URGENT: Attorney Larry Klayman, the attorney leading the Florida challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility, says the Circuit Court Judge allowed Obama's lawyers to play a "shell game" that now will force an appeals judge to make a decision, one that Team Obama is desperately trying to prevent at all costs…

But Team Obama didn't persuade us!
Larry Klayman told WND that originally he had expected an "uneventful" hearing, before Judge Terry Lewis in June, but got a legal tangle instead, one that Klayman believed would force Lewis to make a decision and "have to put it on record."
As WND reported, Klayman filed the eligibility challenge in Florida for Michael Voeltz, who self-identifies as "a registered member of the Democratic Party, voter and taxpayer in Broward County." Klayman argued that the "natural born citizen" clause was understood in historical context to mean a child born to two American-citizen parents. Barack Obama – A DUAL CITIZEN AT BEST (because of his Kenyan father's British citizenship) – would therefore not meet Constitutional presidential eligibility requirements!
When filing the case against Obama, Klayman said, "The requirement for natural born citizenship, which is found in the U.S. Constitution, was intended to prevent foreign influences from 'influencing' an American president. These 'influences' have regrettably been witnessed by the American people during President Obama's term in office. It is clear the Founding Fathers intended to avoid such a situation, where an American president seems to frequently sympathize with and take actions benefiting foreign interests."
Judge Terry Lewis of Leon County, FL first heard the Voeltz case June 18th, 2012 at 9:00am with arguments from both sides on whether the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama can be determined in open court. A Democrat, Judge Lewis nonetheless made crucial rulings permitting the recount procedures to proceed in the Bush v. Gore case during the contested 2000 general election, and there was speculation that he might have the fortitude to rule impartially on the Voeltz case.
Florida provides broad protections for voters under its election statutes, to ensure the integrity of the election system. One such law allows voters to challenge the nomination of a candidate who is not eligible for the office he is seeking. Plaintiff Michael Voeltz challenged the eligibility of Obama to run for re-election as president because he was not born to two citizen parents and thus not a "natural born citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.
Judge Lewis noted that Klayman's brief cited legal authority that a president, to be eligible, must have two (2) U.S. citizen parents, but Obama and the other defendants cited no authority to the contrary. Klayman cited the U.S. Supreme Court case of Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875). Judge Lewis ordered further briefing on this issue prior to the hearing.
In attempting to "untangle" the Obama defense team's "shell game" of claiming the president is not the Democratic Party nominee for Florida, Klayman filed for declaratory relief. Obama's lawyers counter-filed to have the amendment for declaratory relief stricken, which the judge granted – insisting that Obama's candidacy cannot be challenged because he has not been officially nominated!
"The respective major political parties determine their nominee at a national convention [that hasn't occurred yet]," Lewis wrote. "Thus, under Florida law, Mr. Obama is not presently the nominee of the Democratic Party for the office."
The judge also insisted that it's not the Florida Secretary of State's job to determine a presidential candidate's eligibility. Quoting Florida law, Lewis wrote, "The Secretary of State has no affirmative duty, or even authority, 'to inquire or pass judgment upon the eligibility of a candidate' to hold office for the nomination for which he is running."
Lastly, Lewis insisted Obama should be considered a natural born citizen citing district and appellate court rulings from other states – none of which ruled on the merits of the eligibility cases before them! "The United States Supreme Court has concluded that 'every person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, becomes at once a citizen of the United States,'" Lewis writes.
WHICH LEWIS KNOWS IS IRRELEVANT TO THE QUESTION OF 'NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP' UNDER ARTICLE II, SECTION 1 OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION!No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
First, Lewis' decision that Obama's nomination is unofficial until the Democrats' national convention is wrong and goes against Florida's own election laws. Klayman said the judge's ruling "flies in the face" of Florida statute and a Florida Supreme Court case, and that "the law is clear that Obama was nominated for office."
Klayman also rightly denounced the judge's equating of being a 'citizen' with being a 'natural born citizen' without citing any authority to conclude the terms are one and the same. Klayman provided the court with legal precedent for precisely why this confusion by the judge is in error, and has been previously decided by American jurisprudence.
Circuit Judge Terry Lewis declared he wanted to wait to issue a formal decision until AFTER Obama has been officially nominated to vet Obama's birth against constitutional requirements – but we don't have to wait!
Klayman told WND the judge's ruling is "intellectually dishonest" and so poorly written that it makes an appeal "relatively easy." Florida law permits filing for "declaratory relief" at any time and this is OUR time.
By filing a stand-alone complaint for declaratory relief this week, Constitutionalists can force a judge to rule on the cold, hard facts of the case. But we must act now, because Team Obama is reported to be planning an eligibility "October Surprise" that if allowed to catch America off-guard, could propel Obama to victory in November.
MAKE NO MISTAKE: This is an appeal that could finally open the "cover up" and begin to bring down Barack Hussein Obama!
WE MUST KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! You have JUST SEEN in the recent scandalousSupreme Court's, politically-influenced opinions how vulnerable these "solons in black robes" are to lobbying, media and political pressures!
WE MUST ENSURE THAT OUR VOICES ARE HEARD in every statehouse, secretary of state's office, and attorney general's office in the nation!
Here is WHY we cannot just hope that November will end this nightmare! An intelligence source in Hawaii is claiming that a newly forged "original" birth certificate is being prepared for Barack Obama as an "October surprise" for America just in time for Election Day on November 6 when the future of our country depends on defeating Barack Hussein Obama!
This so-called "October surprise" is no less than an intentional, conniving manipulation of voters across America – one designed to keep Barack Hussein Obama on the ballot just long enough to get re-elected as Commander-in-Chief of this country.
WND reports:

The Hawaii source said ink and paper from 1961 have been secured to create an 'original' document that would correspond with the digital copy posted on the White House website."
Obama conspirators are working on this false document right now…
We MUST expose Obama as INELIGBLE to be President of the United States and force his name from every state ballot possible!
While Hawaiian officials in the bag for Obama stonewalled Arizona's Secretary of State over providing proof of Obama's birth there (before dismissing it entirely with an unsubstantiated email claim), Sheriff Joe Arpaio took action, sending members of his Cold Case Posse to Hawaii to investigate. Although the "official" information was not forthcoming and that purpose of the trip was for naught, as Hawaiian officials refused to speak with or assist the investigators, the Posse did pursue some investigation leads for source material from other than the government – with reportedly good results!
We already know the Feds are attempting to hide Obama's draft Selective Service, which if we could ever get our hands on it, could prove forgery and that Obama was listed as aFOREIGN STUDENT in those records and possibly his college records as well.
The Washington Times reports:

But despite our demands, the U.S. Government is still not answering to us – so now we must force their hands by demanding that all 50 of these United States act on our behalf.
More PROOF of systemic corruption and destruction or planting of evidence is coming out of the woodwork as Sheriff Joe continues his thorough vetting of the sitting White House occupant, and investigation of Barack Obama's apparently fraudulent birth certificate and questionable citizenship status. There have been rule changes, coincidental misplacement or destruction of flight records and an obvious attempt to hide Barack Obama's personal and public records from Sheriff Joe, the Cold Case Posse and US – the American People.
Still, Tyrant Obama and his cronies in charge keep the mounting evidence at bay by blocking Sheriff Joe's investigation at every level.
This is THE proverbial uphill battle, but it is one we MUST win.
For nearly four years, the Leftist mainstream media has ignored all of the red flags that surround Obama's constitutional eligibility and instead has claimed his presidential "legitimacy" upon winning a popularity contest. He is portrayed by the so-called mainstream media as beloved and revered, and any dissenters – particularly us pesky 'birthers' are labeled as racists or extremists for rejecting him. Our Constitution is nowhere present.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's initial six-month investigation of Obama's birth certificate and his eligibility to be president has uncovered 'probable cause' that a systemic effort to obscure the truth surrounds Barack Hussein Obama's birth and citizenship took place.

Obama can hide behind state laws all he wants, because even then it's only a matter of time before we catch up to him. We have evidence that Obama is not eligible for the Oval Office (why else would you need to forge and hide key personal documents available for every other president?) – What we reasonably expected was a court to consider the Cold Case Posse investigation findings as an indication of actual ineligibility.
So far, the judicial branch has been in profound dereliction of duty, evading its obligation under the Constitution to meet this critical challenge posed by Obama's evidently criminal usurpation of power. IT IS VITAL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OUR INSTITUTIONS OF ORDERED LIBERTY AND TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION THAT WE UNCOVERED THE TRUTH, AND THAT OBAMA BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE.
For obvious reasons, no one in the so-called mainstream media covered the bombshell development that occurred in that state eligibility case when Obama's New Jersey lawyer Ms. Hill repeatedly told the presiding Judge Masin that neither she nor the Obama campaign had any intention of presenting Obama's birth certificate to the court, because it wasn't real evidence, it was irrelevant, it didn't prove anything.
Are WE THE PEOPLE really going to let Obama get away with this, with stealing another election again? REALLY?

