Breaking news: Obamatax is illegal under Establishent Clause, Equal Protection clause, Freedom of Religion Clause according to the new complaint by attorney Orly Taitz
· Breaking news! New 113 page complaint with exhibits class action filed on behalf of Christian and Jewish US Citizens:Healthcare Obama Tax is illegal as it violates Equal protection clause, Due Process Clause, Establishment clause and Free exercise of religion clause of the US Constitution, as it exempt Muslim citizens and places a heavy tax burden on Christian and Jewish U. S. Citizens to pay a de facto Judeo-Christian Obama Tax not only for themselves, but also for Muslim citizens, who are exempt
Posted on | July 5, 2012
Press Release
Sent to 30,000 U.S. and International Media outlets
For Immediate Release
Breaking news!
New 113 page complaint with exhibits class action filed on behalf of Christian and Jewish US Citizens:Healthcare Obama Tax is illegal as it violates Equal protection clause, Due Process Clause, Establishment clause and Free exercise of religion clause of the US Constitution, as it exempt Muslim citizens and places a heavy tax burden on Christian and Jewish U. S. Citizens to pay a de facto Judeo-Christian Obama Tax not only for themselves, but also for Muslim citizens, who are exempt. Additionally, Plaintiff Attorney Orly Taitz, who is seeking a class action certification, is bringing forward a second challenge to Obama Tax, asserting that it is illegal, as it was signed into law by Barack Obama under false pretenses and by virtue of fraud, usurping the position of the U.S. President while using forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers: forged Selective service Certificate, forged Birth certificate and a fraudulently obtained Social security number. Additional cause of action is RICO, asserting that Obama doe America is a de facto RICO organization created to procure fraud committed by Obama. Additional defendants are Attorney General Holder, Registrar of the Department of health of HI Alvin Onaka, former director of Selective Service William A. Chatfield, Commissioner of Social Security Michael Astrue, former Chair Woman of Democratic National Convention in 2008 Nancy Pelosi, former chairman of the Democratic Party of Hawaii Brian Schatz and a number of other defendants.
While the case was filed in the Southern Division of the Central District of California, it was moved by the clerk of the court to the western Division in Los Angeles. When asked, why was the case moved, the clerk stated that it is a violation of civil rights case, which affects the whole district.
Both DOCX and PDF versions of the complaint are attached
Dr.Orly Taitz, ESQ
29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603
Pro se plaintiff
Plaintiff Orly Taitz is a citizen of the State of California, tax payer and a registered voter with a business address of 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688. Taitz was subjected to persecution, harassment and defamation due to her legal actions, and bringing forward evidence showing Barack Hussein Obama, currently occupying the position of the President of the US and a presumptive nominee for the 2012 Presidential general election, to be usurping the US presidency by fraud and false pretences and use of forged identification papers.
Defendant Katlleen Sebelius, is being sued in her capacity as the Secretary of Health and Human services.
Michael Astrue is being sued in his capacity as the commissioner of Social Security, who is complicit in the cover up of Obama using a Connecticut Social security number 042-68-4425 which was not assigned to Barack Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama (Hereinafter “Obama”) is being sued in his capacity as the signor of the H. R. 3590 “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA).
Defendant Alvin T. Onaka (hereinafter “Onaka”) is being sued in his capacity as the registrar of the Department of Health, who certified a computer forgery, claiming it to be a true and correct copy of Obama’s 1961 typewritten birth certificate.
Defendant William A. Chatfield is sued in his capacity as a former director of Selective Service who buried all evidence of forgery in Obama’s Selective Service certificate, after Taitz hand delivered all evidence to him.
Defendants Brian Schatz and Lynn Matusow are residents of the State of Hawaii and are being sued in their capacity as former Chairman and Secretary of the Democratic Party of Hawaii, who signed an altered/falsified Certificate of Nomination for Barack Obama and removed the necessary wording “legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution” in order to allow Obama in the White House, while using forged identification papers.
Defendants Nancy Pelosi and Alice Travis Germond are being sued as former Chairwoman and Secretary of the 2008 Democratic National Convention, who signed an altered Certificate of Nomination to the state of Hawaii and added the wording that the Chairman and Secretary of the Democratic Party of Hawaii Schatz and Matusow were not willing to include and swear to.
Defendant Eric Holder is being sued as the Attorney General of the United States, who received from Taitz a Quo Warranto complaint as well as multiple criminal complaints with evidence of Obama and others committing massive elections fraud and Obama usurping the position of the US Presidency by virtue of fraud, misrepresentation and use of forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers, and who aided and abetted Obama in the cover up.
