Grave's disease is one of the most common hormonal disorders in
women aged 20-50. You may know it as goiter or hyperthyroidism. Men, get it too, of course. And it's bad news.
If you have it or want to avoid it, keep reading.
See what Jennifer asks about her cousin who has this condition:
Hi Sherry,
I have been following the Great Taste No Pain program for about 18 months now and feel wonderful. But I have been going over all my saved emails from you to find something that may be suitable to send to my cousin.
She has been diagnosed with Grave's disease and can't keep her weight up. Her diet since childhood has been littered with the likes of Coke on a daily basis, (sometimes for breakfast!) cigarettes, white bread etc. She skips meals and never overeats. She has suffered from IBS from time to time.
I know she has stopped some of this and is trying to improve her habits, but does not realise how much GTNP can change her health issues. She is waiting for surgery and is only in her 40's!
Could you write something that talks about these issues? She is tiny and is getting tinier. She is a giving and wonderful woman and I would really like to see her get well. I have told her about you and sent her the link but I doubt she realises just how powerful a change in diet can be.
We haven't seen each other in a few years so she doesn't get to witness how well I am--she only hears it in an email.
Kindest regards,
Jennifer (Australia)
SB: Jennifer, I'm happy to oblige...
With a regular longstanding diet of Coca-Cola, white bread and cigarettes, I'm surprised that thyroid problems and IBS are all that's wrong with your cousin.
Let's take a peek and see what has likely been going on inside her body:
Acid, acid, we all fall down
Not only are soda and white bread basically empty calories with zero nutrition, they are EXTREMELY acid-forming in your body.
Cigarettes are acid-forming as well, plus they contain more than 4,000 different chemical compounds, many of which are deadly poisons to your body.
All of your organs, glands, systems and tissues are VERY sensitive to the level of acidity in your body--they MUST have a slightly alkaline environment (meaning having a blood pH of around 7.365) to work properly.
When your pH becomes more acidic (when it dips down below the neutral level of 7), your body cannot function like it's supposed to...
All of your organs struggle to do their jobs. You can't effectively absorb nutrients from your foods. Your body can't heal itself properly. Inflammation and pains pop up from head to toe.
There is one time in our lives when our bodies are SUPPOSED to be acidic...
When we're DEAD! That's right--our bodies naturally become acidic upon death so we can decompose (aka: rot) as Nature intended.
So the longer you stay in an acid range when you're alive, the more your body struggles...and it literally begins to break down and rot.
It only follows that Jennifer's cousin's acid-forming diet most assuredly has helped played a role in her thyroid and IBS issues.
And if her body is having trouble absorbing nutrients, that hasn't helped her weight issue either. People with poor nutrient absorption are prime candidates for malnutrition and underweight.
Oh, sugar, sugar
If only The Archies REALLY knew what they were singing about.
With a steady diet of white bread and soda, Jennifer's cousin may as well have been gulping down the entire sugar bowl every day.
One of the big problems with a regular sugar onslaught is that it feeds the harmful bacteria in your gut. This makes it easier for harmful bacteria to overcome the friendly flora in your gut.
When this happens, not only does it hamper your digestion (which certainly can be a factor in Jennifer's cousin's IBS) but it also compromises your immune system as a result.
Here's an interesting fact for you: Studies have shown that just ONE teaspoon of sugar can depress your immune system for up to 5 HOURS.
And there are a whopping 12 teaspoons of sugar in every can of soda!
Now, Grave's disease is considered an autoimmune condition--meaning that the immune system "attacks" healthy tissue (in this case, thyroid tissue) as if it were a dangerous invader.
So it's probably no coincidence that, after "challenging" her immune system with sugar for SO long, that Jennifer's cousin is now dealing with an autoimmune condition, is it?
The rest of the story
Now, Jennifer mentioned that her cousin is waiting for surgery.
But it may not be too late--there are STILL measures she can take to help.
