Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - February 13, 2012
The pressures are mounting on the dark Ones who in recent weeks have lost so much power. They see their financial ploys failing and circumstances turning against them. The cabal have long been identified, and they are now known for what they are in their attempts to bring the world under one government. You shall soon see them taken out of circulation, and kept under supervision where they can no longer interfere or impede the changes that are already underway. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are working for the Light, and their collective energies are a powerful force for bringing out the truth and manifesting their vision of peace. The awakening continues and more souls are looking beyond their everyday happenings for the answers. They are beginning to see how their lives have been rigidly controlled, and seek the return of their rights and freedom from the restrictions placed upon them.
We are pleased that you as a Human Race are taking hold of your destiny, and refuse to be led down a path to total enslavement. It does lead to some degree of violence as you demand your freedom, as those in control who wield the power are reluctant to concede to your demands. We deplore any form of violence but do understand that your anger is a powerful emotion. These situations should change once governmental changes have taken place, as the new leadership will make it clear that their appointment is one that will work for the good of all. At this time we hope to be able to openly participate with them, particularly as several important changes will also need our support. Our presence largely comes down to being invited to appear, and the information we get suggests that our coming would be welcomed.
The Galactic Federation has made contacts all over the world, and some countries respond more readily than others. Our major challenge is in those dominated by religious beliefs, particularly of the Catholic faith who believe that we are in league with the Devil. It was however helped by the announcement from the Vatican acknowledging that we do exist. In fact our representative has visited them on more than one occasion, and our hope was that it would improve their understanding of us as they were made aware of Ascension. The different religions will have to bring their teachings into line with the truth about your origin, and the true purpose of life. They will however, continue to exist all of the time that they are needed, by those who are unable to accept changes.
Your first taste of the different responses to the truth is often when you pass over and find yourselves in the Astral Regions. Since in these levels you can find all of those things you desired upon Earth, and you can create by thought. These planes are much nearer to the reality that you meet when you ascend. There is continual light, and your bodies are more ethereal and require little in the way of solid food, yet souls enjoy the eating customs that they were familiar with on Earth. There is a freshness and cleanliness wherever you go, and what is often first noticed is that the light is such it does not cast shadows. So Dear Ones, the future offers you many exciting and interesting experiences so different to what you are now familiar with.
Your experiences on Earth can be so severe and come at a cost even to the extent of losing your life. Yet Man has a drive that never seems to be quenched, and pushes himself further and further until he finds the limits. This inbuilt passion and yearning can also be applied to your spiritual quest. You know there is something to be discovered that will enlarge your understanding, yet it often takes quite some time to find that the knowledge is held within. In fact at a subconscious level you really have all knowledge, and the difficulty is knowing how to tap into it. In this time when you seek to raise your levels quickly the best approach is through meditation, as those quiet times more easily allow contact to be made.
Your whole lifestyle is going to change quite remarkably, and in time many of you will be like us as Galactic Travelers. It is why we must soon come closer together and share what we have to offer each other. Through our presence we want you to think more expansively, and put aside your limited Earth consciousness. Some people even now refuse to accept the reality of our existence, and have closed minds to the evidence that exists. For them the experience leading to Ascension will be most difficult, as the truth must come out and can no longer be hidden from your eyes. Yet every attempt will be made to open everyone's eyes, but as you say "there are none as blind as those who do not want to see". It is not our place (or indeed yours) to force the truth upon them, and we should all respect the choice people have made.