Defendant Obama for America, is a fundraising organization for defendant Obama, an alleged RICO created to aid and abet Obama in unlawfully usurping U.S. Presidency through use of forged and fraudulently obtained documents
Defendants Jane Does and John Does 1-100 are believed to be a part of the RICO and of the concerted effort of usurpation of the U.S. Presidency by Obama and violation and deprivation of constitutional, civil, human and economic rights of U.S. citizens and racketeering, intimidation, harassment of whistle blowers, civil rights leaders and attorneys like Taitz, who are fighting to end such usurpation and restore above mentioned rights. Jane Does and John Does information will be provided upon further discovery.
This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1331 (federal question), 28 U.S.C. §1343 (civil rights), 18 U.S.C. §1964(c) (RICO), and 42 U.S.C. §§1983, 1988 (civil rights action seeking declaratory or injunctive relief). Plaintiffs seek declaratory relief under 28 U.S.C. §2201-2202 as well as 1988(a).
2. Venue is proper under FOIA and 42 U.S.C. §1988(a) because several plaintiffs live in Orange County within the Southern Division of the Central District of California.
2. Venue is proper under FOIA and 42 U.S.C. §1988(a) because several plaintiffs live in Orange County within the Southern Division of the Central District of California.
1. 1. On 06.28.2012 Supreme Court of the United States issued a rulling in National Federation of Independent Business, et al. v. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al.; Department of Health and Human Services, et al. v. Florida, et al.; Florida, et al. v. Department of Health and Human Services, et al. 567 U.S. 2012 (docket 11-393, 11-398. 11-400). In a narrow 5- 4 decision against some 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Businesses, Supreme Court ruled that even though the healthcare bill and individual mandates within it, violate the Commerce clause, it is valid under taxing powers of Congress.
2. 2. As of yet this bill was not examined to ascertain whether it violates the rights of the US citizens under the 14th Amendment equal protection clause and Establishment clause. Taitz filed an intevener brief in the original case filed by the states before judge Roger Vinson in the US. District court in Florida, however judge Vinson decided not to allow individual citizens interveners, as the legal action was voluminous and complex, considering the number of individual states involved. As such individual U.S. citizens did not have an opportunity to have their day in court and redress their grievances vis-a-vis the new Healthcare bill, which is now (compliments to Justice Roberts) is deemed as a Healthcare Tax, or ObamaTax. (Hereinafter “ObamaTax”). Most importantly Taitz alleges that the provision of the Obamatax, which gives exemptions to certain religious sects and divisions, violates the Establishment clause as well as her 1, 5th, 14th amendment rights by violation of her Free Exercise of Religion right, her Due Process right, her equal Protection Under the Law rights.
3. 3. There was no determination whether US citizens rights were violated due to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, II (Hereinafter “Obama”) the individual who signed the Healthcare bill into law did so under false pretenses, being a foreign national, citizen of Indonesia, Kenya and Great Britain, who got into the position of the US President and signed the bill into law, used a name that is not legally his and was never legitimate for the office, due to his use of forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers: a forged Birth Certificate, forged Selective Service Certificate and a fraudulently obtained Social Security number, which was never assigned to him.
4. 4. Under the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution and the 5th Amendment due Process Clause all citizens similarly situated should be treated equally.
5. 5. H. R. 3590 “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) Section 1411 (5)(A) Exemptions from individual requirements state:
“Sec 5000A. Requirements to maintain minimum essential coverage“
Section 1411 5(A)
In the case of an individual who is seeking an exemption certificate under section 1311(d)(4)(H) from any requirement or penalty imposed by section 5000A, the following information:
(A)In the case of an individual seeking exemption based on the individual’s status as a member of an exempt religious sect of division…”
6. 6. A religious sect or division being exempted is a Muslim sect or religion, which claims that any insurance is against their belief, as they see insurance as a form of usury. Consequently any Muslim is exempt from paying a hefty H. R. 3590 “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) ObamaTax (Hereinafter “Obamatax”), while Christians and Jews will have to pay an estimated $400,000 each over the life time. While Obamatax is scheduled to start with 1% first year, then go up to 2% next year, the sky is the limit. Similarly first Federal income tax passed by the Democrats in Congress in 1894, started with modest 2% Wilson-Gorman Tariff. In 1895 Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company, 157 U.S. 429 SCOTUS, which at a time retained some independence and was not prone to bullying from other branches yet, found unapportioned Federal tax to be unconstitutional. In response the federal government pushed for the 16th Amendment, which paved the way to a massive rise in taxation by the federal government. So, as Federal income tax went up from modest 2% on a small group of citizens in Wilson-Gorman act to 35%, so can Obamatax skyrocket, considering inflation, rising cost of healthcare, and particularly violation of 5th Amendment due process and 14th Amendment equal protection clause, which are buried in 2,700 pages of the act.
7. 7. U.S. hospitals do not turn away patients, particularly patients in need of urgent care. So, as Muslims are exempt of paying Obamatax, as an exempt religious sect, Taitz and other similarly situated Christians and Jews will be forced to carry on their shoulders not only the Obamatax assigned to them, but also reapportioned cost of healthcare and Obamatax for the care of Muslims who are exempt.
