Saturday, July 14, 2012

Is It Time For Roundup? Bounty Hunters Call!

Here is a a new concept to go after the Dark Cabal bankers. Since there is no evidence of action on the Marshalls or Military. No comment. 

Many of these banking corrupt characters are now running trying to escape capture by the interpol and the authorities.

May I suggest we get our bounty hunters (we the people) after them. I know plenty of 'skilled' vets who would love the hunt and the financial rewards.

We can coordinate the hunts and go after these banking bastards. 

Banking Bastard Wanted Dead Or Alive! 

Want do you all think?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the best idea yet. There is a lot of people out of work but a lot more getting work after it is done.

Ladell and Bettie Patterson said...

The bounty hunters call is a marvelous idea ! If I knew how to help I would. We the people are going to have to take the dark boys and girls by the nose and kick them out. It is our responsibility to do so if the military will not. IT is time NOW.

Anonymous said...

John , Took a second lein on our home place on a loan then bank refused to fund the loan, call our note, then forclosed on our property. Gave me 90 days to get out.

Unknown said...

Actually, I think it's a great idea. I believe we are suppose to be the ones doing the arresting...the people of this why not organize and go after these idiots. I would hope to see this take place in an organized fashion. You know...each militia given their stack of people to go after. I say there would be more "arms" to reach these wanted creatures of the dark and the more help we have the faster we can get this done. YES...GO GET THEM!

GuitarJim said...

I have thought about doing just that many times, as my former "warrior-self" wells up within me. Then I think to myself, would that really serve the greater good? Gee, I may even get killed by one of the local trigger-happy cops, who are clearly on the side of the corrupt corporate a-holes. Arrest them for what? Where is the paperwork authorizing anyone to arrest a single one of them? No, I think we shall see a significant decrease in the criminal activities as more and more of them are arrested and or contained.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is where it stands. We will take it into our own hands, and get the bounty hunters on not only these "banking bastards", but on George H.W. (Scherf) Bush, The Rockefellers, The Rothschilds, Obama, so he can't corrupt our constitution anymore with his "anti" laws. A lot of these guys are unfortunately souless clones therefore they don't care what they do. Oh yeah, let's get Bill Gates, and the Monsanto execs too. They definitely should be removed from having the ability to harm humanity any further or any more.

Anonymous said...

What did Jesus do to the jew bankers?

Anonymous said...

Great idea if someone in Authority will take them and put them in Jail once they are picked up. What is to be done with them if there is no evidence against them or not enough to have been arrested? But, at least it will SCARE them if they are being hunted, captured and then let go, if there were no legal grounds to hold them. It would be a type of justice to see them being drug out of their homes same way as the sheriffs are dragging people out of foreclosed homes. Let the Bankers see what it feels like.

Anonymous said...

Do like the Military did in Iraq, make decks of cards with the top elite, biggest thieves being a million plus bounty on their heads each. Then the lesser lower officials in other decks of cards for like 750,000 per individual. Include picture ID. last known address and any other pertinenr data on them for apprehension. Be a terrible shame if they resisted an armed arrest.

Anonymous said...

Warrents first

Anonymous said...

Lawyer's first

Anonymous said...

DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER can sniff them out.

Unknown said...

This is in fact a step in the right direction I feel. Of course this needs to be organized and as calm as possible minimizing conflict and gun battles wherever possible. Having said that, another thing that has been disturbing me for a long time, and more recently with Cobra´s post yesterday, is that I observe a "common" theme now via both Drake´s broadcast´s and Cobra which I feel both have been compromised or perhaps were never valid from the beginning.

Both of these messages (Drake and Cobra) have the tone and inference of sitting back and expecting "Saviors" to come and do the job. I think this an irresponsible posture as 1. It only serves to further propagate laziness and apathy on the part of the people (same kind of mind controlled coma that the Cabal has been using forever), and 2. No action means anything without the internal choice and intent of the people (if people expect and adhere to so called "Saviors" coming in to save the day, then how will any such action ever be trustworthy? This is a perfect environment to continually "change the guard" in the name of something palatable to the "sheople" while keeping them enslaved).

If the actions do not come from within the heart and minds of the people, then there will always be a control Cabal to make these decisions for them. That is not freedom.

Anonymous said...

He threw them out of the temple!

Anonymous said...

Where is Batman when you need him?

Anonymous said...

You go sound arresting people without sufficient public awareness and you will be arrested for kidnapping or worse. Everybody needs to realize that as much as this seems like a way to get the ball rolling in the right direction, if done improperly (their way) this would serve as the type of civil unrest to justify martial law. Want to change things? Continue to spread awareness so when bankers/criminals start getting arrested people realize the truth rather than whatever the MSM will spin it as. I can't say I know what the people in Waco had in mind, but I know how the media spun it; don't be a martyr to justify their designs.

