Thursday, July 5, 2012

White Knights - the Cavalry is Coming

Victory of the Light!

White Knights - the Cavalry is Coming

There is a soul group that keeps reincarnating with the sole purpose of fighting against the Cabal and setting the planet free. In the middle ages, they were fighting against the Inquisition. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were fighting against the Jesuits. Now, they are mostly against the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. This group is the cavalry that is coming.

You can find them now inside the Positive Military, inside Templar groups, inside Faction 2, among members of the White Dragons Society, infiltrated inside various networks of the Cabal and among many freedom fighters inside the general human population. If you feel a burning desire for freedom of this planet and you are actually doing something about it, you may well be part of this group!

Each one of us is unique and irreplaceable. There is a higher divine plan which strategically positions each of the Light warriors in a mandala that only the Source has a complete overview of. This mandala is functioning with its full power only if each one of us does his mission. So do your part! If you do not know what your part is, keep searching for it, keep asking for it and you will find it. You do not need to fight with a gun. You can also fight for the Light with a clear vision, with a brilliant mind, with the power of the written word and by many other means. 

Attacking and criticizing messengers such as Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, David Wilcock or Drake is not a wise strategy to help the Light forces. What the messengers do is they only relay info. They are NOT responsible for delays or missed deadlines.

After the Cabal was lately cut off from nuclear weapons, they began frantically developing new biological and chemical weapons. The Rothschild faction threatened to use one of these weapons (the so-called Flipper virus) and decimate the Earth’s population if the mass arrests would take place on July 4th. All those exotic biochemical weapons are currently being dealt with.

The plan for the planetary liberation is real and mass arrests play a vital part of this plan. Be aware that Disclosure, First Contact and Golden Age can not happen before the Cabal is removed. That may happen days, weeks or even months from now, but at a certain point it will happen. No action will be taken by the Positive Military that could potentially endanger human masses, therefore they will move only when everything is ready. 


Anonymous said...

what happened to the all powerful allies? there great magic dust,smoke and read minds! they should have seen this and stopped it.
guess you can tell a false prophet by the fruit he bears. mostly B.S. SO FAR

Anonymous said...

This is a big crock of BULLSHIT! Nothing more than a big excuse for nothing happening on the 4th of July. The Rothschild faction threatened to use a virus on Earths population if mass arrests took place. GIVE ME A BREAK! Now it's going to be days, weeks, months before any arrests. These gurus just keep dishing out the BS and the sheeple keep lapping it up. There will be no arrests at anytime of the cabal. Drake, Fulford, Wilcock and all the other gurus are the ones that need to be arrested. They're nothing but disinfo agents leading the sheeple to slaughter. The Hope-a-phobics better start waking up.

Marco said...

To Anon 7:49PM:

I venture to guess that you have never read and or understood anything about whats going on within our planet, perhaps you are the dis-info agent doing the work of the devil. what makes you so right and everyone else so wrong, give us some hard facts here buddy because I have to tell you, without any proof of your claims, your words are pointless and meaningless at best, just more divide and conquer tactics that the rest of us have given up on, now if you have some facts, please by all means, bring it on and share them with the rest of us, otherwise, please keep your personal "OPINIONS" to yourself.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

wilcox icke ect have been proven fake!

Anonymous said...

Obviously this person who always seems to get in first and post negative comments is part of the cabal. Years of extensive research and monitoring the world events proves that good things are happening and moving forward. The dark cabal fears off of everyone's fear and this persons goal is nothing more then to feed that fear and instill into people's minds hopelessness. To this person I simply say, get behind me Satan. You cannot stop this divine intervention and the return of Gods light to the world.

Anonymous said...

So what are all the "Light" people going to do in the middle east? What will happen to all the crazy muslims? This is just romantic crap for suburbia issues!

Anonymous said...

To Anon 8:30 PM: Better watch what you say or I'm going to release some Flipper virus dust on you!

Yours truly,
The Most Honorable ROTHSCHILD

Anonymous said...

maybe god gave me favor since i claim it every day! so i beat you to a post and now i am evil? I can not help it the facts are negative. god gave me the wisdom to see truth and i feel a burdened to share it. the fruit i see is sour

Anonymous said...