8. 8. Current situation of social services in Europe going broke shows that aforementioned burden can be enormous. Muslim religion allows a man to have multiple wives, which leads to one man having a large number of children. As an example, Osama Bin Laden was one of 51 children legally fathered by one Muslim man according to Sharia law. Now, according to new Obamatax, Taitz and other similarly situated Christians and Jews will have the burden of not only paying Obamatax for themselves, but also carrying the burden of paying an enormous amount of Obamatax to cover the care of all of these Muslim men, their multiple wives and children.
9. 9. Aforementioned represents a clear violation of the 5th Amendment due process and 14th Amendment equal protection under the law.
10. 10. Plaintiff includes, by reference, all prior paragraphs as if fully pled herein.
11. 11. Providing in Obamatax exemptions to some religious sects, while heavily taxing others, at the tune of possibly as much as $400,000 over a life time of every Christian and Jew being taxed by ObamaTax, Federal government is not only engaged in violation of 5th and 14th Amendment due process and equal amendment rights, but is also flagrantly violating the 1st Amendment Free Exercise clause and Establishment clause.
12. 12. First Amendment forbids Federal or state government to interfere with free exercise of religion and from establishing a state religion or intertwining state and religion.
13. 13. By heavily taxing Christians and Jews in Obamatax, while exempting Muslims, Federal government is interfering with a free exercise of religion by Christians and Jews and is forcing them to move towards Muslim religion and ultimately convert in order to avoid heavy new income taxation by the government.
14. 14. This behavior by the Federal government is akin to Jisya (tribute) that is charged by Muslims according to Sharia law from non-Muslims, typically Christians and Jews.
15. 15. Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Obama, aka Barry Obama Soebarkah, aka Barry Soetoro resided in Indonesia. His school records from Assissi school in Jakarta, Indonesia show him to be a citizen of Indonesia, and of Muslim religion.(Exhibit 16 School Registration #203 from Assissi school in Jakarta, Indonesia for Barack (Barry) Obama, showing him as a citizen of Indonesia, using the last name of his stepfather Lolo Soetoro as his legal last name and religion Islam). Consequently, new Obama Judeo-Christian federal income tax was brought about by a foreign national, a Muslim citizen of Indonesia Barack(Barry) Soetoro(Obama). It heavily taxes American citizens of Christian and Jewish religion, while exempting Muslims and making Christians and Jews pay a Jizya for the cost of Healthcare provided to Muslims. Obamatax is unconstitutional towards Christians and Jews, as it violates the 1st, 5th, 14th Amendments
16. 16. Additionally it is unconstitutional, as it violates the Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution.
Taitz is seeking a class certification and a certification of a class representative herein. She is alleging that she is a member of a class of U. S. citizens, who are either Jewish or Christian, who are being flagrantly discriminated as they are obligated to pay a hefty Obamatax, while Muslims are exempt. They are being further discriminated, as they will have to pay not only Obamatax for themselves, but also to cover the Healthcare of Muslims, who are exempt from paying Obamatax.
This action can be maintained as a class action under FRCP Rule 23, which states as follow :
(a) Prerequisites. One or more members of a class may sue or be sued as representative parties on behalf of all members only if:
(1) the class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable;
(2) there are questions of law or fact common to the class;
(3) the claims or defenses of the representative parties are typical of the claims or defenses of the class; and
(4) the representative parties will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class.
(b) Types of Class Actions. A class action may be maintained if Rule 23(a) is satisfied and if:
(1) prosecuting separate actions by or against individual class members would create a risk of:
(A) inconsistent or varying adjudications with respect to individual class members that would establish incompatible standards of conduct for the party opposing the class; or
(B) adjudications with respect to individual class members that, as a practical matter, would be dispositive of the interests of the other members not parties to the individual adjudications or would substantially impair or impede their ability to protect their interests;
(2) the party opposing the class has acted or refused to act on grounds that apply generally to the class, so that final injunctive relief or corresponding declaratory relief is appropriate respecting the class as a whole; or
(3) the court finds that the questions of law or fact common to class members predominate over any questions affecting only individual members, and that a class action is superior to other available methods for fairly and efficiently adjudicating the controversy. The matters pertinent to these findings include:
(A) the class members’ interests in individually controlling the prosecution or defense of separate actions;
(B) the extent and nature of any litigation concerning the controversy already begun by or against class members;
(C) the desirability or undesirability of concentrating the litigation of the claims in the particular forum; and
(D) the likely difficulties in managing a class action.
The members of the class are so numerous that it is impossible and impracticable to bring all of them to this court as named plaintiffs.
Damage to Taitz is similar to damage of other class members
Not certifying this legal action as a class action can lead to conflicting rulings and judgments;
there are questions of law or fact common to the class, specifically unconstitutionality of ObamaTax, as applied o Christians or Jews;
the claims or defenses of the representative parties are typical of the claims or defenses of the class; and
Taitz will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class.
