Open letter to DRAKE
I listened to your broadcast of Sunday, which got cut off, and I’ll listen to the conclusion of it, scheduled for tonight [July 16th].
Since I heard you invite all awakened people (numbering in the millions) to consider your proposal, and I am one of those awakened people, I now have the authority to openly interject my commentary and question to you. Since it may not be possible to do so during your broadcast, this means of registering same will suffice.
The question is: Where’s the authority to make the arrests you advocate, or the authority to demand others do so?
The following is my commentary, from a knowledgeable standpoint, and as Notice of an alternative plan:
Authority is derived from bonding – the committing of faith and/or credit, from where one stands in trusting what is proposed or trusting in who will act on one’s behalf. To arrest is to STOP.
If you are relying on the authority of the people noted within the Constitution, you are likely also relying on the law tenets that give authority to the Constitution, memorialized within the preamble to the Declaration of Independence (which was the initiation of a quit-claim action against a monarch, prosecuted by War).
The Constitution is only binding upon those office-holders who take an Oath to support it. The only two clauses within the so-called ‘Bill of Rights’ that apply to truly awakened people (people who only commit their faith and credit under the Law of One [“the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”]) are found within Amendment IX “rights retained by the people” (meaning Birthrights to divine property), and Amendment X “powers reserved to the people” (meaning the power of direction [choice] as to one’s Birthrights, since the Creator is the Source of the grant for the soul to occupy the flesh for experiencing life in this dimension).
The other Amendments restrain the office-holders more specifically. However, the people must evidence where they Stand in Trust [their bonded authority] to qualify for any services demanded from the office-holders. The people can choose to stand in the Public Trust created in 1871 as wards within the US/Federal Reserve system of governance, being the municipal (guardianship) form based within the District of Columbia (and administered within all other Federal Reserve cities and districts). Or, they can choose to stand in trust of God within them (also called the indwelling Spirit). People of the latter state of being share and benefit in the sovereignty of One, essentially acting as the one Church, which societal-trust model [republic] was settled by the founders of The USofA. Such people directly minister that Trust for our Creator – being a government of the (Creator-directed) people, by the (Creator-directed) people and for the (Creator-directed) people. President Lincoln hoped such governance form/model would not perish from the face of the earth, per the Notice given within in his famous warning speech.
The Military protects property. The word Property means Use-rights. Divine use-rights can be encumbered by voluntary registration [making a grant of one’s inherent power of direction] or other form of direct bonding with the US/Federal Reserve, evidenced by receipt of said Public Trust benefits.
The people encumber their Birthrights by voluntary means. No one holds a gun to their heads. The most common encumbering act, and in fact the Cause of all other adverse Effects, is the peoples’ endorsement of the private credit of the Federal Reserve bankers, for receipt of perceived welfare/benefits. When people place their blind (unqualified) signature/authorization on a banking instrument, they bond their faith and future energy [energy being their divine substance] to the extra currency that the Fed then creates. The fractionalized currency is backed with substance, not ‘created out of thin air’. The people ORDER up the additional currency. Look at a check. The face states PAY TO THE ORDER OF, and the back usually states the word ENDORSEMENT. The fiat currency is merely passed from one Federal-Trust person to another, but the Federal Reserve holds an Interest in it at all times. All licensing, insurance and taxation is a result of acceptance of the Fed’s private credit.
How can people claim to be a member of the Sovereign USofA when they pledge their faith [their trust] and their substance to a foreign Sovereign who totally supports them?
So now, DRAKE, where’s the authority for the people, who are obliged to the Fed per direct pledging, to arrest the Fed and accomplices? It is irrelevant that the Fed (et al) is engaged in ‘unlawful’ activity. These ‘dark’ ones formed the municipal Trust as an unlawful, but LEGAL, entity. The Fed has merely offered the people benefits if the people volunteer to be Beneficiaries of the Trust.
Here’s the alternative. THE PEAPLE CAN CHOOSE TO ARREST THEIR OWN ACTIONS. They can choose to STOP granting their authority to those who perform or support this dark agenda.
Imagine ---- millions of people choosing to cease endorsing fiat money of account by merely choosing to demand to handle money of exchange (called by the Congress “lawful money”, being U.S. notes)? How is that possible? The Congress created such relief from endorsement of fiat currency, written right into Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act, codified at Title 12, Section 411.
Is there temporary inconvenience in newly choosing to live in sacred trust, upon one’s discovery of the correction that can be taken? Yes. Do you suppose the founders of the USofA were temporarily inconvenienced? Answer – Yes.
So my suggested alternative to your suggestion DRAKE is that people realize the CAUSE of their volunteer slavery to the Moneychangers et al. and then actualize their own authority to create life independently of the Fed.
