Right now my feet are firmly on the ground just outside the United Nation’s complex in New York City.
You can imagine the scene...
Wannabe one-world dictators are feverishly putting the final touches on the freedom-killing UN "Small Arms Treaty."
And much to the chagrin of Hillary Clinton, I've managed to get my hands on a draft copy! It's just as I've been warning:
“Small arms and light weapons” are listed as “covered items” right next to battle tanks and warships ... and they’ve left the definition so wide, it no doubt will include everyday firearms Americans use for defense and sport.
We only have until THIS FRIDAY July 27th to prepare for battle.
Please click here to see my critical video update:

Once the UN passes this global gun grab, President Obama will do everything in his power to force it through the U.S. Senate.
We will have just days to respond.
After you watch my video update, be sure to Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda putting yourself squarely on record AGAINST this radical treaty.
Thank you,
Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. If you've already signed your pledge, please help us reach our goal of raising $250,000 by Friday July 27th, the day the UN Conference is set to announce it's treaty.
Chip in just $10 or $20 today!
You can imagine the scene...
Wannabe one-world dictators are feverishly putting the final touches on the freedom-killing UN "Small Arms Treaty."
And much to the chagrin of Hillary Clinton, I've managed to get my hands on a draft copy! It's just as I've been warning:
“Small arms and light weapons” are listed as “covered items” right next to battle tanks and warships ... and they’ve left the definition so wide, it no doubt will include everyday firearms Americans use for defense and sport.
We only have until THIS FRIDAY July 27th to prepare for battle.
Please click here to see my critical video update:

Once the UN passes this global gun grab, President Obama will do everything in his power to force it through the U.S. Senate.
We will have just days to respond.
After you watch my video update, be sure to Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda putting yourself squarely on record AGAINST this radical treaty.
Thank you,
Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. If you've already signed your pledge, please help us reach our goal of raising $250,000 by Friday July 27th, the day the UN Conference is set to announce it's treaty.
Chip in just $10 or $20 today!
From: Dudley Brown [dudley.brown@nationalgunrights.org]
To: Laurel [laurel.z@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: An answer to Hillary Clinton's schemes
To: Laurel [laurel.z@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: An answer to Hillary Clinton's schemes

Dear Laurel,
The United Nations' "Arms Trade Treaty" Conference is in full swing in New York City.
Anti-gun international bureaucrats are already bragging that this conference will craft "the most important initiative ever regarding arms regulation . . ."
In fact, after keeping the details of their so-called "Small Arms Treaty" quiet for three years, the gun-grabbers are now coming clean with EXACTLY what they want . . .
Full-scale GLOBAL gun registration followed by confiscation, especially in the U.S.
To make matters worse, Hillary Clinton has already given this anti-gun nightmare the Obama administration's full blessing.
They're working to make it a reality in America.
But I have an answer to Hillary Clinton's schemes.
I need you and tens of thousands of other pro-gun Americans to Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda by the end of their conference, July 27th.

You see, with the November elections rapidly approaching, the gun-grabbers believe they're watching the perfect storm develop . . .
First, President Obama knows without every portion of his left-wing base energized and mobilized in November, there's no way he can win.
He simply must pay back his anti-gun pals to have any hope.
Secondly, as we've seen with his grandstanding after Seal Team Six's killing of Osama Bin Laden and the recent national security leaks coming out of the White House, President Obama has proven he'll stoop to virtually any level to appear "tough on terrorism."
Well, from day one, fighting terrorism has been the number-one excuse behind the "Small Arms Treaty."
In fact, the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs states, "Insurgents, armed gang members, pirates, terrorists - they can all multiply their force through the use of unlawfully acquired firepower."
These bureaucrats see your gun rights as a "loophole."
And of course, the Obama administration has already labeled Second Amendment supporters as "terrorists" in Janet Napolitano's infamous Homeland Security report.
The solution? According to the United Nations, government bureaucrats need to crack down on the Second Amendment, and everything will be fine.
Third, with the very recent tragedy in Colorado, anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg has already taken to the airwaves demanding President Obama publicly exploit the shooting in favor of gun control.
And with a sinking economy and lackluster campaign, President Obama is looking for any advantage he can muster.
Make no mistake -- this is a dangerous time right now for our gun rights.
That's why I need you to Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda.