17. 17. In order to be legal, a bill needs to be signed into law by a lawful US President.
18. 18. Obamatax, is unconstitutional, as it was signed into law by Barack Obama, a citizen of Indonesia, Kenya and Great Britain, who usurped the position of the U.S. President by fraud and by virtue of use of forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers.
19. 19. Exhibit 1 is a sworn affidavit of Sheriff Joseph Arpaio of Maricopa county, Arizona, attesting to the fact that as a result of his six month investigation he found Obama to be using a forged birth certificate, forged Selective Service Certificate and a forged Social Security number.
20. 20. Exhibit 2, affidavit of Douglas Vogt, expert in scanning and copying machines, attests to the fact that the alleged birth certificate of Obama is a computer generated forgery.
21. 21. Exhibit 3, affidavit of Felicito Papa attests to the fact that the alleged birth certificate of Obama is a computer generated forgery.
22. 22. Exhibit 4, affidavit of Timothy Adams, former Assistant Elections Clerk from Honolulu Hawaii, attesting to the fact that there is no birth certificate for Obama in any hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii and it was a common knowledge among employees of the office of the Registrar and Elections in Honolulu, Hawaii, that there is no birth certificate for Obama in any hospital in Hawaii.
23. 23. Exhibit 5, affidavit of Felicito Papa attests to the fact that when Barack Obama originally posted his tax returns, he did not “flatten” the PDF file and full Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 that he is using, became visible to the public.
24. 24. Exhibit 6, sworn affidavit of Senior Deportation officer John Sampson, who attested to the fact that there is no legitimate reason for Barack Obama, resident of Hawaii in and around 1977 to obtain a Connecticut Social Security number, which was assigned to a resident of Connecticut, who resided in 1977 in the State of Connecticut.
25. 25. Exhibit 7, affidavit from Linda Jordan attests to the fact that the Social security number, 042-68-4425, which Obama is using was not assigned to him and does not pass E-verify according to attached E-verify record.
26. 26. Exhibit 8, shows SSNVS (Social Security Verification Number) printout which shows that Connecticut Security number, 042-68-4425, which is being used by Obama, was never assigned to him.
27. 27. Exhibit 9, affidavit of typesetting expert Paul Irey attests to the fact that Obama’s alleged long form birth certificate is a forgery, as bits and pieces of the “certificate” were cut and pasted from different documents, as letters show different fonts and sizes.
28. 28. Exhibit 17 Affidavit of Chris Strunk, attesting to the fact that in the passport records for Barack Obama, recently received under the FOIA request, Obama’s legal name, as listed in his mother’s records, is Barack Obama Soebarkah, therefore even if Obama were to have valid identification records, his signing of the ObamaTax was not valid, as he signed it under a name, which was not legally his.
29. 29. Based on all of the above, Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama Soebarkah, was a foreign national who got into the position of the US President and Commander in Chief based on forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers and in violation of Article 2,
Section1 of the US Constitution. As such Obama was never legitimate for the US presidency and unlawfully signed the H. R. 3590 “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) into law.
Section1 of the US Constitution. As such Obama was never legitimate for the US presidency and unlawfully signed the H. R. 3590 “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) into law.
Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. § 1961–1968
Predicate acts
section 1028 (relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents),
section 1341 (relating to mail fraud),
section 1343 (relating to wire fraud),
section 1425 (relating to the procurement of citizenship or nationalization unlawfully), section 1426 (relating to the reproduction of naturalization or citizenship papers
section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice),
section 1512 (relating to tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant),
section 1513 (relating to retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant), section
section 1546 (relating to fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents)
30. 30. Fraud committed by Obama
Obama defrauded the Plaintiff and others similarly situated by getting on the ballot and in the white house and signing Obamatax under false pretenses and by fraud, using a name that is not legally his and using forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers. He created “Obama for America” with a purpose of defrauding American citizens and illegally usurping the U.S. Presidency, while using forged identification papers.
31. 31. Fraud committed by defendant “Obama for America”
“Obama for America” is a RICO organization established and maintained with an illegal purpose of defrauding the U.S. Citizens and usurping the U.S. Presidency.
Defendant Alvin Onaka, Registrar of the state of Hawaii, aided and abetted Obama and was complicit in the cover up of the fact that Obama is using a forged birth certificate from the state of Hawaii.
Defendant Michael Astrue, commissioner of the Social Security, aided and abetted Obama by covering up the fact that Barack Obama is fraudulently using a Connecticut Social Security number, 042-68-4425, which was issued in and around 1977 in the State of Connecticut to a resident of Connecticut born in 1890 and that this Social Security number does not pass E-verify and SSNVS, when checked under the name Barack Obama.
