Friday, February 17, 2012

Health - No More BS -- You're SO Darn Close

Today for a quick moment I'd like to share the martial arts side of me.
I've been practicing karate for 8 years, am a 2nd degree black belt and hold the title of "Sensei."
I started at age 41 -- an age where many people would think they're too old or could never do it...but I didn't allow those excuses to enter my mind.
I train with a grand master (who is an 8th degree black belt) who has helped me develop my fighting skills from looking like an awkward little wimp to a quick, graceful panther. (I've earned the nickname "Panther" for that reason.)
I'm the only woman in my classes, fighting men who outweigh me by 60-100 pounds and outrank me by 3-6 degrees of black belt.
Have I gotten sprains, bruises, black eyes and broken toes?  Yup.
But every day of every week, I am a martial artist -- going to classes, practicing, teaching others and cross training with running.
Why? Because it's a lifelong commitment. I didn't start karate to GET a black belt -- that's just a piece of clothing. I instead wanted to BE a black belt.
And the benefits have been nothing short of phenomenal:
I've reached a level of fitness that I've never had in my LIFE, even in my teens or 20's...and I'm knocking on the door of 50.
My mind is sharp and focused.
My reflexes are lightning fast -- I don't drop things because I catch them in mid-air while they're falling.
Most importantly, I know I can defend my life or the lives of my loved ones if necessary.
And I wouldn't trade that for all the money in the world.

A black belt in health
Having a healthy lifestyle is a lot like being in the martial arts.
You can start at any age--it's NEVER too late to improve your health.
It matters not that you may have physical challenges now because regardless of your state of health, your body WILL benefit in some way--that is a certainty.
And you will LOVE it when that happens!
Imagine -- feeling like this could be a reality for you:
- Regular BMs
- No more heartburn or acid coming up in your throat
- Less gas, bloating
- More energy
- Lose your love handles effortlessly and keep them off
- Sleep soundly at night
- Have fewer aches and pains
- Need less or no medication

But like martial arts, you shouldn't be striving to GET a black belt in health -- instead you must BE a black belt in health.
Ready? Because I'm about to let the martial arts side of me talk and get a little tough on you here.
Being a black belt in health means:
STOPPING the excuses!
If you allow excuses like these to enter your mind, you're done before you start.
"I don't have time to eat right" or
"I just can't say no to Taco Bell" or
"I'm too set in my ways" or
"I hate exercise" or
"It's too late for me"

Get in line at the doctor's office and pharmacy, take your medicine, dread the scale and continue to feel miserable. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Putting up with the initial detoxing
Sometimes a change to a healthier lifestyle means a brief "detox" period with a runny nose and/or some diarrhea, or maybe some sore muscles from exercise...and some people mistake this for an illness or worse yet, use it as an excuse to go back to their old habits!
If your body is detoxing that means that it's cleaning itself out and that's a GOOD thing. Let it do what it needs to do -- you'll feel better than you have in YEARS once it's done.
And know that exercise-induced muscle soreness will be temporary and will diminish once your body gets used to moving more than from the refrigerator to the couch.
Now, many people who are changing old habits "fall off the wagon" every now and then.
That's OK--we're human, after all. Just pick yourself up, put your mistake behind you and get back on the right track--there's no crying in martial arts.

Practicing daily
A healthy lifestyle is something that you live every day. It becomes who you are -- your identity.
Notice I didn't say it's something you "try" or just "do for a few weeks."
For example, if you want to "get healthy" just to impress a new romantic interest or drop a few pounds for a class reunion, forget it. Your old ways will take over soon enough and your new love or old classmates will see the REAL you.