And as we've seen time and again, gun registration is always a major step toward full-scale gun CONFISCATION.
Worse, Hillary is calling for "consensus" to "avoid loopholes." In other words, she's demanding that the UN seek input from third world dictators on how to best shut down YOUR Second Amendment rights, and the UN is only too willing to oblige.
Once the finishing touches are put on the United Nations "Small Arms Treaty" this month, I'm afraid the UN's so-called "Small Arms Treaty" could also include provisions that would force the United States to:
*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
*** Confiscate and destroy "unauthorized" civilian firearms (all firearms owned by governments are excluded, of course);
*** Ban the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons including shotguns and other firearms commonly used for hunting;
That's why there's no time to waste. After the United Nations' conference, I'm afraid you and I will not have much time to react.
In fact, we will only have a few weeks to kill the treaty once the anti-gunners make their move on July 27th -- all while the White House and the national media are falling all over themselves to sell the United Nation's "Small Arms Treaty" as an anti-terrorism measure.
That's why we must sound the alarm NOW.
So please Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda right away!

Realistically, our one and only shot at defeating this treaty is in the U.S. Senate. The Treaty does not have to pass the Republican-controlled House to be ratified.
As you know, it takes 67 Senate votes to ratify a treaty.
But even with Republican victories in 2010, Democrats still control the Senate. And there still may not be enough of a pro-gun majority in the Senate to stop ratification of the Treaty.
After all, you and I both know how few Senators are truly "pro-gun."
Not only that, but many Senators get queasy about killing treaties for fear of "embarrassing" the President -- especially with "international prestige" at stake.
They look at ratifying treaties much like approving the President's Supreme Court nominees.
Remember how many Senators voted to confirm anti-gun Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor? Nine Republicans voted to stab gun owners in the back and confirm her as justice!
On top of that, a dozen or more Republicans only voted against Sotomayor after receiving massive grassroots pressure from the folks back home.
There's always the possibility the White House could try to pass the provisions of the Treaty as domestic legislation to ensure the U.S. complies with the United Nations' new "standards."
That would mean they'd only need 61 Senate votes.
Of course, they would have to usher their bill through the House, as well, but that's certainly possible should the gun-grabbers cobble together anti-gun votes from both sides of the aisle.
That's why, with this fight heating up and time running out, I'm counting on you to act IMMEDIATELY.
So won't you please Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda right away?

Pro-gun champion Senator Rand Paul will use your pledge and the 1.4 million signed surveys we have gathered to prove that America opposes the UN Gun Ban.
But defeating this treaty is going to take more than just the signed pledges of NAGR members alone.
Contributions from members like you will help pay for a massive, nationwide mail, phone and internet program to turn up the pressure on the handful of Senators whose votes WILL decide passage or failure of the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty."
And if funds allow, in the days before the final vote, I'll launch hard-hitting newspaper, radio and TV ads calling on targeted U.S. Senators by name to vote to DEFEAT the Treaty.
Of course, you and I both know the gun-grabbers will spend MILLIONS to win this fight.
That's why I'm determined to raise at least $250,000 before the UN conference adjourns on July 27th.
That way, your National Association for Gun Rights can spring into action IMMEDIATELY.
Defeating this treaty won't be easy.
And with his reelection riding on support from his anti-gun buddies, you and I both know President Obama will do everything he can to ratify the "Small Arms Treaty."
So can I count on you for a generous contribution of $20 TODAY? If that's too much, please agree to send at least $10.
Please understand just how important this fight is -- and how important it is that you and I fight back NOW while we still can.
The truth is, unless we can succeed in turning up the heat on the U.S. Senate now, there could be no stopping this gun control freight train once it gets to D.C.
Unless you and I want to see our Second Amendment rights DESTROYED, we must fight back now.
So please Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda -- and rush me your contribution of just $10 or $20 TODAY.
For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
P.S. The United Nations' "Arms Trade Treaty" conference is in full swing in New York City.In fact, we will only have a few weeks to kill the treaty once the anti-gunners make their move on July 27th -- all while the White House and the national media are falling all over themselves to sell the United Nation's "Small Arms Treaty" as an anti-terrorism measure.
That's why we must sound the alarm NOW.
So please Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda right away!

