HOT EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: It Is What It Is Back Breaking News
It Is What It Is
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence ExpertSaturday July 14, 2012

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the black hole in world liquidity is being enhanced by the ongoing scandals involving the entire global financial industry.
This continues to accelerate massive repatriation of collateralized assets aka property rights, precious and industrial metals, along with oil and natural gas holdings.
Note: The redemption and repatriation of these assets is focused on Asia aka China, Japan, India and Singapore, along with the Philippines.

Also beware of any financial media talk of more QE or stimulus. Any alleged stimulus would be absorbed in bank derivative costs within three hours.
Note: Remember, what we have here is not inflation but massive deflation.

Russell Wasendorf Sr., CEO of
Peregrine Financial Group Inc. (PFG) aka PFGBEST
Peregrine Financial Group Inc. (PFG) aka PFGBEST
photo Rick Chase/Waterloo Courier
The latest financial scandal involving Peregrine Financial Group and its CEO Russell Wasendorf Sr. (tried to commit suicide with an open window in his car) is going to expose the massive corruption involving the alleged financial regulators aka the CFTC, the NFA (National Futures Association) and the SEC.
New FBI evidence (emails and phone call conversations) will soon surface showing that the NFA and the CFTC were directly taking bribes from PFG CEO Wasendorf utilizing U.S. Bank.
We can also divulge that PFG's compliance officer, a former National Futures Association employee, originally hired the auditors at the NFA who conducted numerous PFG audits ignored at least seven (7) red flags over a ten-year period concerning PFG misconduct.
And now, of course, it gets worse!
The PFG compliance officer, along with the PFG head of industrial business development, conspired with their NFA stooges to conduct bogus audits and then frame their own guarantee IBs (guaranteed introducing brokers) with entrapment calls and other unconstitutional activities (alleged enhanced broker status).
Their plan was to terminate their own IBs and steal the accounts and then turn them over to Russell Wasendorf Jr., who was operating a forex currency ponzi scheme with an individual named Trevor Cook.
Note: PFG's compliance officer called this "managed futures".
P.S. We can now divulge that the alleged $210 million missing from PFG is parked at the Dresden branch of the German Deutsche Bank (the funds may have already been converted to derivatives).
This was right under the nose of the corrupt CFTC and its Chairman Gary Gensler.

The wire transfer was done before the July 4th holiday the same day Wasendorf Sr. signed a power of attorney giving his son full control of PFG.
Item: The U.S. financial media has reported that the missing funds were $200 million. We can now reveal that the additional $10 million was a bribe given to CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler
This Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing was illegal under both Iowa and Illinois law, since both Iowa and Illinois law require that all creditors (expenses, employees salaries and broker commissions) be paid out first before the Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing can be accepted.
What followed is an ongoing train wreck.

The corrupt CFTC Chairman Gensler allowed PFG clearing house Jefferies (headquartered in Mumbai, India) to apparently liquidate customer segregated accounts based on what is clearly an illegal Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing by PFG.
Definition and translation: This, folks, is called an illegal and criminal conversion of funds orchestrated by the CFTC and the NFA.
P.P.S. Stay tuned for emergency updates at any moment, including Wasendorf's links to Romanian banks, the Avrig 35 Group and financial terrorist George Soros, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Romney Crime Family Syndicate, as well as Wasendorf's role in the theft of the year 2000 presidential election.
Reference: The Romanian-based Avrig 35 Group has also been linked to the purchase of an irregular amount of put options on airline insurance companies made three (3) days before 9/11!
The put options were purchased on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. This evidence, 12 years later, is still being covered up and withheld by the corrupt Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
In closing, if you are a PFG client, and your insured customer segregated account was illegally liquidated by the CFTC and the NFA so as to cover up their own criminal misconduct we now present you a link on how to sue the NFA.
You can also call Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel at and tell him you want your money back. You can also tell him, like big shot banks, that you need a 'bail out'.
Finally, here is a direct message to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder:
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