(David Rockefeller) see video below!!!
The Criminal Cabal and the Over Extension of Credit by Greg Giles - February 15, 2012
I am all for giving credit where credit is due, but there is one organization that I feel a great over extension of credit been offered recently. The criminal Cabal, which covers a lot of ground including the Illuminati, many members of the Freemasons, as well as anyone who supports and takes an active role in the floundering New World Order agenda and the bilking of the American taxpayer, is one such example who are receiving far too much respect in the way of fear then they rightly deserve. There, of course, was a time when this criminal organization, run by a bunch of unaccomplished businessmen (who else would have to turn to crime other than someone who cannot make it any other way?) possessed great power, yet they have never possessed one ounce more than we, the people, have willfully given them.
There are so many today who believe that the Cabal’s dirty fingers are in everything, and that they still call the shots here and everywhere around the world. So many worry so about the chemtrails being sprayed over their towns, they worry about the Cabal watching what they do online, and even worry so that the Cabal has infiltrated so many avenues of channeled information. The Cabal has never had any power that they were not handed to on a silver platter and this is as true today as it has ever been, yet, even as so many are awakened to this truth, still so much power is being handed to this collection of failed thieves and pilferers due to the long lingering smell of fear in the air.
It appears much of humanity will continue to fear these frail and aging men and women up until the day we witness them doing the ‘perp- walk’ in orange jumpsuits on the six o'clock news. I tell you though friends, that you are free to take back your power today, you do not have to wait. One area where we can take back our power immediately is to stop worrying so that the Cabal has successfully infiltrated the messages of love and light sent from our higher dimensional families. The Cabal is not infiltrating all of our channeled messages or even a significant amount of our channeled information, and even in the rare case that a message may derive from dubious sources, their little ploy is patently obvious when their message attempts to instill fear instead of spread love and light. Is it not? So what power does this message possess if we can see right through it like a goldfish bowl and not let it influence us in any way?
The Cabal has never been an organization well-run by incredibly sharp minds who planned brilliantly intricate schemes, rather this collection of two bit crooks has only gotten away with their bumbling and completely transparent schemes because much of humanity was still sound asleep, but we have awakened. The people are now following a long trail of clues, so obvious a blind man could follow, that lead all the way directly to the culprits of all these ill-conceived and botched burgles.
I tell you all my dear brothers and sisters that the only power the Cabal holds today is the power that we continue to give them. They are no longer scheming and plotting to enslave humanity, instead they spend much of their days on the phone with their attorneys trying to find a way to cut a deal to get out of paying the debt they owe society because they do not even possess the courage to take their own medicine. Today there are those that read the channeled messages of love and light from our higher dimensional brothers and sisters and believe somehow the bumbling cabalists have been able to successfully infiltrate them in some way, including the messages that are shared through this writer. If anyone can possibly find viable cause to believe there are any parts of the messages I share that have been written by the Cabal, then you are giving these bumbling and stumbling crooks far too much credit than they have ever earned.
The Cabal is done, as their life blood was the ability to pay off those, with the money looted from the people, who were willing to sell out their fellow man. Their pipelines of dirty money having been cut off, they no longer possess the means to run the show. These once seemingly powerful men and women are now scattering like mice at the turn of the light switch, as the light now shines on their dirty deeds. They will soon be paying the piper no matter where they try to run and hide, or how many lies they can concoct and patsies they may offer in sacrifice. Do not empower the powerless any longer my friends, as today it is only we that still believe they are a formidable opponent, as even they themselves now admit that they are finished and all that awaits them is the verdict of the people.
Greg Giles website:
Ascension Earth 2012
David Rockefeller confronted at Chilean Airport during vacations (ENG/SPA) - YouTube
1 comment:
this is a good message, but keep in mind, these cabalists are not at the top. they work for beings who come from the same realm that these channeled messages come from. in our state of blindness it is very difficult to tell the differrence between the two. exspecialy when the dark entities know just how to manipulate us by saying what we want to hear. and just because the cabal is being taken down doesnt mean its the "good guys" helping us,remember when darth sidiud betrayed count duku just to further his agenda. over time the cabal has become power drunk and have developed their own agenda and it is starting to pull away from their intended purpose handed them by the dark ones. we are cattle to the dark ones and they wont allow any real harm come to us or they loose their herd. they will actualy sacrifise the cabal to keep us feeding them. all i am saying is just keep aware and focused and remember, we co-created this reality and chose to be in this posision. on a higher realm, everything is going as planned and we need to have faith in our higher selves and the divine plan.
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