Realistically, our one and only shot at defeating this treaty is in the U.S. Senate. The Treaty does not have to pass the Republican-controlled House to be ratified.
As you know, it takes 67 Senate votes to ratify a treaty.
But even with Republican victories in 2010, Democrats still control the Senate. And there still may not be enough of a pro-gun majority in the Senate to stop ratification of the Treaty.
After all, you and I both know how few Senators are truly "pro-gun."
Not only that, but many Senators get queasy about killing treaties for fear of "embarrassing" the President -- especially with "international prestige" at stake.
They look at ratifying treaties much like approving the President's Supreme Court nominees.
Remember how many Senators voted to confirm anti-gun Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor? Nine Republicans voted to stab gun owners in the back and confirm her as justice!
On top of that, a dozen or more Republicans only voted against Sotomayor after receiving massive grassroots pressure from the folks back home.
There's always the possibility the White House could try to pass the provisions of the Treaty as domestic legislation to ensure the U.S. complies with the United Nations' new "standards."
That would mean they'd only need 61 Senate votes.
Of course, they would have to usher their bill through the House, as well, but that's certainly possible should the gun-grabbers cobble together anti-gun votes from both sides of the aisle.
That's why, with this fight heating up and time running out, I'm counting on you to act IMMEDIATELY.
So won't you please Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda right away?

Pro-gun champion Senator Rand Paul will use your pledge and the 1.4 million signed surveys we have gathered to prove that America opposes the UN Gun Ban.
But defeating this treaty is going to take more than just the signed pledges of NAGR members alone.
Contributions from members like you will help pay for a massive, nationwide mail, phone and internet program to turn up the pressure on the handful of Senators whose votes WILL decide passage or failure of the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty."
And if funds allow, in the days before the final vote, I'll launch hard-hitting newspaper, radio and TV ads calling on targeted U.S. Senators by name to vote to DEFEAT the Treaty.
Of course, you and I both know the gun-grabbers will spend MILLIONS to win this fight.
That's why I'm determined to raise at least $250,000 before the UN conference adjourns on July 27th.
That way, your National Association for Gun Rights can spring into action IMMEDIATELY.
Defeating this treaty won't be easy.
And with his reelection riding on support from his anti-gun buddies, you and I both know President Obama will do everything he can to ratify the "Small Arms Treaty."
So can I count on you for a generous contribution of $20 TODAY? If that's too much, please agree to send at least $10.
Please understand just how important this fight is -- and how important it is that you and I fight back NOW while we still can.
The truth is, unless we can succeed in turning up the heat on the U.S. Senate now, there could be no stopping this gun control freight train once it gets to D.C.
Unless you and I want to see our Second Amendment rights DESTROYED, we must fight back now.
So please Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda -- and rush me your contribution of just $10 or $20 TODAY.
For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
The number-one item on the gun-grabbers' agenda is enacting GLOBAL gun registration – setting the stage for international firearm confiscation.
So won't you please Pledge Opposition to Hillary's Global Agenda right away!
And in addition to your signed Pledge, will you help me reach my goal of raising $250,000 before July 27th the day the conference plans to propose the treaty?
With your contribution, I can spring into action IMMEDIATELY and launch the plan we've been developing for years.
So please rush me your contribution of just $10 or $20 TODAY!
The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is www.NationalGunRights.org/
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Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.
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Will guns of any kind be allowed to enter earth's ascention moving into the 4th and 5th dimension?
Of course not....and when do you think this shift is going to take place? Yep, you guessed it.....at the end of 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, these UN nutcases are spoiling for a fight, and by God they will get one they never imagined across the uSA. If and when the acsension comes it will be voluntary not forced. The circumstances will be obvious that the protections afforded by firearms are no longer needed. I will lay mine down 50 years after the last crime has been committed in the world. Remember the founders didn't negotiate for their freedoms, they SHOT the skanky, underhanded, oppressive varmits for them.
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