To all those who insult Cobra, Drake et. all, what are YOU as 'Christians' doing about any of the massive evil that is afoot?
People need to understand we must stick together and make a shift, as we now have a chance to unseat the evil Cabal. Focus on the positive and keep repenting of your sins & stop insulting others.

We can finally end this massive evil and change history by stopping the reign of the Anti-God. But it will take all of our collective efforts, our focus on a better future and us forgiving ourselves to do it.

Who do you think you are, by the way?;0OTc3NDYwNjg=0

I have news for you.
If you are a Christian in this country, you were born beneath Sin.

While you figured your well meaning methodist, presbytyrian, lutheran, mormon or advenist church was serving the Lord, it was in reality serving the Devil. Its leaders were sending all your money, your tithing and blessings to the Pagan Idolatrous Gods of Israel.

Your great blessings and 'tidings', were being sent into the Federal Reserve which is full of nothing less than satanic witches.

And practicing pagans from Mystery Babylon, including the Rothschilds and Stuarts who are nothing more than eighth degree sorcerers. These people are who you paid your 'respects' to, through your churches!!

Have you yet repented for such unwavering, gut-wrenching idolatry?
ZIONISM = Pagan witchcraft unfiltered, from the start of ancient Babylon! Sacrifice to the Golden Idols.

Rothschild admits he is a non-practicing hashem & a masonic witch.
These traitorous scum have been doing this for thousands of years and have said they want to kill every last one out there.

Stop attacking people who are making a difference. "You are a sorcerer!!" you exclaim. No, I am Christian who fights on all realms. Infiltrating their evil realm was required, to live on and to reveal this massive treason. Do not attack me, you attack yourself.

I have been repenting all the time for dabbling in magic, for I had no desire to do such. I have been on that road of forgiveness much as you all have, to atone but here's the point. To destroy evil of this magnitude can only be done with the forces of light & dark, and to protect fellow Christians I had to do so.

So do not attack your Christian brothers or usher in anti Godly thoughts; we have all seen it all, the only way to unseat the Rothschilds is to fight back on all fronts.

Anonymous said...

The idea that "the forces of good will not / cannot move against the cabal until everything is in place" about the most rediculous thing I've ever heard. It reeeeks of total BS poo poo.

Here is the reality: The forces of good cannot remove the Cabal FAST fact...a great opportunity to do it just passed in the amount of time its taken me to type this.

The whole idea that the public will panic is also a retarded poo poo theory. If a military authority came on TV and disclosed matter how bizzarre...and then said..we have everything under control.

There would be no panic...there would be massive celebration.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ohhh a video, it must be real LOL, so in other words this is not your opinion at all, the truth is, anyone can say and so anything, this does not in any way make a statement true or faults any more than the one your making, a rumor is a rumor until its fact.

A video of someone talking is not fact, the good things happening are, know the difference, it's no longer rocket science, come on, you can do it.

Anonymous said...

THere is SO MUCH NEGATIVITY being posted.....why?

WHY bash anyone from any country?...we are all connected as one - even the cabal!

SEND LOVE TO everyone on this planet at this time....PLEASE!

We can do better than pointing fingers and complaining!

We are POWERFUL Beings and this is what they (the cabal) is so FEARFUL WAKE-UP and STOP FEEDING their agenda!!!!


Anonymous said...

Re: 8:05 & 8:30
Talking negative is necessary in this case. You tow guy's are really either mentally ill or you are the disinformation agents, anyone that defends these guy's now (still) are gone. I know who I am and you have called Me a cabal hack,I know that's wrong!

7freemom said...

Each one chooses to BE either part of the problem or part of the solution,

CHoose you this day who you will serve, but as for me & my house, we will serve The Lord Almighty... by His HOly Spirit's empowerment and obedience to His guidance, to honor and glorify His Holy Name.

It's not difficult to determine a myriad of ways one can be a positive part of sharing Truth, Justice, Love, Joy, Peace, Abundance, Wisdom consistently; one may think their contribution is minor, small or doesn't matter-- NOT TRUE! Each has a sphere of influence where one can choose to add value to WE the People in honorable manners that DO make a difference. Each one reach one ... CHoose to BE HOPEFUL, Faithful, positive. BE the change you wish to see & help bring it about....