And even if she does have surgery, it's still essential that she help reduce any acid waste buildup in her body and make her pH more alkaline. Otherwise, it's just a matter of time before something ELSE goes wrong!
Plus being more alkaline will encourage better healing after surgery, and having better nutrient absorption can help her put on some needed pounds.
If you're like Jennifer's cousin and have had a "less than stellar" diet (come on, be honest) chances are excellent that you too are swimming in acid wastes and it's only a matter of time before YOUR body starts to break down.
The great news is that getting and staying more alkaline has never been easier or more delicious...
With the help of the Great Taste No Pain eating system.
In the GTNP manuals, you will learn which foods are acid-forming and which are alkaline. You'll also get menu suggestions and learn the best foods to pair together for pain-free, efficient digestion, with no accumulation of acid wastes.
As a matter of fact, many of the alkaline foods you'll enjoy will also be like a push broom and help sweep away any acid waste buildup you may already have!
There is even a restaurant guide to keep you on track when you dine out, and a recipe book loaded with tasty creations your whole family will love.
Note: If you also have a gluten challenge, Great Taste No Gluten is your ticket instead.
You'll still get great advice on keeping your meals low acid, as well as top-notch advice on avoiding gluten and 160 scrumptious gluten free recipes.
Remember your immune system
As I mentioned above, Grave's disease is an autoimmune condition.
So a wise approach for fighting an autoimmune disease is to come head to head with the culprit that's causing the problem to begin with -- the immune system.
That's where probiotics may be a big help.
Here's how:
Your immune system's cells (called T cells) are made in your bone marrow. These T cells will develop into one of 2 types -- a Helper T cell or a Regulatory T cell.
Helper T cells patrol your body like police officers, looking for dangerous invaders. Once they detect a real or perceived threat, they quickly multiply themselves and attack.
Regulatory T cells stop inflammation and keep harmless tissues safe.
Most often the decision of whether a T cell becomes Helper or Regulatory takes place in your gut .
Probiotics in your gut help to encourage more Regulatory T cell formation, which means more cells for your body to naturally fight inflammation.
Great news for people with autoimmune diseases!
Unlike dangerous drugs, probiotics can help address the immune system's mixed-up response to normal tissues and cells. And with no horrible side effects like drugs!
Super Shield probiotic formula was designed, in part, as a potent and effective helper for autoimmune diseases.
One of Super Shield's strains, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, helps to strengthen your gut-barrier function and has been shown to have a beneficial impact on autoimmune conditions as well as constipation, diarrhea and IBS symptoms. (Remember Jennifer's cousin is also dealing with IBS.)
Additionally, Super Shield's 12 other potent strains will help keep your gut flora in proper balance, encouraging the formation of more anti-inflammatory T cells.
If you have the challenges of an autoimmune disease, see what a difference it can make to help target it from within--with Super Shield.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Janet's blood pressure has stabilized, she sleeps like a baby and has no more reflux!
Dear Sherry,
I learned about your program from my brother who searched the web due to frustration with heart burn and reflux. I became interested because I was suffering with heartburn, acid reflux and IBS.
Last month I was going to bed every night with severe reflux. I was sleeping my usual 4 to 5 hours a night getting up 1 to 3 times a night.
I was also experiencing high blood pressure which my medication was failing to control. I was so sluggish all day long, having to take a nap after lunch.
I began your program and I had slight reflux the first night and NONE AT ALL since then. I am 54 and have a lot more energy now. Best of all, I am sleeping 8 hours a night and through the night. This hasn't happened since I was in high school.
My blood pressure is stabilized and I no longer require a nap. All of my symptoms have vanished!
Growing up in Southwest Louisiana I delayed starting your program because I didn't want to give up all of our great Cajun dishes. But I still enjoy this wonderful food by combining it differently. It's easy not to cheat, because I just feel too doggone good.
Forever Grateful,
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here.
A medical-grade fish oil like VitalMega-3 can help fight high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as keep your joints feeling good, reducing chronic inflammation.
Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you. Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's best gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.
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(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends
Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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