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Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - July 4, 2012 ‘Mass Arrest Update'
![]() Message from the Ashtar Command by Greg Giles - July 4, 2012 ‘Mass Arrest Update' Homelessness causes adjournment, the end results in weighing down a beings reason and purpose for being and destroys effectively his or her plans of their incarnation into the physical. What we of the Ashtar Command plan to assist you with is a new and better improved form of housing which will obliterate once and for all the causes and effects of homelessness and alleviate so much hardship for so many of your people just by tackling this problem in this one area. Do you see how much change can be affected when solutions are found for current problems and difficulties? We have the technological capabilities which will allow us, with your assistance, to build homes all over your world in a matter of days where now it would take many men and women working hard for months. We have housing designs and methods of their implementation that will delight and inspire you to get more involved in the deconstruction of your housing problem that has grown out of control here in your world and has left many hundreds of thousands or even millions of your people left without a home and living on the streets and sleeping where their day comes to a rest. We possess a technology that allows a home to be constructed at the pushing of buttons and the issuing of commands into a fully conscious computer that will then build this structure right before your very eyes and to the amazement of many of your people who have never dreamt of such a technological breakthrough even in their most inspired dreams. We would like to unveil this technology as one of the first gifts for you and your people who can and will receive its immediate benefits and experience almost overnight relief from their hardships of homelessness. What this will give to those who are now without house or home is more than a building in which to live in and call their own. What possessing a home to live in does for a being is beyond measure and gives a being hope, drive, determination, self worth and value, and a reason and purpose for being and a canvas for which they may begin to create dreams and goals for which they will then set out to accomplish. This is what a home gives a person, so much more than just shelter from the cold, the rain and the sun, a home gives a being something more to live for than just survival. We would like to present these gifts to your people starting with those that today sleep on the streets, unprotected from the harsh elements of your world. Help us help you eradicate homelessness from your planet by contributing to our project. We need you in support of this project and we need your hands on deck to be the master designers and the builders of new landscapes of beautiful homes for all of the people of your world. Will you undertake this project with us, your friends, your families and your co-builders of this global housing construction program? We would like to see you leave your comments underneath this message wherever you may read it throughout your online communities and let us know if you would be willing to volunteer your time and services and work with us giving the gift of a home to a needy individual or family. Leave us your comments, and we will again be monitoring them and compiling lists of those of you who wish to dedicate your time and energy in what we feel is a very worthwhile field and one which we believe will be quite rewarding for you, as this experience can be quite rewarding and fulfilling for those of you who have before seen and whose heart has broken at the site of someone without home. We would like to begin the undertaking of this very large project immediately upon the introductions of our people to your people, which will take place immediately upon sufficient numbers of arrests of those of your criminal cabal and their many associates. These arrests are at this time in their early stages, we would like to report, and we now are very confident these arrests will continue and they will not stop until the complete freedom of your people is at hand. Our monitoring services are detecting arrests of members of your criminal cabal throughout scattered areas of your world. We would like to see the heat turned up, if you will, and more arrests taking place at a much faster pace as we feel it is so imperative to keep the momentum flowing and the spirits high throughout the people of your world who are watching and waiting with great anticipation and hope, and also throughout the rank and file of all the men and women who are on the front lines of this operation. We wish to thank all of you for your courage and commitment to see these arrests through. We knew you could do it from the start, and this is why we have remained so patient behind the scenes, not wishing to leapfrog you and take matters into our own hands which would be the hands of those whose responsibility and task this was not. It is, as it always has been, your planet, and we remind you that we are here in offers of our full assistance in any way or form that you feel you can benefit from what we possess and gladly offer you. In observance of your troops and law enforcement officials who have moved ahead and have made the first ground shattering arrests, we say to you we are with excitement, joy, gratitude and relief, and we remain in stunned amazement how the people of your world have risen to the occasion and their call of duty even in the darkest of hours, even in the face of threats and violence against them and their families, and who have found the courage, the resolve, the fortitude