Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gallup numbers project ‘huge’ Obama loss in November

Gallup numbers project ‘huge’ Obama loss in November

Gallup released their annual state-by-state presidential approval numbers yesterday, and the results should have 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue very worried.

If President Obama carries only those states where he had a net positive approval rating in 2011 (e.g. Michigan where he is up 48 percent to 44 percent), Obama would lose the 2012 election to the Republican nominee 323 electoral votes to 215.

[link to]


Anonymous said...

Surprise Surprise...Ladies and Gentlemen,

President Barack H Obama win a 2nd term he will be the Nesara President 2012.

Many US Officials will be arrested for treason.

Anonymous said...

One thing for certain, if the funds were released and the economy actually started recovering ( instead of the lies we are hearing now ) Obama would be re-elected. He's just going to have to stop his socialist agenda or he'll be impeached.

Anonymous said... can't impeach Obama.Only if he were President,he could be impeached. He is not President!

Anonymous said...

If the Repups even had a smidgeon of a legitimate reason to impeach, they would have already started the procedure, as it is, all this hype about him not being American, illegal etc is a bunch of bull, and they know it. All they are trying to do is tear down one of the few people in the visible government that is actually on the People's side instead of the Cabals. Yes, he had to work with the cabal to get elected, he had to get 'inside' in order to bring down the house of cards that they have perpetuated upon us. They ar doing this because they now KNOW that he is of The Light and they are very very scared of him, so they put out as much disinformation as possible hoping that something will stick...and it is only working on those they already have totally brainwashed into voting against their own good. Luckily, millions of people are waking up to the constant, blatant lies from the right and so disregard the disinfo and laugh at the perpetuaters of such. The Repubs will be out of office and in jail cells, along with many of the Democrats, but Obama will Not be amongst them. The END has come for the Cabal Shadow Government and they are doing their last ditch dirtywork, much of which is trying to discredit the Light Worker in the Whitehouse...and they are failing miserably!

Anonymous said...

All ya gotta do to know Obama and to know the difference in his promises and his actions it to pay attention.. No one has to tell u anything.. Just use your brain to think!

Obama would definately not get a vote from me! Not because of anything anyone has said but he himself.. false promises tells a lot!

Anonymous said...
