Bilderberg Meeting: Lord Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Others Confronted on Camera
2012 JUNE 2
Bilderberg Meeting: Lord Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Others Confronted on Camera
American Kabuki posted this first video earlier today, which led me to the second video, below it. Fascinating.
The cameraman is from We certainly are!
This first one is Lord Jacob Rothschild. He is asked some pretty forthright and confronting questions that we would all like answers to. Note the chilling smile towards the end…
This a longer video titled Twelve Confrontations of Bilderberg 2012.
It includes what are known in journalistic circles as “doorstops” with former British PM Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, former NY Governor George Pataki, CNN Founder Ted Turner and others…
Bilderberg Meetings 2012 – Participants
Chantilly, Virginia, USA, 31 May-3 June 2012
Watched the videos (which by the way aren't showing up here on nesaranews) and thought the journalist handled himself quite well. I was wondering... what would happen if everyone just quit paying their taxes come next April? Why are we supporting this demise of our future here, and allowing these people to take our money for their enrichment to do what "they" will? We as soveriegn states could fix our own roads, etc. with out the need for "fed" money, as we could save by NOT paying these corrupt gov. interests to figure out how to kill us and steal everything we've worked for. I'm always open to any corrections in thought, etc.
it woild be nice if the clips would load up so they can be viewed
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