and the chivalry to march ahead and right what they see as wrong and help free this planet and her people once and for all from the choking hands of tyrannical control. We salute you, the men and women on your front lines who have made the choice to do what it is they feel they must, with no doubts ever in their minds that what they are doing is in the name of right, in the name of love, in the name of freedom, of sovereignty, of peace, of universal cooperation. We will continue our support of those on the front lines of this operation. We will continue our monitoring and surveillance of those of your criminal cabal currently on the move in attempts to thwart or stall their capture and internment into camps once designed and built to house the men and women of your human family who did not heed to their demands and dance to the music that they choreographed. We will also continue to offer you around the clock protection from any and all rogue military or law enforcement divisions who may choose to move to interfere somehow with these arrests or protect certain high profile members of your criminal cabal. We will not stand for this, and we have made this clear to all these military and law enforcement factions that we will move quickly and we will move decisively to stop in its tracks any movement or efforts that we see as an attempt to interfere in any way with this process. We have been clear on this, and we cannot make ourselves any clearer. We, the Ashtar Command, will do whatever it is we have to do to protect the men and women on the front lines making these arrests, and also all the people of your world that will now soon be free in just a matter of time and no longer in a matter of consciousness shift of your people, as the shift has begun, and the shift of power has already been moved into high gear and possesses great momentum that we see never stopping or slowing until every acre of this beautiful and prosperous planet is returned to its rightful owners, the people, not the governments, agencies, oligarchs or secret societies of your world, but to the people of each and every country and province and small community all across your planet. We are your higher dimensional family, friends and coworkers on our mission to free your people and return your planet back to who it is that are its rightful owners. We are the Ashtar Command. As channeled through Greg Giles |
Here to assist and serve where I can.
I am more than willing to help in any way that I can. I am not alone as there are a few of us that can't wait to help clean up mother earth and house the homeless! Whatever it takes we will be there to help humanity.
I would welcome the opportunity to assist in making houses/homes available to homeless people with all my heart. I would equally be thrilled and honored to work closely with any of the Galactic Teams to bring homes to everyone and to clean the pollution and restore Mother Gaia to her original splendor.
I will happily assist, where do I signup?
I will happily assist, where do I signup?
THANK YOU for assisting us and Mother Earth at this time!!!!
I so look forward to meeting my star brothers and sisters again (big hugs) and working together with you in building homes for not only the homeless but also for many people who have never been able to afford their own home on this planet!
You have given all of us hope and have been able to open our hearts to the unlimited possibilities that are available to all of us on Mother Earth too!
Please let me know for I would be honored to help co-create in the process of building new entities to live in along with helping CLEAN OUR PLANET UP and REMOVE ALL TOXINS from our soil, air and water supplies!
In deep gratitude and humble appreciation!!!
I am currently looking where to best employ my skills in Concrete masonary work, and also being a vocalist for the knowledge of a greater good. A town close to my heart and where i learned how to appreiate life and the pursuit of knowledge has been flooded. I would like the oppurtunity to assit in anyway.
I will help any way that I can....any way.
my name is jesse race and would like to help in any way i can
Would be more than happy to contribute my time in anyway possible. Love & Blessings! Angle
I would also like to be a part of this project, what my only concern is that if i am qualified since i have no engineering, interior designing and architectual background. this will be better than what im currently doing which is aimless and merely for livelihood purposes. once the promised freedom is restored along with is promises on nesara at least i once be afraid to leave my job for something more fulfilling. thanks you for the galactics even though it is a thankless job being subjected to insults they are still here in loving grace.
I'll always be available to the Ashtar Command for Star duty. No ifs, buts or maybes here.
Yet I keep dreaming of the day that we as a planetary race can forever shut the mouths of skeptics by: 1. Putting to bed for once and for all the unnecessary confusion religion creates; 2. Clearing up all these conspiracy theories doing the rounds; 3. Stop this fear-mongering created by both.
But I feel that as long as those lights up in the skies are going to insist on keeping their safe distance from the abuse of the cabal on Shan (Earth) and her children (humanity), decades and centuries of suffering would've passed in 3D, while according to the Star visitors' take on time, it will have only flashed by in the wink of an eye.
I'll hold onto everything that gives me hope to face another day on Earth though. Even the hope of one day ascending out of this quagmire called life on Earth, like most others.
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