Brian Schatz AND Lynn Matusow are being sued in their capacity as former chairman and secretary of the Democratic party of Hawaii, who aided and abetted fraud committed by Obama when they signed an altered/falsified Certificate of Nomination for Barack Obama and removed the necessary wording “eligible according to the US Constitution”. Exhibits 10 and 11 show required certification of a candidate for US Presidency, submitted by the Democratic party of Hawaii to the office of elections for Al Gore in 2000 and for John Kerry in 2004. Those certifications show the necessary wording that the candidates for President and Vice President are “legally qualified to serve under the provisions of The U.S. Constitution”. In order to aid Obama and to attempt to avoid criminal liability in certifying a fraudulent certificate of Nomination, Brian Schatz and Lynn Matusow falsified the Certificate of Nomination and removed the words “eligible to the U.S. Constitution” from the certification sent to Hawaii office elections on behalf of Obama.
Nancy Pelosi and Alice Travis Germond aided and abetted fraud committed by Obama when, as a former Chairwoman and Secretary of the 2008 Democratic National Convention they signed an altered certificate of nomination to the State of Hawaii. Certification of Nomination for John Kerry, which was sent to all 50 states in 2004 (Exhibit 13) and certification for Obama, which was sent to 49 states in 2008 (Exhibit 14) were identical. However, Obama could not get on the ballot in the general election, as the State of Hawaii required the wording “eligible under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution” and Brian Schatz and Lynn Matusow were not willing to sign the certification with such wording, as they knew that Obama was not a natural born citizen and did not qualify. Subsequently Pelosi, Germond, Schatz, Matusow and Obama acted in concert, as Schatz removed the necessary wording from the certification sent by the Democratic party of Hawaii and Pelosi added this wording to the DNC certification (Exhibit 15). Through this scheme Schatz, Matusow, Pelosi and Germond acted in concert and aided and abetted ineligible Obama to get on the ballot in 2008 election. Through manipulation of certificates, Schatz, Matusow, Germond and Pelosi were complicit in fraud and forgery of records.
36. 36. Eric Holder is being sued as the Attorney General of the United States, who received from Taitz a Quo Warranto complaint as well as multiple criminal complaints with evidence of Obama and others committing massive elections fraud and Obama usurping the position of the US by virtue of fraud, misrepresentation and use of forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers, and who aided and abetted Obama in the cover up.
37. 37. Defendants acted with an intent to defraud. Plaintiffs were intended victims and foreseeable victims. Plaintiffs suffered financial damages, defamation, humiliation, harassment and emotional distress as a result of fraud committed by the Defendants.
Defendant Obama committed mail and wire fraud when he posted on the Internet in and around April 27, 2012, a paper, which he claimed to be a true and correct copy of his long form birth certificate, which was in reality a computer generated forgery. He additionally committed mail and wire fraud by sending to multiple courts his forged birth certificate, claiming it to be a genuine birth certificate. Not only did he post a forgery, but he also used this opportunity to unleash a campaign of persecution, harassment and intimidation of Taitz and other civil rights leaders and political dissidents by calling them a “side show’ and “carnival barkers”.
39. 39. Obama committed mail and wire fraud when he posted on the Internet on his site “Fight the smears” a paper, which he claimed to be his short form birth certificate, which was in fact a computer generated forgery. He continued committing such fraud by sending this forged birth certificate to multiple courts and organizations.
40. 40. Obama committed mail and wire fraud, when he posted on line on White Connecticut Social security number 042-68-4425, claiming it to be a valid number, when in fact it is a fraudulently obtained number, which was never assigned to Barack Obama
41. 41. Obama committed mail and wire fraud, when he posted on line his alleged Selective Service Certificate, claiming it to be his valid Selective Service certificate, making him eligible to work in the Federal Government, while in reality he posted a forged birth certificate, created in 2008 with a cut out in half and reversed 2008 postal stamp.
42. 42. Obama knew that he was committing fraud and intended to defraud in order to continue usurping the position of the U.S. President.
43. 43. Obama committed fraud when he sent to 50 states in 2007-2008, as well as in 2011-2012, his declarations of nomination. Obama used mail or other instrumentalities of the Interstate commerce to commit such fraud.
44. 44. Obama committed fraud when, in and around January 25th, 2012, through his attorney Michael Jablonski, sent a defamatory letter to the Secretary of State of Georgia, where he attacked Plaintiff Taitz, who was an attorney in Farrar v Obama, claiming that he has produced a birth certificate and that he suffers from Taitz.
45. 45. In and around November 19, 2011, Obama committed mail and wire fraud when, he, through his agent, Deputy Campaign Manager Juliana Smoot, personally attacked and defamed Taitz: “Release the Mugs By Julianna Smoot, Deputy Campaign Manager on November 19, 2011. Yesterday, four Republicans in the New Hampshire State House allowed a hearing requested by Orly Taitz, the notorious dentist-lawyer-birther, who wants President Obama officially removed from the state’s primary ballot. So in honor of conspiracy theorists everywhere, we’re re-releasing the campaign’s limited-edition “Made in the USA” mugs.
