by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Tuesday February 14, 2012

Naturally there is a direct tie in to the corrupt derivative clearing house headquartered in the United States, Maiden Lane LLC.
P.S. Forty-five (45) minutes before the close of the U.S. stock market today, the sociopath Fed Chairman Bernard Shalom Bernanke injected $1.2 BILLION worth of cross-collateralized, illegal derivatives tied to the London LIFFE Exchange and the Brevan Howard hedge fund to buy U.S. stock and EURO currency futures.

Reference: Global regulators working with patriotic U.S. Treasury agents have fingered Brevan Howard LLC, as well as Maiden Lane LLC, and Citibank of New York and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in illegally manipulating interest rate futures aka the British libor rate.
The manipulation of the interest rate futures, with the enabling of the corrupt, privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve, was designed to artificially weaken the U.S. dollar, as to protect the derivative holdings of none other than Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan.
P.P.S. Bernanke, along with TREASONOUS U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, are busy blackmailing major broker dealers to buy U.S. Treasury bonds and stock index futures or lose their license to conduct business.

The alleged funds are not cash, they are nothing more than paper derivatives and I.O.U.s. Again, there is NO real cash in any of these transactions, there is just hocus pocus electronic frequency trading tied to bogus derivatives with quantum computers controlled by the corrupt privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB) running the Ponzi Scheme.
Item: The blackbird's neck will soon break and the blackbird will shit all over both the Federal Reserve and the ECB.
I repeat, there is NO liquidity in the system. It is nothing more than bogus derivatives that have no value whatsoever.
In closing, folks, I have a direct message to Bernard Bernanke:

Finally a personal message to the People of Greece:

It is time to bring in the guillotines and the picks and overthrow the corrupt government of your nation that is taking orders from the corrupt Deutsche Bank linked to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and the Nazi bag lady, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In a world of cowards aint nothin gonna happen, just more ass kissing and boot licking !!
So what can YOU/we do in order to show the "cowards" the way..?
You're a fool if you think Petraeus is going to arrest Bernanke or even consider taking down the Federal Reserve. He's just another yes man. Geesh!
I thought that they had all their fiat money producing capability shut down? They have enough evidence to arrest him already. Hell who needs evidence, throw them all in the FEMA CAMPS indefinitely. They don't need any proof to throw them in there. Let's get this show on the road. Enough is enough already.
this whole end of world by polotitions is a joke,
are these polotitions the same ones taking acid in the 60s and 70s and now controling the world,?this whole trip ,is not logic reasoning,or sound thinking,on obsevation there mentaly retarded, and should be comitted for geniside crimes against the world .?THERE greed for power, wealth,assets,god like beings is a joke ? BUT i gess satan was allways evil posessing bankers and government control causing disfunctional societys,
remember satan taking jesus to the top of a building and saying ill give you all of this ,money,power,wealth, women ,men,slavesboys for pederasts,etc etc,
but jesus said get stuffed ill worship my father in the heavens,i dont need this,
he said homosexuals ,drunks,gluttons,abusers of man kind,liers,murderers,thieves, cannot shall not enter the kingdom of heaven?
EVERYTHING happening in the world is oposite to god?
jesus said on this coin whose inscription do you see,answer ,HEROD then give unto HEROD what is HEROD , and unto god your faith,
all these things are spiritual not phisical?we are born man -woman then die produce after our kind , all else is spiritual by choice ,but god did say in romans if you do not retain my words ill give you over to a retrobate mind to do these things ,as it says what you sow you reap....
BECOME a thief,murderer,lier,homosexual,drunkard,abuser is a spirit not of god but the worlds of satan?????polotitions,bankers have been shown the world and they became monsters,by there fruit you shall know them
in australia we just been told that 400 migrating boat people will enter our suburbs DAILY INTAKE ?
THERE destroying australia as have USA and england and EOUROPE ?
POLOTITIONS are not human, we send billions to over seas welfare but our people cant get jobs or feed our kids ?
500,000,000 million to build detention centres not for imigrants but all thoughs who will not except the silicon chip inplant in 23/03/2013
total government control,reduced to slaves
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