Anonymous said...

since drake and the military wont do nothing to help this country i say at least the bounty hunters want to at least try to save this country so let them have at it lets go get our country back

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the lack of thought in all of you. Your still looking for some else to do your job for you. Bounty hunters? People that act for money and not for what's right without financial reward. There no better than the people causing the problems now. They would than turn on you for profit. Just like the cops and soldiers you fear now. "The love of money is the route of all evil". "GOD HELPS THOSE THAT HELP THEM SELVES". Be a army of one. Personal resistance is the way. Stop concentrating on the big guys,there weaklings and cowards.They pay people to deprive us of our liberty and our freedom. Just like you guys want to pay someone to do the same to them. Granted they deserve it but don't pay to get it done. Do it your self one at a time. Resist the enforcers and the instructors will go away.

Anonymous said...

We need to get organized, with Sheriff's Joe and Mack as "Commanding Officers" possessing the ability to issue the proper warrants and make the arrests. A 2Million manned, armed possee, behind the Sheriffs should give them credibility with the Provost Marshall's office on the hill. Snail mail, ham radios, cb's. I, for one, am for this, am willing and able to volunteer as a possee member. I have tired of hearing the same updates over and over....any day now-any day now- arrests to happen any day now, arrests to happen, has gotten older than a wore out 45.

Anonymous said...

I think this would need to be done in stealth fashion too so that it would not raise alarms so that the guilty ones will be aware of what is happening until it is done! Need to have groups to go after them all at once.. Have them located and just quietly send in for the arrests and need a place to detain them till its over too so that not even the crooked judges,law enforcers etc. can sound an alarm. Once its done then the money\pay is taken out because how are they gonna pay anyone anything when they are locked away? Do as they have done to us ..Take what they have because what they have is ill gotten anyway! It's money driving this thing.. cut the money off and success is assured! They have no friends Just people working for them for pay.. once the pay is gone who's gonna stand up for them then? yeee haaaa circle the wagons boys!

Anonymous said...

Re: 12:09 P.M.
This is 11:37 A.M. good thinking. BRAVO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we get sheriff Joe to accept charges issue warrants. Deputize Oath Keepers and anyone in good standing to be on the posse. Bring in sheriff Mack and any other agency willing to enforce the law. Than arrest any politician, bankers, judges any one that has not lived up to their oath. That will give the rats some concern.

Anonymous said...

What you are advocating is the real danger - the belly of the beast.

Throughout history, when empires fail (and as you are well aware the U.S. empire is), mob rule quickly follows and is truly an ugly thing. It leads to chaos, destruction and death. Innocent people are harmed, the rule of law is discarded, and mass executions often result. How many times have you seen this recently play out in other countries? Think long and hard before you advocate this kind of response as it may be you that gets swept up because you work at the wrong place, hang with the wrong people, say the wrong thing, or think the wrong thoughts.... What you are advocating were the tactics of the Nazi SS.

Is this truly what you want?

Anonymous said...

get a rope

Anonymous said...

I think the bounty hunters are a good idea except I would have to insist on a "no harm" approach, that is, unless self defense was involved (we need to concentrate on the peaceful outcome to help it manifest).

It may be (much?) better to have the Galactics handle the arrests, especially where a high risk of violence exists. They are so well equipped. I'm hoping that the Galactics' help, e.g., making weapons non-functional, would be instrumental in insuring no violence would ensue. I would hope all are praying for a smooth transition; that violence will not be necessary.

Problem is: how can "we" do it ourselves, this being "our" planet, if we just hand it all over to the Galactics... Clearly, the Galactics want us to take action since the collective consciousness is at least partially responsible for the situation....

I think bounty hunters do represent "us" and I believe professionals handling the situation is preferable rather a group of unexperienced vigilante types. Now, if the skill level of militants is high, I say go for it with an aim to arrest without incident.

I want to mention: the "positive military" deviates from NATO how? What group do you expect the positive military is coming out of? I'm thinking several groups. We shouldn't question where their paycheck is coming from, but what they are trying to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

Re: 1:58 P.M. this is 1:46 P.M. HELLO!! We're all ready under mob rule. If the Jews had done something like this we could have avoided W.W.2. I've been thinking about it for 25 yr's. The Constitution came out of Men taking action under these circumstances. Are you telling me we should not do anything to get our country back? I hope not. I and a lot of other people know the NAZI'S are who we are fighting against. You have a very convoluted message. But then being critical is a lot easier than critical thought.

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about arrest? The masses will NEVER WAKE UP. The alternative media that cover the elite meetings know exactly where these people are.

Anonymous said...

You might be right as far as the Cobra and Drake thing. Also, all lady dragon ever does is repeat Cobra's posts and other stories that we have all already read. It is time that we save ourselves. TIME TO GET ORGANIZED.