There’s clearly nothing we can do to satisfy this crowd—or anyone else who insists on wasting time and energy on nonsense like this.
But when it starts to make your head hurt, I’ve found the best remedy is to have some tea in my “Made in the USA” mug.
Works like a charm. I recommend Earl Grey.
There’s clearly nothing we can do to satisfy this crowd—or anyone else who insists on wasting time and energy on nonsense like this.
But when it starts to make your head hurt, I’ve found the best remedy is to have some tea in my “Made in the USA” mug.
Works like a charm. I recommend Earl Grey.
46. 46. Fraud committed by Defendants who were acting directly or indirectly and committed fraud, which was on going from 2007 until now, for over four years. Actions by the defendants established a pattern of racketeering activity within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. §1962(c), in that their common purpose was to defraud, and the common result was to defraud. Plaintiffs were victims of the acts of racketeering and the acts of racketeering were otherwise related by distinguishing characteristics and were not isolated events.
47. 47. Forged document that were uttered by Obama
a. Long form birth certificate- affidavits of Adobe illustrator expert Felichito Papa, scanning and printing machines expert Doug Vogt, senior deportation officer John Sampson and announcement by sheriff Arpaio (exhibits 1-3) show Obama’s long form birth certificate to be forged
b. Short form birth certificate-certification of live birth. Research by Dr. Ron Pollard show short form birth certificate to be forged
c. Selective service certificate-investigative report by federal agent Steven Coffman, journalist Linda Bentley and announcement by Sheriff of Maricopa county, Arizona and lead investigator Mike Zullo, show Obama’s selective service certificate to be forged.
d. Social Security certificate-affidavits of Senior Deportation officer Sampson, licensed investigator Daniels, researcher Linda Jordan, adobe illustrator expert Felicito Papa show Obama using as his own a social security number 042-68-4425, which was assigned to another individual, resident of Connecticut, who was born in 1890.
e. Possibly all other identification documents are fraudulently acquired, as those rest on forged primary identification papers.
48. 48. Barack Obama knew that he is using forged identification papers and is not eligible for the U.S. Presidency.
49. 49. Obama created “Obama for America” with a purpose to defraud American citizens and illegally usurp the U.S. Presidency, while using forged identification papers.
50. 50. Defendant Loretta Fuddy, director of Health of the State of Hawaii, aided and abetted Obama in committing elections fraud by covering up the fact that Obama is using a forged birth certificate
51. 51. Defendant Alvin Onaka, Registrar of the State of Hawaii aided and abetted Obama and was complicit in the cover up of the fact that Obama is using a forged birth certificate.
52. 52. Defendant Michael Astrue, commissioner of the Social Security aided and abetted Obama by covering up the fact that Barack Obama is fraudulently using a Connecticut Social Security number, 042-68-4425, which was issued in and around 1977 in the State of Connecticut to a resident of Connecticut born in 1890 and that this Social Security number does not pass E-verify, when checked under the name Barack Obama
53. 53. Defendant William A. Chatfield, former director of Selective Service acted in concert with other defendants in burying all evidence after Taitz provided it to Chatfield in and around March 25, 2009. Chatfield did not take any action in regards to Obama’s forged Selective Service certificate and simply left the Selective service shortly thereafter
54. 54. Plaintiff suffered defamation and humiliation, endured multiple death threats and sanctions, while she was telling the truth about the fact that defendant Obama is committing elections fraud and is using and uttering forged documents as a proof of his eligibility for the U.S. Presidency. Plaintiff Taitz received multiple death threats from Obama supporters who do not believe that their “messiah” is capable of committing elections fraud and using forged documents. Unless the injunction is issued and the public is apprised of the evidence of the elections fraud and forgery by Obama, such death threats will continue until one of Obama’s supporters will succeed in making his threat a reality.
55. 55. Plaintiff suffered damages of emotional distress, financial damages, defamation, slander, harassment as a direct result of the actions by the Defendants.
56. 56. Defendants acted intentionally, outrageously, oppressively, despicably and maliciously. Exemplary and punitive damages are warranted in order to punish and deter such conduct in an amount to be determined at trial.
57. Declaratory relief deeming individual mandate H. R. 3590 “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) to be discriminating and violating of the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment, Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment and Free Exercise of Religion and Establishment clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and therefore unconstitutional.
58. Declaratory relief deeming the Healthacare tax to be violative of the Establishment clause and unconstitutional.
59. Certification of Taitz as a representative of a class of 306 million US citizens, who are Christians or Jews, whose constitutional rights of equal protection under the law and free exercise of religion under the First Amendment and separation of State and Church under the Establishment Clause have been egregiously violated by the heavy taxation imposed by the H.R. 3590 PPACA (Obamacare), while 7 million Muslims, US citizens were exempted from such taxation
60. Stay of taxation of citizens under H.R. 3590 PPACA, whose religion does not give them an exemption based on individual’s status as a member of an exempt religious sect or division.