Your plan is fundamentally flawed. The Military does not have the independent authority to make arrests, unless they witness actual rioting that local authorities cannot arrest. Are you, DRAKE, suggesting that the bankers have/are inciting riot, such that actual rioting is imminent? I suggest that the high-ranking members of the Military [the ‘bad’ guys/gals] KNOW the essence of and the parties to the Fed Trust, and their lack of authority to interfere with the Fed’s agenda. They are receiving a paycheck for servicing the Fed’s Interests!!! I agree that a slave-uprising would be detrimental to the Fed’s Interests. But per your speaking, DRAKE, you could be accused of instigating or fueling riotous conditions. Wouldn't it be simpler, and preferable, for the people to arrest their own wrongful judgments? Could the whole Military get behind the restraint that the Fed et al would have to exercise if the people would do that?
As I see it, the dark ones have only demonstrated their own lack of connection with their indwelling Spirit, and that is what shall be corrected, per their own choosing. As I see it, members of the good Military, who no longer choose to support the Fed, can choose to leave as conscientious-objectors. So can sheriffs [leave the position they occupy within the municipal SHERIFF DEPT] and other ‘law-enforcement’ officers. BTW: FBI agents only investigate crimes against the Fed’s monetary Interests; they are essentially accountants who carry a gun, as explained to me by a former State LEO.
Imagine --- millions of people (of your network, DRAKE) choosing to arrest their own support of the Fed and all its ways, by leaving the debt-based system of thought/living! By choosing to not monetize their Birthrights. That would collapse many domains of concern [not to mention the hastening of the collapse of the Fed system]. And, no more unfulfilled expectations from placing trust in an earth-bound savior.
Imagine --- “Imagine all the people living life in peace. It isn’t hard to do” [John Lennon].
The people of the ‘republic’, who claim to be parties to the Sovereignty of the USofA as self-responsible people, cannot claim such authority by just declaring such standing [i.e. the Hague Notice of Intent] when their subsequent deeds [endorsement of Fed credit/Sovereignty] encumber that declaration/intent. Or is the subsequent Word of these people not their sacred Bond? One’s signature/autograph is one’s seal.
There is, however, one township of the USofA that I know of wherein people have established and maintained the standing to order Fed agents to cease any attempt to claim Interest in said peoples’ divine Birthrights. That is New Buffalo township, Michigan. I am one of those God-directed people/souls who settled self-responsible governance here by my ministerial right to accomplish the transfer of government from municipal rule back to self-rule under the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. That occurred long before the so-called Guardian Elders of the Republic took action, followed by Tim Turner’s Republic attempt, leading to the latest attempt. The New Buffalo township members’ certificate of good-standing issues from our Creator, not from the Hague [although all the world has been given Notice of our standing without the Fed cities and districts]. We, the said township people, have benefited from the inconveniences we have endured, and we shall take the discoveries made during this life-stream into our cosmic missions beyond this ‘time’.
Thank you, DRAKE, for considering my knowing perspective. I hope you will at least answer the question I have posed herein during your broadcast, or soon afterward. You know how to reach me.
Cheryl Marie
As a reader I find this most informative. Unfortunately New Buffalo township, Michigan will suffer from the surrounding peoples who have sworn allegiance to the FED through the fallout destined to befall America. However, this has shed light on DRAKE and his claims. It would behoove all free thinking people to start taking responsibility for their own - rather then waiting on a false messiah.
Here are my open letters to Drake:
Is this the township she is talking about? They seem very corporate to me. There are ordinances that restrict basic activity. The address has the 2 letter state abbreviation. Maybe this is not it, but the name is the same.
Well said Cheryl, this is exactly what I was saying and thank you for putting it so eloquently. The problem is not wanting to divorce them, the problem is they don't know how to do it in a way in which they are not harassed.
This is a flawed argument. You cannot contract in ignorance. IT's like contracting with a stone.
She's wrong on so many points.
Great letter this, almost everything in it! Office Letters
Regarding the open letter to Drake. Wow. There is just nothing like another demonstration of incoherent ramblings by a pseudointellectual to make my day!
Very well written. I often read articles with the intent of "feeling" how they resonate with my soul. Your actions have solidified my/our belief that it is actions we take within our sphere of influence that changes many. I recently saw a video where higher frequencies actually change the physical form of substance. My family have decided to travel this country and share a gift from above where my children sing in harmony and people are "changed". We will be visiting New Buffalo on our travels. Look for us near your town.
