Friday, February 3, 2012

GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS & PP UPDATE --- 2/3/12 --- John's Intel


This came in from 3 intel sources - one from the forex, hong kong banking and the other from banking in Europe.

The Forex planned RV release was blocked by the UST at 3:00am this morning. UST was following the instructions of Christine of the IMF.

IMF still does not have all the signatures in place which is being done in Hong Kong for the Global Settlements. It is alleged that the England Trustee still have not signed off. He is worried about being killed in transit. Suppose to be signed at 9:00 pm EST tonight. Everything else is all signed off.

Christine is awaiting the signature of this one person and this is causing the delay.

The Dinar RV can be posted tonight immediately after this signature is done.

That is all for now and always subject to change. This intel is NOT concrete and written on jello.

John MacHaffie   HIS Humble Servant

With respect to the dinar gurus ---- this is a BIG OPERATION and all needs to setup properly on a global basis per the Global Settlements & Dinars.


Sanjeeb Sahu said...

We are praying and believe God is in control! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Thank you John!

Anonymous said...

If God was in control it already be done.

Anonymous said...

i believe the rv will happen soon but i gotta tell you all the dinar gurus are retarded none of there intel has been right at all i think they should give up on the intel business cause for a guru they are pretty misinformed. and dont know there ass from a hole in the ground....

Anonymous said...

UST hmmmmm.......Betcha Obama is involved and trying to stop this. Did any of you see Jeb Bush and Old Bush visiting the oval office last week? What do you think that was about? The O and Legarde are buddies so she will do whatever he tells her.........

Please dear God, stop these bad people and let us have our rewards.

Anonymous said...

How long will it take till you find out if the trustee signed at 9pm est?
Thank you

Anonymous said...


I have been out of the loop. Does the Dinar still need to RV in order for the Prosperity Programs to be released?

Thanks for everything you do. God Bless

Anonymous said...

We as the 'COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS' call upon the Galactic Federation and all Arch Angels to protect those whom a signature is needed from in order for the Global Settlements, Prosperity Programs and RV to be released and escort them safely to their destination...



Anonymous said...

All the dinar gurus are working hard around the clock to bring the best and most honest intel to folks, and sometimes they may be lied to, to throw everyone off. The bible says judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgement. Don't make rude comments like you did says me.

Anonymous said...

Please just stop....Please

Anonymous said...

Of course he is in control. We all seem to think that we know what the r/v and settlements are about. ie: to improve the world and get rid of the bad guys...right. Since when did God solve anything with money? Money will not save this planet or anyone in it. Money does not get rid of a sinful nature, only Christ can do that. He (God) will allow it to be released at his time, and it is all a part of his plan for mankind to show their true colors and allegiances. Have faith and trust in God and he will be faithful to us. This is his promise. God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

We are dealing with powers and principalities in high places. Everything must be done in divine order. The gurus are telling their truth and cannot be faulted. There are 10,000 warrants pending when this occurs.....we can expect every hinderance but with several trillion space ships helping us soon to be disclosed, I cannot fathom this going on much longer with humanity at the doorstep of ascension.

Anonymous said...

Did the trustee make it?

Anonymous said...