Obama has made a well-deserved mockery of the entire U.S. judicial system – where he has thus far successfully gotten away with making records disappear or publishing poorly counterfeited records to claim eligibility for political purposes, but then seeing to it those same records are held as irrelevant for legal purposes. Obama may have made a fool of the court system, but the Campaigner-in-Chief will not make a fool of US! With your continuing help and support, we can close the legal gray area between state and federal election eligibility requirements.
Virtually no legal mechanisms exist in the U.S. for investigating whether or not a presidential candidate meets the Constitution's Article 2, Section 1, "natural-born citizen" requirement.
With your help, that's about to change.
Last year, state legislatures across the country made major effort to pass legislation that would require eligibility documentation for candidates seeking office – many of whom are renewing their efforts after Sheriff Joe Arpaio revealed the results of the Cold Case Posse's first-ever law enforcement investigation last month.
An Arizona state bill HB248 PASSED the legislature there to require candidates to sign an affidavit affirming they meet the Constitution's requirements, but the Governor vetoed it. The law would have also authorized any citizen with legitimate concerns over a candidate's eligibility the legal standing to directly challenge it in court. Unsurprisingly, Obama supporters viewed it as a challenge to Obama during an election year rather than as a nonpartisan assurance that any and all candidates on the ballot are eligible for the positions they seek – Governor Brewer acceded to the partisan clamor.
A Georgia state legislative provision that has been aggressively advanced would require "every candidate for federal" office who is certified by the state executive committee of a political party or who files notice of candidacy to "meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought."

And Sheriff Joe's Cold Case Posse, consisting of retired law enforcement officers, lawyers, and subject matter experts, ARE STILL EXAMINING dozens of witnesses and hundreds of documents. They have taken sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. This is going to be a long, hard fight for truth and justice, folks!