More ramblings from the hippy community of light and love. You will be led to the slaughter because you have failed to understand fraud in contracts. Nobody has voluntarily bonded (nor would anyone apart from suicidal maniacs and imbeciles ever choose to bond) with the Fed Reserve.
Beyond this, the argument is facile and impractical, given that they are about to take away your armaments. What good will your pompous talk of "sacred trusts" do for you then? Good luck with your sacred trust when the guns are gone.
Marie that sounds like you know a lot of words. I don't think you know what you are talking about. The U.S. OF A. the FED RESV. is a fraud = all contracts void. Any participation in such system is under duress, (starvation,homelessness, death or imprisonment.)the u.s.A. is the republic the U.S.A. is the fraud. Check your writing. Drake is a fraud also why ask Him to clarify anything,unless you wanted to show how many words you know.
No this is not well written;it is is designed to confuse the common reader with BS! This is a typical Liberal that can't stand to accept that communism taught in college by treasonous professors that brainwashed their progressive heads with socialism(communism) to apoint they don't know what or who they stand for!The fact of the matter the supposed Bill of rights and the declaration of independence are all formal documents thet they have been told don't exist by cock roaches like Obama and his scum commie ilk. They are taint supporters,not really smart enough to discern that both Republicans and Democrats are all the same today,yeah,you might try reading what went on in Germany in 1938 under the Nazi regeime.What matters noe,from a patriot view point is the constitution and all of it's original amendments.Not the communist manifesto! Where this wnabe bitch is off track,you don't go around straling and murdering us citizens then issues protective unconstitutional executive orders to insulate one's self from the supposed legal law>>>Sory,thet don't work,treason and murder is a capital offense and this pretend commie/Nazi government needs to be put down NOW!
I am sick of reading about this piece of criminal commie ox dung running for reelection with the utter insane balls of a whacko,non us ccitizen,complicit in several murders and assasinations,from x-church butt buddies,info officier,Harris,Judge in Arizona,tens of scientist that were going to blow the whistle on these vermin,all dead>>>So go pedal your Taintinism somewhere else. Just because some criminal gets a congress and senate to committ treason for a few billion dollars doesn't make the the law legal,legal is only used or honored when the scum bag vermin DC and Banker crowd want to arrest an 80yr old lady foe resisting a body search by Obama's SS TSA or harrasing a five years old for selling lemonaide,this is the real f-ed mentality of these insane people destroying our Country,They all need to be killed eventually,first tried for their unthinkable crimes against humanity!
GO Militia,arrest these magets now!
Thank you for responding. You accessed the corporate Township. Our web presence is
It contains the video links about demanding "lawful money" of exchange.
Cheryl Marie
We will watch for your visit.
How do we reach you Cheryl Marie? The republic of Michigan a FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATE IS A BUNCH OF BULLSH*T. They have their won agenda and I would not doubt it if they are still in with Tim Turner. Can you give out a way to contact others whom want to join.
Cheryl may I ask you if you have ever been jailed for participating in the New Buffalo Township sovereignty movement???
First of all, there is no New Buffalo township “sovereignty movement”. We all (everyone) arrive on this planet as free-willed beings, and certain of us people here are now reviving the republic-form of societal association (a township) that was formed under the natural law as one of the associations of the Creator-directed people trusting together, styled as: The United/united States of America.
So the answer to your question is No.
I was, however, unlawfully arrested and detained for 49 days for a so-called violation of a municipal statute. I had already claimed my established right (established on record) of Refusal for Cause, which had been properly noticed to the County prior to the prosecutor authorizing the trespass on my energetic-substance (the arrest). The prosecutor finally gave up hoping I would break down and opt into his municipal jurisdiction. I was thrown out of the County jail the day BEFORE the so-called trial, because he knew he could not go forward with it or even arraign me. Now I am owed the return of the County’s unauthorized Use of my energetic-substance, and that claim is being pursued.
Cheryl Marie
Our email is on our website
Good question...
First, why would the military not be able to arrest the bankers? I don't know if you heard about that whole federal marshall thing, but that stuff works.