61. Stay of any and all collection of taxes and penalties by the IRS in relation to failure by Taitz or any other individual who is a Christian or a Jew or member of any other religion, who does not fall under the exemption of religious sect or division under Section 1411 5(A)(5)(A) which grants Muslims an exemption from paying the Healthcare tax.
62. PERMANENT INJUNCTION preventing taxation of Taitz, as well as other US citizens, who are Christians or Jews, who were made to pay heavy Healthcare tax under H. R. 3590” Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) , in order to subsidize healthcare of Muslims, who were exempted under 1411 (5)(A) and an exempt religious sect or division.
63. Declaratory relief deeming taxation of Taitz and others similarly situated U.S. citizens under the new H.R.3590 tax to be unconstitutional, as H.R. 3590 was signed into law by a foreign national Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Soebarkah, who usurped the position of the US President by fraud and while using forged and fraudulently obtained identification papers, and while never being eligible for the position of the U.S. President.
64. Declaratory relief deeming that defendants (aside from defendant Sebelius)
acted in a racketeering fashion and acted in concert in committing elections fraud and allowing usurpation of the US Presidency by a foreign national Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama Soebarkah, using forged and fraudulently obtained identification records, and allowing him to unlawfully sign bills and executive orders, including ObamaTax, aka H.R. 3590.
65. Treble damages in RICO to cover financial damages, as well as damages suffered as a result of defamation, slander, harassment and persecutions of Taitz, who blew the whistle on Obama and other Defendants.
1. Court costs, attorneys’ fees and any and all relief that the court will find to be just and proper.
Respectfully submitted
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
66. Affidavit of Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, stating that Barack Obama’s alleged Birth certificate, Selective service Certificate and Social Security number represent forgeries.
67. Affidavit of expert Douglas Vogt attesting to the fact that Obama’s birth certificate represent a forgery.
68. Affidavit of Felicito Papa attests to the fact that the alleged birth certificate of Obama is a computer generated forgery.
69. Affidavit of assistant registrar of the state of Hawaii Timothy Adams, attesting to the fact that there is no birth certificate for Obama in any hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii.
70. Affidavit of Adobe Illustrator expert Felicito Papa attesting to the fact that Barack Obama posted his full Connecticut Social security number 042-68-4425 on white with his 2009 tax returns and posted on April 15, 2010.
71. Affidavit of John Sampson, Senior Deportation officer of the department of homeland security, attesting to the fact that there was no legitimate reason for assigning a Connecticut Social security number to Barack Obama, resident of Hawaii.
72. Affidavit of Linda Jordan and attached e-verify attesting to the fact that Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 issued to Obama was not assigned to Obama.
73. SSNVS (Social security verification systems) printout attesting to the fact that Connecticut social security number 042-68-4425 used by Obama was never issued to Obama
74. Affidavit of typesetting expert Paul Irey attests to the fact that Obama’s alleged long form is a forgery, as bits and pieces of the “certificate” were cut and pasted from different documents, as letters show different fonts and sizes
75. Certification of Nomination of Al Gore issued by Democratic Party of Hawaii to the Elections Division in the State of Hawaii in 2000.
76. Certification of Nomination of John Kerry issued by Democratic Party of Hawaii to the Elections Division in the State of Hawaii in 2004.
77. Certificate of Nomination of Barack Obama issued by Democratic Party of Hawaii to the Elections Division in the State of Hawaii in 2008.
78. Certificate of Nomination of John Kerry by Democratic National Committee sent to the State of Hawaii in 2004.
79. Certificate of Nomination for Barack Obama by Democratic National Committee in 2008 sent to 49 states.
80. Certificate of Nomination for Barack Obama by Democratic National Committee sent to the Office of Elections of the State of Hawaii in 2008 (with edited wording).
81. School registration #203 for Barack Obama from Assissi school in Jakarta Indonesia and showing Obama using his step father’s last name Soetoro as his legal name, as well as listing his citizenship as Indonesian and his religion Islam
82. Affidavit of Chris Strunk, authenticating passport records of Barack Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, received by him under the FOIA request from the Department of State and showing Obama’s legal name in his mother’s passport records to be Barack Obama Soebarkah.
Category: HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, LINKS, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz civil rights leader, Orly Taitz for U.S. Senate 2012, Orly Taitz Hawaii, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities
Ridiculus claims from Obots in response to my complaint
Posted on | July 5, 2012 Obots already started a smear campaign against this new law suit, claiming that I am lying and that there is no evidence of Muslims having a Reigious opposition towards insurance and usury. They are bringing a citation from some sheikh or Imam that if one gets from insurance more money than he put in, it will be o’k, as long as he gives the difference to the charity.
