “flash traffic” intercepted by the FSB relating to this event show, according to this report, that Specialist Millay believed that the redeployment of these tens of thousands of US troops to the American Homeland was “somehow” related to the 9 November nationwide testing of the United States Emergency Alert System (EAS) that is occurring “coincidentally” with a vast number of disaster drills and exercises being planned for the same time period.
In a series of emails and phone calls to his mother, and other family members living in Kentucky, this report continues, Specialist Millay relayed his concerns and when asked by them of what preparations they should make he replied, “Prepare for the end of the world.”
The FSB notes in their report that the Kentucky region where Specialist Millay comes from is “heavily populated” by staunchly religious Christian conservatives who believe we are living in the “last days” and that President Obama is a “secret Muslim” whose goal is to destroy the United States so that a New World Order can be established ushering in the age of the “anti-Christ” foretold about in the Bible’s Book of Revelations.
What brings Specialist Millay’s email exchanges to his mother and family to the attention of the FSB, which according to this report detail nothing specific about US troop movements or potential actions, was the “heightened response” it elicited from the highest branches of the US government.
The FSB states in their report that Specialist Millay first came to the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after email and phone intercepts were turned over to them by the National Security Agency (NSA) detailing the exchanges between him and his mother.
After reading the transcripts of the emails and phone calls made by Specialist Millay an FBI strike team assembled in Alaska to apprehend him…and then it gets strange.
According to FSB “initial contact” sources in [deleted], this report says, a “standoff” between the FBI strike team sent to apprehend Specialist Millay and US Army personal ensued with the Army winning out and keeping him from being taken by Obama regime authorities.
In the Monday edition of the US Army Times it was reported that Specialist Millay, who was arrested for “espionage” and was still being held by the US Army and would not be allowed to be charged by the Obama regimes Department of Justice for whatever crimes he’s alleged to have committed. It’s interesting to note, also, that neither the US Army nor the Obama regime has yet to publically state exactly what Specialist Millay was arrested for.
The US Army Times in further commenting on Specialist Millay’s arrest wrote:
“Friends from Millay’s hometown were “shocked” to hear of his arrest and said the charges were uncharacteristic of Millay. One friend, Janssen Payne, said Millay is “as loyal to his country as he is to his best friends.” “I just don’t see it,” Payne, 25, said of the Army’s accusations. “I just don’t see the motivation for him to do it.” Payne said Millay’s brother was a soldier and that Millay was a supporter of the wars and then-President George W. Bush when the two of them were in high school. “He was really patriotic and really loved his country,” Payne said.”
To what is now occurring, or maybe set to occur, in the United States this FSB report doesn’t say other than to mention that with the US Officers’ Christian Fellowship Corp having 15,000 members active at 80 percent of American military bases and an annual growth rate, in recent years, of 3 percent, it is not beyond the possibility that a coup may be planned against Obama.
Likewise, the FSB notes, it must, also, be considered that Obama may be preparing to establish martial law in the United States and rule under the existing Executive Orders he has granting him unlimited power to do anything he wants.
Whatever the outcome to this most strange of stories may be it is not in our knowing, other than note, and as always, that American may very well be the most dangerous country in the world to be in right now.
November 3, 2011 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
November 4, 2011 12:24 PM URGENT: PREVENTING WORLD WAR III. Graphically archived at:
by Christopher Rudy / 11-3-2011
The global economic 'house of cards" (derivative bubble) is collapsing. The global elite are pushing for WWIII, with plans for an attack on Iran. Obama's advisors see this as an opportunity to divert mass dissent as a War President, just as Bush did with 9-11, when opinion polls were as low as Obama's now.
Wall Street sees more profit-taking, with a giant 'War Bubble', as followed 9-11. Obama's top economic advisors we're also top Wall Street executives, holding much stock in the biggest 'players' there, making a fortune after 9-11. They see war as a 'solution'. HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: Read the following article at 'PREVENTING WORLD WAR III' It's in four parts:
If you understand and agree that this 'nails it' -- the Big Lie and Whole Truth -- then PLEASE forward this e-mail far and wide.
For the Vision, Virtue, Valor and Victory of Freedom, THANKS, Christopher
"This is a test to see if your mission on Earth is over. If you are still alive, it's not." ~ Sir Francis Bacon ...for More....
I remember the last few times this kind of F.E.A.R. was posted here. I said it would not happen and it DID not happen. People were saying I was wrong and it would be happening almost over night. Oh, I was so scared. LOL! I do not know why you keep posting this negative energy stuff John. That's what the cabal want's is for you to post this kind of garbage, so they can continue to put fear in all of you who will get nervous and listen. What a joke. We are not going to be put in FEMA camps(They are broke, as I said before), rounded up and shot, put under martial law or any other ignorant things they may dream up. Are you that naive? Last time I was criticized, so I waited and nothing happened. Just as I knew. It will be the same this time too. F.E.A.R. spreads faster than electricity. You all go worry all week end, I'll relax. I invite a good challenge, just bring a lot of intellectual Ammo. I study Eschatology and I am a 10 Veteran of the U.S. Army. Seven of those years were with special operations. The illuminate are trying to bring the end times scenario to pass. Guess what? It isn't going to happen!!
This is an AWARENESS Blog to inform what are the possibilities.
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