Second, why would we not be able to arrest them? You are making no sense. Look, if you talk to the police like I did, then see if you can get some other people, neighbors, militia, whomever, and then if they police are not corrupted, you can go look up the crimes of some senator or rep or someone in your area who has been doing bad, ex. if they have voted on something or supported something unconstitutional(a.k.a. treason), get some proof, get the warrant with the police and go get them. If they shoot the police, extra charges, more po-po, if they try to get away, their status become criminal on the run and things get way bigger. Then, people hear about it on the news how this rep is running from the law. And the truthers get all pumped, and the non-truthers get freaked and are more willing to see the truth. And hopefully(I'm praying to God Most High) that the truthers would take that and run with it. Where to start? There's records of this stuff, and then there are lawsuits or warrants that can be issued, and Drake was so nice as to mention the gun control treaty. I may not understand it all very well, but I know one thing: I will be burning up those police department phone-lines, and I will be talking to friends of mine who know lawyers, and we will come calling, if they have any sense of right and wrong. If I have mis-spoken, please correct me. By the way, anywhere where we can set up a system to see who has what counties in the the US? I'd like to see that every one was covered. Ex. Mine is Wilson Co., TN, so don't worry about that folks, something along those lines. I'm not sure if any of these LadyDragon or Minuteman or Drake or other freedom people could get up a chart that would have all of this stuff, but I would sure be appreciative if they did. It would also show us where our strong and weak points are in the US, and so where we need to work on it. Better yet, for mobilization, that might be key. Email me at if you got any updates on this that you just want to tell me.
Op, hold on. I have to have another message. This place won't accept my whole message. Look for the second one. It will begin with a period. Like that.
Look, with all of this, when you are dealing with the police, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever whether the whole thing is a fraud. Think about it. The entire world runs on fraud right now. Notice the word runs. Sure it's running down and leading towards absolute despotism, but it runs and everyone thinks that no one else cares, so everything keeps on running. This fake running is what we plan to take advantage of. Most of the people of this country(including police forces and the like) still think good about the Constitution, DoI, etc. so that is what we are taking advantage of. Now, if when we get to the point of taking everybody down, and we get some sort of scene where the bad guy is like, "Everything that you are fighting for is an illusion. There are no nations, only corporations," sort of spill like in the movie Network, then sure, we need to have a plan ready to create everything anew, and I do believe that that will be necessary at some point in time, and that plan will include new, personal sovereignty, common law and all of that wonderful God-designed stuff, but until then, we work in the medium which best suits our purposes. We have to play smart.
Also, really really really big question: how are you all in this establishment, if it is really Popular Government, natural law, new sovereignty stuff, getting away with this unscathed? Because it seems to me that the US gov would not go full-out attack on you, for the publicity involved, even though they control the media, and the chain-reaction that that might produce would be catastrophic on many levels. But I could imagine some assasins going in and murdering a whole lot of people that are outspoken in this community about this. I suppose I just can't really bring myself to think that the US would just brush off a successful, free community, that was, in reality, a whole new country inside of theirs. I mean, it's possible: you have instances of a country inside a country in let's say Africa, but I'm not really sure. If you could explain that to me, that would be lovely, thanks. Again, correct me where I have mis-spoken, and email me with any updates that you, out of the generosity of your heart just want to give me on the whole deal, or just the map thing.
Still won't take the whole thing. Note to the administrator. More room. Period thing again.
By the way, I imagine the map as like big, zoomed out America with 1 or 2 stats on the front of each state if it fits, then you click on your state and you get some stats in the upper right/left corner, county, admitted people that for this, and then stats on the county if you can fit it, and then you can click on your county and you zoom in, get stats, police locations and status(Neutral, For, Against) maybe courts and whether or not any lawsuits are going on, or a wanted page on the site, or if it can be managed, a list of the bad people in the area that need to be taken down with a hyperlink to the page on the same site where there is a list of the evil that they have done with proof/sources and if there is a suit, a link to the info on it, you know, that sort of thing. I realize that it is a pretty big undertaking, but I also know that we need to mobilize. If you are freaked about the government finding you, haha, don't worry, they know who you are, what you are doing, and that you are reading this comment right now, and that you are looking at this page. You have been a threat since you started going truther. So don't worry about it. Get with your neighbors and organize(even though at times it is a scary idea to do, I mean sometimes you get scared of getting rejected, but just hide behind, the "I'm your neighbor" excuse and be good to all of your neighbors, show them some of that love your neighbor Jesus stuff and look, two stones in one throw. Maybe you've even even been wondering like a kid who lives in that dark, creepy house on the corner. Don't do something stupid. But if I may suggest something, maybe it's time to do something crazy and talk to the neighbors.) Be prepared to defend yourself if someone comes into your house after you. And you will be fine. Love Jesus, study your Bible, pray, and you got no worries. I'm not going to repeat the whole email thing, I'm done, God bless you all.
This type of conversation is what we need, we all want the same thing(ending the greed,coruption,theft,deciet,slavery etc.) and have to find a common ground on how to get there. I say cudos to all the great opinions here, there has to be a solution to this mess somewhere.
There are alot of great minds who have been studying this stuff for years,the more great minds who work together the better the solution.
The REAL question: where can we talk about it? Is there like a forum or something set up? I can set one up if there is not one yet.
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