As the big changes commence and become publicly known, it will bring out a lot of soul searching as to what should be accepted. It is for some, difficult to accept that their cherished beliefs are incomplete, or actually false. Yet if souls are to take a quantum leap forward, they will need to be totally honest with themselves by letting go whatever has no place in the Light. There is no disgrace or judgment where such matters are concerned, and you will be applauded if you find the strength to move on. Everyone needs to have an open mind right now, because you are about to commence a period of intense activity. Surprising events with unexpected outcomes will soon be in your news, and you will know for certain that matters are coming to a head.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we have been the observers for so long, there is not much we do not know about you, and we certainly see you as rising to the occasion that is going to change your lives. Deep down you knew you were taking you last lifetime in duality, and how important it was going to be to your future. So as we see it, the awakening should speed up, and many more souls join those who are already well advanced in their preparations to ascend. Bear in mind that first and foremost...it is the intent to ascend that sets you on the right path, and from there on you will attract the attention of those who will work with you on that particular path. Clearly well before you express that intent, you will have learned much about the process and what it means to ascend. Keep your goal in mind, and you will never walk alone, as we and your Guides are with you in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
They say:
"Your experiences on Earth can be so severe and come at a cost even to the extent of losing your life. "
I say:
We know the soul never dies and we are immortal in spirit regardless of what happens to the body that we animate with life. I wonder why they try to make something seem final when they know it is not.
They say:
"Some people even now refuse to accept the reality of our existence, and have closed minds to the evidence that exists. For them the experience leading to Ascension will be most difficult, as the truth must come out and can no longer be hidden from your eyes."
I say:
People will ascend. It's part of the evolution. It has nothing to do with whether they know of the existence of a galactic entity.
The Galactic Federation remind me of the story of the man that helped the butterfly out of the chrysalis. By helping the butterfly out of the chrysalis, it emerged with a large abdomen and small wings that could not support the large body so the butterfly could not fly. The man could not fly, so maybe to him it didn't matter that with his assistance the butterfly could not do what he could not do.
If the man had not helped the butterfly (as the Butterfly had a Creator who had a divine plan for the butterfly when it emerged on it's own), the butterfly in it's struggle to get out of the chrysalis it would have squeezed the abdomen muscle and the fluid from the abdomen would have moved to the wings expanding them to their full size and upon emerging when the wings dried, the butterfly would have had a smaller body that the wings would support and it could fly.
If the Galactic Federation know we are to emerge as butterflies, what is their interest in helping us emerge if it's not to allow us to be butterflies that can't fly?
Galactic Federation, there is a divine plan from the One Infinite Creator. We may know of your existence but we order you to not interfere with our path. We have come a long way to emerge from our chrysalis, and as there may be a struggle to emerge, it is our final test, our final catalyst that allows us to reveal ourselves in our glory.
Leave us alone as we transform into what we were designed to be.
We love you, but leave us alone. Let us emerge on our own without your help.
We have choices about who to believe on the subject of our origins and the purpose of life, etc. They are not all telling the truth, either about the subject, or their motives.
I believe Jesus Christ has the best position and the purest motives for telling us the truth, and that He has been doing so for many centuries. He has said very plainly that He is the only way to eternal life and Heaven, and that others who make that claim are lying and are thieves, whether they realize it, or not(John 10).
"...soul searching..."? Absolutely.
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live, that thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days..."
-Deuteronomy 30:19,20
Comment from the JohnKettler.com site:
QUESTION (Feb 11/: Have you read the article published by Greg Giles on February 10th? The ETs are talking about the arrests taking place in the coming days. It correlates with information that is given to you by your “deepthroat” sources. Do you have any comments related to the article from Greg? Link is http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/02/message-from-galactic-federation-of_10.html
ANSWER: I skimmed it, and I highly recommend you stay away from GFL, Ashtar Command and similar. Big time disinformation, this as reported from ETs/EDs who have delivered on their promises time and again, actions confirmed by by excellent terrestrial sources.
Another comment by Kessler: I”m told anything that greets you as “dear ones” is a machine intelligence and a con.
Project Camelot is planning an upcoming livestream interview with Mr. Kettler.
Kettler won't say anything different from anyone else.
He just wants you to buy his books.
After all these years of the "Big Gurus" telling us "The answer is within."
You'd think we would look "within ourselves" and stop looking
to be saved by "external beings or material things"
I think that is what Ascension is about.
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