Are YOU ready for black belt?
If you're ready to be a black belt in health, let me be your master instructor.
Like the three main aspects of karate (kata, fighting and self-defense), being a healthy person involves three key things as well:
1) Regular exercise
2) A nutritious diet that supports health
3) Balanced intestinal flora

Here's the scoop on each of those:

Black belt part 1 - Move your body

There's no denying it--if you want anything that resembles a measure of health, you MUST move your body.
Before you balk, that doesn't have to mean joining a club or investing in expensive equipment.
For example, there are a lot of great DVDs out there. I was inspired to start my martial arts training after doing Billy Blanks' Tae-Bo for 4 years in my living room. P90X is also an excellent workout (but not for the faint of heart!).
There are also free weights which are relatively inexpensive, plus running or walking is basically cost-free (except for good shoes).
Note that you don't have to do the same activity day in and day out--that can cause boredom and lead you to quit. Instead mix it up. Walk with your neighbor or honey on Sundays, do weights on Tuesdays, Pilates on Thursdays and take the dog for a brisk walk or light jog on Saturdays.
Just MOVE.

Black belt part 2 - You are what you eat
There used to be an old saying about the quality of computer output -- "Garbage in, garbage out."
The same applies to your body.
Eating boxed foods, fast food, hard to digest meals and drinking soda does nothing but breed inflammation, pain and disease. If you've been eating this way, you surely know what I'm talking about--I know you're hurting in some way and there are little bottles in your medicine cabinet.
In order to be healthy, your body must have real foods that give it the nutrients it needs to cleanse, build tissue, give you energy, repair and maintain the integrity of all your organs and systems.
Now wait a minute!
If you're rolling your eyes right now and thinking "rabbit food," stop right there!
Because I can guide you on preparing delicious, nutritious meals (plus even making wise choices in restaurants) that your body AND your taste buds will LOVE.
That's why I designed the Great Taste No Pain system or for gluten sensitive people, Great Taste No Gluten.
Both systems show you how to structure meals that are a snap to digest and feature recipes with good-for-you foods that taste unbelievably delicious.
Eating this way has allowed me to be completely free of IBS for the last 20 years -- think of what it can do for YOU.

Black belt part 3 - Keep those flora balanced
Experts suggest that a healthy intestinal flora balance should be at least 85% beneficial bacteria and no more than 15% harmful bacteria.
This is crucial. Not only do the friendly flora in your gut help keep digestion smooth, but they also make up about 70% of your immune system.
So your gut flora literally help keep you healthy from head to toe.
Problem is, most people are walking around with intestinal flora that are the exact OPPOSITE of what they should be!
This is mainly due to the typical modern diet, which feeds harmful bacteria. But other contributing factors that upset your flora balance also include medications, stress, environmental toxins and lack of sleep.
That's why it's important for most people to take a high quality probiotic supplement to help restore a strong flora balance and keep it healthy all year round.
And for top-notch quality, look no farther than Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.
Super Shield's blend of 13 potent probiotic strains targets both your small and large intestine to help keep your entire gut wall strong, beef up your immune system and encourage easy digestion.

OK, Grasshopper -- it's time to begin your training.
Become a black belt in health.
Because when you do, then feeling great every day, taking fewer or no medications, staying at your comfortable body weight and enjoying life into your golden years disease-free can become a reality for YOU.
As the credit card commercial says, "That's priceless."
To your health,
Sensei Sherry Brescia (the Panther)
PS: Josephine is enjoying life once again!:
Dear Sherry,
I am thankful for you and your Great Taste No Pain program. I've been on it for about three months and am enjoying life once again.
No more feeling sick, bloated, uneasy with pain and bowel problems. I'm sleeping better and look forward to each day.
It is so good to not have to worry about making plans to go out or buy tickets for up and coming events worrying if I will be well enough to attend. And no more depression or anxiety.
I've never eaten better thanks to your recipes and information on food combinations. I have not taken any digestive aids or missed a productive day since I discovered your program.
I have suffered with diverticulitis for the past twenty years and ended up in hospital with a severe infection twice in the past. I truly believe that most illnesses begin in the gut.
Continued good luck spreading this most useful information.
Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soda drinking results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.

Get all day energy without a crash. Hydroxaden 2.5. Check it out here

Want more case studies?  Here are a few thousand for you.
Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Well, now's the time! Now is the time to get rid of digestive problems and some excess pounds, too!
Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Holistic Blends Inc.
PO Box 359 Syracuse, NY 13209
Ph.: 315-295-1236 FAX: 315-468-5818

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