Subject: Stop The UN-Obama Gun Control Scheme
![]() On July 27th, Barack Hussein Obama Intends To Sign A United Nations Treaty That Will "Legislate Gun Control In The United States" Through The Backdoor Via The United Nations "And Effectively Repeal Our Second Amendment." ![]() "Representatives from many of the world’s socialist, tyrannical and dictatorial regimes [are gathering] at the United Nations headquarters in New York for a month-long meeting, in which they’ll put the finishing touches on an international Arms Trade Treaty that could seriously restrict your freedom to own, purchase and carry a firearm." It's happening right now... at this very moment. The member states and thugocracies of the United Nations have been meeting, behind closed doors with Hillary Clinton, since July 2nd to hammer out the final details on their so-called Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and Barack Obama, HAS VOWED to sign it on July 27th. And if you're not worried, you should be. Cox goes on to say: "You might think that something so obviously menacing to one of our enumerated fundamental rights would receive a strong rebuke from our top government leaders. BUT YOU'D BE WRONG. This is President Barack Obama’s vision for America, and we’re expected to just go along with it." We need our elected officials on record NOW. And it's not enough to call on them to oppose the ATT, AFTER Barack Obama signs it. We must DEMAND that they announce their intentions to vote AGAINST ratification of this treasonous treaty NOW... BEFORE Barack Obama signs it on July 27. Make no mistake, if you do not make your voice heard now, your constitutional and God-given right to keep and bear arms may forever be regulated and controlled by thugocracies within the United Nations that have no intention of following the dictates of the very treaty they will impose upon you. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Members of the United States Senate. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. And Where Are Our Republican Leaders? At least we knew where President George W. Bush stood on the ATT. As a matter of policy, he not only opposed the ATT but also proclaimed that the United States would have no involvement with the planning or implementation of the ATT. He wanted no part of this treasonous treaty. As Bloomberg news reported, under the Bush Administration, the United States "was the only nation to oppose the 2006 resolution to create an international treaty on the sale of small arms and light weapons, and subsequent measures to continue the talks." But the times, they are a changing. Instead of following President Bush's example and saying, from the get-go , that there is no way in the nether regions of hell that this voluntary surrender of our constitutional rights will ever see the light of day; Senate Republicans are taking more of a 'let's-wait-and-see-what-the-UN-comes-up-with' approach. And while they procrastinate, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are legitimizing and actively negotiating something that is illegitimate... something that the United States should never be negotiating in the first place. Make no mistake, our elected officials like to talk tough. As a matter of fact, a number of Senators penned a strongly worded letter on ATT to Barack Obama last year, and they even went so far as to say that they would "oppose ratification of an Arms Trade Treaty presented to the Senate that in any way restricts the rights of law-abiding citizens to manufacture, assemble, possess, transfer or purchase firearms, ammunition and related items." But... Don't be lulled into complacency by the tough-sounding rhetoric. Words are cheap and we must demand action because anyone who knows how the UN operates, knows that its S.O.P. is deception. The ATT WILL, without a doubt, contain written promises and grandiose assurances... and the UN will assure far too many Senate Republicans that the ATT will in no way restrict your right to legally own a firearm. Of course, those assurances will be lies. Anyone who knows how the UN operates, also knows that those promises and assurances won't be worth the paper on which they are printed. Once the ATT is signed and ratified our own government, under the supervision of the thugocracies of the United Nations, will start to "regulate" and, soon thereafter, start to "confiscate." Don't take our word for it. Former UN ambassador John Bolton, says that the UN “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.” Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Members of the United States Senate. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. And President Bush Was Right. Make no mistake, if the United States Senate ratifies the ATT, the world will become an even more dangerous place because the rogue nations in the United Nations have no intention of following the the ATT. Oh they'll try to force the Great Satan to follow the treaty to the letter... even as the dictates and requirements for compliance continue to morph. But rogue countries like Iran will stockpile weapons and openly distribute them to every enemy of the United States around the world as the United Nations turns a blind eye. That's simply how the UN operates. George W. Bush knew it.... that's why he refused to allow the United States to have anything to do with this bogus UN treaty. Barack Obama knows it... that's why he's pushing this bogus UN treaty. And our elected officials know it too... that's why there is NO EXCUSE WHATSOEVER for allowing them to play a "let's-wait-and-see" charade? If President Bush didn't play "let's-wait-and-see" ... if Barack Obama isn't playing "let's-wait-and-see" ... then the American people most certainly shouldn't tolerate our elected officials playing "let's-wait-and-see." We don't need to see the ATT to know it's bad news and there's no better time than the present for them to proclaim, for the rest of the world to hear, that the people who elect them don't want any part of this suicidal UN treaty. It's time to make our Republican leaders understand that we don't negotiate over that which is non-negotiable. And when we do, we must make it clear that we're not going to tolerate them waiting until AFTER Barack Obama signs this treaty to go on record. We're DEMANDING that they announce that they WILL vote AGAINST ratification of the ATT NOW... BEFORE Barack Obama signs it on July 27. The dictators, and the despots, and the America-hating tyrants of the world need to be sent a clear and unmistakable message. The ATT may be part of "Barack Obama’s vision for America" but we're not going to "just go along with it." because our constitutional rights are NON-NEGOTIABLE... period... end of sentence! Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Members of the United States Senate. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. Would You Attempt To Stop An Escalation of Crime In Your Neighborhood By Appointing A Gang Of Violent Street Thugs To Confiscate Your Neighbors' Firearms? Do you doubt that rogue nations, like Iran, have no intention of abiding by this treaty and that the UN has every intention of turning a blind eye to the flagrant violations of the rogue nations that will violate this treaty? Do you doubt the the real purpose behind the ATT is to diminish, and hopefully hamstring, the United States? If not, consider the following. The members of the UN Conference of the Arms Trade Treaty just appointed Iran to head the negotiations on this stealth gun-control treaty. Yes, Iran... the rogue nation that has proclaimed that Israel should be blown off of the face of the earth... the nation that was just admonished (with a wink and a nudge) by the UN Security Council for illegally supplying weapons to Syria... weapons that Bashar al-Assad is using, at this very moment, to commit heinous acts of genocide against his own people. Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, a non-governmental monitoring group recently told "This is like choosing Bernie Madoff to police fraud on the stock market." Actually Mr. Neuer, it's more akin to recruiting a gang of violent street thugs to confiscate your neighbors' firearms as a crime prevention measure. Conservatives can legitimately argue over whether those who founded the United Nations did so with the best of intentions or the worst of intentions. But it is indisputable that the UN is presently one of the greatest perpetrators of evil in the world today. Under the deceptive guise of "promoting world peace" and "securing human rights," the thugocracies that call themselves member nations of the UN commit horrendous atrocities and use the "legitimacy" of the United Nations as a staging ground and platform to spread tyranny throughout the world... and they do it using your hard-earned tax dollars. If you doubt that the ATT is anything other than a means to effectively repeal the Second Amendment, which guarantees us the right to bear arms... the appointment of Iran to head the Arms Trade Treaty negotiations should remove all doubt and now, it's high time that our elected officials get the message. Usse the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Members of the United States Senate. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. Still Not Convinced? Here's More. But just in case the hypocrisy of appointing one of the world's most notorious exporters of illegal firearms and flagrant violators of human rights to head the negotiations of a treaty that is supposed to eradicate the illegal weapons trade and secure human rights around the world is not enough to convince any skeptic that the United Nations has ulterior motives: Consider the very first stipulation of the draft resolution of the ATT: "Recognizing that arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation are essential for the maintenance of international peace and security." Consider the fact that the ATT specifically calls for the passage of a legally binding instrument that will impose international standards for the ownership, trade, and transfer of weapons. Consider the following snippet from "Also included in the [ATT] press kit, however, was a report by the UN Coordinating Action on Small Arms titled, 'The Impact of Poorly Regulated Arms Transfers on the Work of the UN,' which... states that legally owned weapons should be regulated (along with everything from small arms and light weapons to helicopters, aircraft, tanks and heavy artillery) because of the 'problem of diversion' or, transfer of weapons to the illicit market." And lastly, consider the following admission from the UN: "[N]o treaty controlling the transfer of arms internationally can be effective without controls on transfers inside member states." Case closed. Now, let's send a clear and unmistakable message to our elected officials. Tell them that waiting until AFTER Barack Obama signs the ATT to condemn this treasonous treaty will not be viewed as a "reasoned," "practical," "prudent," or "diplomatic" approach to foreign policy. Tell them that the American people will view such hesitation as a betrayal of their solemn duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Tell them that issuing strongly worded letters signaling opposition to a treaty "IF" it infringes on the constitutional rights of Americans, when it is already apparent that the ATT will do just that, does not mitigate that betrayal. Tell them that sending a message, no matter how it is couched, that expresses a willingness to entertain or permit negotiations on matters that are non-negotiable is an act of treachery in the eyes of the American people. And finally, tell them that the constitutional right of citizens of the United States to bear firearms is God-given and that no American wants or needs the permission of the United Nations to maintain right to own a gun. And let's make sure that they understand that message NOW... BEFORE Barack Obama signs this treasonous treaty... so that the rest of the world does not mistake the intent of the American people or question our resolve. Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Members of the United States Senate. ![]() If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink. ![]() Floyd Brown The Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed. The Center for Western Journalism 42104 N Venture Drive Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086 (202) 370-6366 |
1 comment:
If Obama signs this ... it will be the greatest betrayal ever committed against the United States of America. These bills will surpass our Constitution and our rights....and it does not matter your race, sex, age or religion...all Americans will become slaves.
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