by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Sunday February 12, 2012
We can now also divulge that the U.S. Treasury agents have discovered that the missing $3 BILLION in missing margin assets that were tied to the Barclays Bank-Lehman Brothers 2008 buyout, as well as the $1.8 BILLION of the MF Global insured customer segregated accounts, were laundered through the London LIFFE Exchange and then repackaged as bogus derivatives by none other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York pimp, Maiden Lane LLC.
Note: Barclays Bank's current litigation in New York concerning the Lehman Brother's 2008 buy out is nothing more than double-dipping and an attempt to re-compensate Maiden Lane LLC.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens.
P.P.S. Any agreement by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the nation of Greece is nothing more than, at most, a 24-hour band aid.
A 'bail out' of Greece will automatically increase the borrowing cost of Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland.
Note: The recent S&P downgrade of Italian banks is nothing more than an accounting trick that temporarily manufactures a lower bond yield based on the credit rating downgrade.
Question: I wonder which accounting service the European Central Bank (ECB) uses? The answer, of course, is the European division of Maiden Lane LLC.
P.P.P.S. At this hour we can report that the recent Maine GOP caucus was stolen from Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas by Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate employee and bank dick, church of satanic latter day saints, Mitt Romney.
Erroneous results were leaked to NBC General Electric in advance of the actual announcement of the tally.
The chairman of the Republican party of Maine received an over $100,000 BRIBE from the Mormon Church to FLIP over 300 votes from Congressman Paul to Romney.
Romney also used bribery and coercion to buy votes in the recent GOP Iowa Caucus as well as the recent Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) straw poll.
It should be noted that Romney's bag man and number one supporter is none other than former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush aka mafia don "daddy".
Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will include an update on radiation still leaking from Japanese nuclear power plants and an update on FOX News-Gate and the arrest of eight (8) former FOX News corporation journalists on British soil.
The scandal, which will include out and out espionage charges, is escalating to include evidence proving that FOX News owner Rupert Murdoch Greenberg directed phone tapping and direct espionage against former BBC journalist and major 9/11 and 2000 presidential election fraud investigator Greg Palast, who had uncovered evidence of a direct Israeli role in the 9/11 BLACK OPS attacks, including PRE-knowledge of the forthcoming attacks by the then BushFRAUD Administration ("the time is now the match is hot").
FBI and US Spy Agents Say Bush Spiked Bin Laden Probes Before 11 September
Did Bush Turn a Blind eye to Terrorism? (BBC)
Palast had also uncovered 'smoking gun' evidence on the role of then Florida Governor, election stealer, wife cheater and narcotics trafficker Jeb Bush in keeping at least 100,000 African-Americans from voting in the year 2000 presidential election.
Florida's flawed "voter-cleansing" program's politics story of the year
The little Nazi kraut Jeb Bush, along with his Old Testament whore, slut Katherine Harris aka Aunt Esther, actually set up road blocks across Florida preventing African-Americans from voting and, as we just previously mentioned, purged over 100,000 African-Americans from the Florida voter roles 30 days before the November 2000 presidential election erroneously classifying them as convicted felons, when all they had was unpaid parking tickets.
In closing, Rupert Murdoch's emergency trip to the United Kingdom this weekend was most likely linked to the fact that Murdoch and his son will soon be charged with conspiring with rogue Israeli Mossad to have former BBC journalist Greg Palast assassinated.
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