So NOW we MUST press forward! NOW is NOT the time to relent or back off. More than ever before, we MUST keep the pressure on our State and Congressional authorities to hold Barack Hussein Obama accountable to the American people!
WE THE PEOPLE thus far have been unable to shame Obama or the courts into releasing vital records. But we're not politely waiting for him to respect the rule of law any longer! States are finally moving to force the current occupier of the Oval Office to prove his eligibility to appear on presidential ballots. This is action LONG OVERDUE, but is gaining strength thanks to Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse investigation by qualified, highly experienced former law enforcement and forensics experts, who have discovered in Obama's record 'probable cause' and evidence of FORGERY, FRAUD and a SYSTEMIC EFFORT TO CONCEAL THE TRUTH!
WE are DEMANDING that the States and the Congress uphold federalism and the balance of powers, and sustain the rights of the sovereign people to see the rule of law ENFORCED.
Congress and the rule of law can no longer ignore us even as Obama tries his hardest to smear, ignore and obfuscate this on-going law enforcement investigation. After all, members of his own party are starting to turn and state attorneys general across the nation are opening their own investigations to determine Obama's constitutional eligibility for the Oval Office.
Never mind 'natural born citizenship' for a moment…
WE DON'T KNOW if Obama is 'legally' Indonesian.
WE DON'T KNOW if Obama is 'legally' Kenyan.
WE DON'T KNOW IF OBAMA is 'legally and Constitutionally' AMERICAN – WHY?
…Because key documentation has VANISHED and NO ONE IS TALKING.
Even Obama's own lawyer has admitted that his 'birth certificate' (PUBLICLY released as proof of his eligibility to run this country!) is A DOCUMENT NOT TO BE ADMITTED TO COURT AS OFFICIAL EVIDENCE!
That's why we must force all 50 states to remove Obama's name from the ballot until this Tyrant-in-Chief hands over PROOF POSITIVE of his place of birth establishing his constitutional eligibility as a "natural born Citizen" to be President of these United States of America!
Please, take action right now. Who knows if more fraud is coming in an elaborate "October Surprise" or not? The best thing we can do is be pro-active and prepared with so much ballot vetting, so much political organizing in every state that no matter WHAT Obama cooks up – the public ALREADY knows he is INELIGIBLE FOR OFFICE, and HAS HIM OFF THEIR STATE BALLOTS!
DO NOT be discouraged; DO NOT be weary in well-doing. Join us in DEMANDING that ALL our elected representatives FULFILL THEIR OATHS TO THE CONSTITUTION! TRUTH and JUSTICE in our nation WILL PREVAIL if only we continue to stand for the RIGHT!
Keep Faith,
The Editors
Proof Positive – www.Proof-Positive.com
Proof Positive – www.Proof-Positive.com
Yet ANOTHER paid-off judge, after the one in GA... and how many OTHER states? How much money has it taken from the FED's printing presses to BRIBE the entire U.S. judicial system? The 3rd branch of government (the courts) have proven with this BIG FIX all the way to the Supremes, who have REFUSED to alleviate the suffering of the American people, that it is even more CORRUPT (if that's possible) than the other 2 branches--the Obama administration and Congress, both of which are ROTTEN to the core.
There have been over 100 birther cases filed starting BEFORE Obama was elected, most of which were thrown out of court BY CORRUPT JUDGES "prior to" DISCOVERY and in which Obama was defended by Elena Kagan, who he REWARDED WITH A SEAT ON THE SUPREME COURT. She should have recused herself from the OBAMACARE decision, just like the myriad of OTHER cases she's had to recuse herself from. WITH A CORRUPT DOJ ERIC HOLDER, and and an ENTIRE CORRUPT JUDICIAL SYSTEM and Zionist POLICE STATE Homeland INSecurity, Americans have been royally screwed.
The Supreme Court has REFUSED to hear the few birther cases that reached them. Justice Thomas stated they were "AVOIDING THE ISSUE" after they all met with Obama. Justice Roberts was confronted on Youtube by Attorney Orly Taitz about his "losing" her case paperwork.
When PELOSI sent out the Democrat 2008 STATE CERTIFICATIONS to the 50 STATES for signature OMITTING the REQUIRED PHRASE: "The Democrat nominee for President of the United States is "QUALIFIED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION", only one state complained and refused to sign -- HAWAII. A corrected State Certification was sent to Hawaii for signature. Isn't it ironic that Hawaii has REFUSED for 4 years to EXPOSE THE FACT that Obama's birth certificate is FORGED. An affidavit was provided by a worker in that department that HAWAII does NOT HAVE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR OBAMA. OBAMA is an IMPOSTER, period! He even lost his LAW LICENSE due to his lying.
The puppet before he was picked by cabal to be president knew, and loves to play king when many Americans are now aware he's professional liar. Let's see how he act when federal marshal escort him out of the white house.
Anon....you are right on target except for one thing: the ZIONIST POLICE STATE Homeland INSecurity. It should be renamed the ISLAMIC Homeland INSecurity. The "Zionists", or whatever you want to call them, are mere tokens, covers, or USEFUL IDIOTS to deceive us and lull us into thinking everything is fine and dandy on the home front! It's NOT! The Islamists plan a worldwide Muslim caliphate. They have a head start and firmer entrenchment in Europe. Geert Wilders and others can testify to that! We are well on our way to catching up, though, with one in the WH, several in Congress, two devout Muslims on Homeland Insecurity in high positions (how many are there that we don't know of?). Our Sec. of State Clinton's chief administrative assistant, Huma Abedin, is one, and many others are in the military, CIA, and FBI. They even want Sharia law in our courts! Imagine a nation with two sets of laws!
It is interesting to note, though, as one writer pointed out, if Huma (Uma?) Abedin, being a Muslim, married Anthony Weiner, a Jew, why wasn't she ostracized and/or rejected by fellow Muslims? (They have been known to kill their own children for dating Christians.) Her mother, incidentally, has strong ties to the feminine counterpart organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and ties to Eygpt's newly "elected" Marsi (Morsi?).
Remember when Obama "flubbed" taking his oath of office on Inauguration Day? And how instead of repeating it then and there for the whole nation to see, he and John Roberts met privately in Roberts' office the following day to administer the oath a so-called second time? IMHO I believe the second and true oath-taking was done using the Quran. I can't prove it, but why else would it necessitate such privacy out of the peering eyes of the nation? Could that be why the Supreme Court has never heard a case involving Obama's eligibility? Who knows?
I stand by my original words. This has become a ZIONIST POLICE STATE. Virtually ALL Obama's appointees are Zionists, all 40 Czars are Zionists. Zionists have been placed at the highest levels of virtually EVERY federal agency, to include the Pentagon, Defense Board, Defense "ADVISORS", Presidential "ADVISORS", the State Dept, all the think-tanks, PNAC who did 911, the Mossad who did 911 along with Bush, most of the ambassadors, the cabinet, etc. etc.
(Notice how many of these are dual-citizen Israelis and PNAC Members)
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