Monday, February 13, 2012

Stuart Wilde: Chemtrails

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Stuart Wilde: Chemtrails
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Feb-2012 12:59:51

by Stuart Wilde
I saw my first “chemtrail” in 1992 while driving on a remote stretch of highway near a high-security military base in Utah.1 Climbing up from the desert floor onto the spine of the mountain, I was surprised to see the long, white, contrail-like streak stretch from horizon to horizon. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but it didn’t look good. As I slowly made my way over the land like a bug trying to get away from a giant can of Raid, it seemed anything could happen next and a sense of panic swept over me.
The Program Begins
Initially, the chemtrail program manifested in a variety of ways.
In some isolated cases, observers reported seeing clearly marked US military jet fighters flying at tree-top height dropping a spray that killed animals and sickened people. Some cases occurred in parts of Washington state near the Canadian border. But the overwhelming majority of sightings consisted of rows of clouds being emitted from white jets flying at high altitude.
Where do these white jets come from and who is directing the chemtrail spraying program? It turns out that the United States Air Force has a fleet of approximately 550 KC-135 tanker jets many of which have been painted white to resemble civilian airliners.2 Air Force documents refer to the long white plumes of these aircraft as “aerial obscuration,” ostensibly because the long trails can spread out over a period of hours to form an overcast sky.3 These artificial overcasts often have subtle parallel lines or striations running through them....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw them spraying all over north Raleigh, Nc today. A giant triangle formation at around 3pm. These trails then began to fizzle and blur out. Then came 3 "rainbow blurs" that I could see clearly on the edges of clouds. Just a suggestion of a rainbow. But something was refracting light in a strange way. Then in about an hours time the whole sky over Raleigh was overcast with new trails being created at higher altitudes, that could be spotted through gaps in the now overcast sky. Also, as the sun began to set around 5:30 pm, the sky was a STRANGE deep purple and the temperature dropped RAPIDLY. Very odd. Got a few photos of the trails and "rainbow blurs". TELL ME I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW THIS TODAY!