The question is: what if he put in $100, but his healthcare is worth $100,000 for expensive surgeries, how can he give this money to charity, where the payment for his healthcare will come from? Additionally, what charity does this Sheikh or Imam is talking about: is it Muslim Brotherhood charity? That would be a really good place to send our Obamatax dollars 

Posted on | July 5, 2012 |Currently I have 5 cases challenging Barack Obama: MS, IN, GA (application for stay filed with Justice Thomas in the Supreme Court), DC (Social Security challenge), CA ( Judeo -Christian ObamaTax challenge)
Does anyone have this video clip with animation recreation of assassination of Judge Rolls. This is important, as other judges might be scared to rule in our favor, as they are threatened.
Posted on | July 5, 2012 Re: Judge Rolls was assassinat?ed, when he heard a case related to a drug cartel.Wwa?s it the same drug cartel which got 2,000 assault weapons from attorney general Eric Holder?
7:17 AM (20 minutes ago)
7:17 AM (20 minutes ago)
When this first happened, there was a video that I saw ONE time, it was on some cable news channel but I never saw it again and still can’t find it.
It was an animation of the walking/shooting route the shooter took and it was his actions in animation as he did them. It showed his first shot or two and then they showed him hitting judge rolls while behind a table, him falling down and then the shooter bending down, reaching UNDER the table to shoot him again! This almost proves that he was the target, because they made sure they got HIM! Giffords just happened to be in the way.
I looked for this video a while back and could never find it, but I will try to find it again…
from a supporter Leslie Johnson
Posted on | July 4, 2012
Leslie Johnson 4 approved | If Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., is really a decaying zombie why is “PRESIDENT WHAT EVERY HIS NAME IS”, terrified to personally appear in court against her. In fact he is spending millions of dollars to avoid appearing in court against Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. It looks like he is scared to death of all the unrefuted facts she has in all her case filings. I’m still waiting for somebody to explain the on again and off again “KERNING” on the phony Birth Certificate he has shown to the America people. Why has America taking a blind’s eye to this very simple fact that’s right before their eyes. It doesn’t take any special training at all to see this “KERNING” mess is nothing but a forgery. America, please wake-up to what Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., has been telling, showing, and proving for years. |
Obama’s hired guns produced their highly intellectual response to my filling of the application for stay with Justice Thomas: “(she)… is a birther zombie with a decaying body”. Why, you may ask? One of the the pages of the brief on the blog did not scan well, was not clear
o Historic DVD Now Available!
DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was provided showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a stolen social security number. The DVDs are in a beautiful commemorative case with personal autographs from attorney Dr. Orly Taitz $22.50 each +$2.50 for shipping and handling.
DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was provided showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a stolen social security number. The DVDs are in a beautiful commemorative case with personal autographs from attorney Dr. Orly Taitz $22.50 each +$2.50 for shipping and handling.
Pay by credit card on the website or by check to: Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012, 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100, RSM, CA 92688.
CITIZENS! YOU CAN CHALLENGE OBAMA'S ELIGIBILITY. Obama does not meet the requirements to be on the ballot, and he has submitted false documents in support of his eligibility.
Call your state secretary of state on how you may file a challenge.
Addresses of State Election Agencies.
Phone numbers of the Secretaries of States.
Call your state governor to complain about this violation of the U.S. Constitution. Phone numbers of the State Governors.
CITIZENS! YOU CAN CHALLENGE OBAMA'S ELIGIBILITY. Obama does not meet the requirements to be on the ballot, and he has submitted false documents in support of his eligibility.
Call your state secretary of state on how you may file a challenge.
Addresses of State Election Agencies.
Phone numbers of the Secretaries of States.
Call your state governor to complain about this violation of the U.S. Constitution. Phone numbers of the State Governors.
How to contact public Integrity unit
See The PDF File Here
US Department of Justice has a special unit in their Criminal Division called the
See The PDF File Here
US Department of Justice has a special unit in their Criminal Division called the

That's a lot of writing.It's also a waste of time. We have only one choice, physical resistance period.
You are correct, Anon. 9:25. Bless Orly! She has worked very hard, but all her cases have either been thrown out, misinterpreted. lied about or undermined in someway subversive manner. Probably the real reason for moving her case to a different district is because the sheriff, judges and police may be a little more cunning and with greater expertise at "fixing" things like they were with Attorney Richard Fine. Fine was kept in solitary confinement for 14 months without any crime having been committed. Why the hell aren't the people protesting that??
Everything Obama has ever done is illegal...and unconstitutional. It will all be thrown out the window as null & void as soon as common law returns...and he will go to jail with all his cronies. It becomes a waste of time and brain space to focus on each and every detail...when the whole thing is rotten. We must learn to look further down the road and not focus on the cesspool we are now sitting in. Mr.Ed
The tax is UNLAWFUL! There is a big difference.
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