Anonymous said...

To the naysayers
It is very obvious from watching world news that the cabal is falling apart.

Take a few examples:

1- The Libor scandal,
2- The Rico lawsuit filed against George Soros and Donald Trump
3- The Fast and Furious investigation against Eric Holder
4- The sudden stop to the C02 "global warming," campaign
5- The promise by the BRICS 150 nation alliance to offer $500 billion for the poorest people in the world and for the environment, etc. etc.
6- The recent suite against the Crown, the Vatican

The fall of the Soviet Union and the communist bloc in Europe seemed to take forever when it was happening but in retrospect it was really quick.

The collapse of the cabal is a mathematical certainty and it is going on every day and becoming more and more obvious to all.
The important thing is to “IGNORE” and to stop propagating by ignore their/your fear mongering and while we are at it, make sure they/you do not trick us into World War 3.

Anonymous said...

We have been talking about arrests of the cabal for years and it has not happened. My friends, it "ainta" gonna happen.

People think they will get money from the PP's the GS or whatever they believe in. The dinar people are making a lot of noise for nothing. There will not be a revaluation of the dinar anytime soon. There will be a one world currency within a year and that will make the dinars that we are holding a worthless piece of paper.

People who are posting all the crap need to sit down and shut the hell up. The bad boys are reading all this crap and laughing at the people who are on a big ego trip and think they know something - but don't. They are being told good news from their intel, as they call it, and all the time being laughed at for believing and posting.

People need to realize that Obama is the puppet and being guided by the cabal. They want all Americans to be poor and so far they are doing a good job of accomplishing their plan.

So..........all you dreamers just keep dreaming.

Anonymous said...

This is to manny who believes what he is reading about all the good things coming to earth.

Bless you - you need to wake up. You are reading what you wish would happen. I'm wishing too..................

Anonymous said...

for what it is worth, clubbing Wilcock & Fulford along with Drake and his predictions of specific actions dates and his own short listed ascencion to some kind of power role is unfair to the former guys. Wilcock has written extensively on his research finding, provided data along with his articles that speak to why he says what he says, and has toured extensively and met people directly at those tours. He is not hiding behind names or associating with other folks who hide behind names to corroborate his material. David specifically said about the arrests that he does not believe it will happen like that. The details he provided us in 'Financial Tyrrany' & Trilion dollar Keenan lawsuit have all turned out to be true. Above all, David has treated all people with respect, dignity, and fairness, unlike Drake who resorts to name calling, inciting divisiveness and aligning with far right folks like Limbaugh. Unlike Drake, David has never inuended to his own grandiose plans of acquiring a lead role of running the country a la 'next George Washington' or any such plans; it remains to be seen if indeed Drake is truly speaking from or for the Light or not based on what we have seen. No need to believe what David says if one doesnt agree, but he is in a different league than Drake and continues to provide information that can be validated elsewhere.Above all, he stands behind his name.

As for Fulford, he has a history of credible reporting and writing , even if some of it may sound far fetched for credibility. Heis respected journalist and known by many folks, treating people with basic dignity and respect. Each person brings his own perspectives including Drake - we can each choose who to believe or trust or leave be. Clubbing them all in one basket is not fair to any of them.

Anonymous said...

obviously you are drinking too much, time to sober up. God's light is Christ, read the bible and there is NO guessing as to the future.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to believe Drake and the rest of these patriots but this is sounding way too much like the run around we got from Rap ,Trap, RUSA or whatever else they wanted to call it. I finmd it hard to believe the military would select a E-4 vet to deliver their comments. Get real officers don't even like to trust senior NCO's let alone a E-4. Time for someone to put up or shut up my prediction is we will still be paying taxes to the IMF this time next year. IRS is going nowhere and will just get stronger as Obama Care is put into place. If the military had any power or plan I would have thought they would have marched in and arrested the SCOTUS as soon as they decided to go against the constitution. I will continue to listen to Drake so I know what is NOT going to happen. I'm not part of the cabal just part of the people that are fed up with the Tim Turners,Drakes, Fulfords,and that annoying dragon lady when she speaks and hawks her website it makes my skin crawl.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 8:56....Why do you even bother reading these things if you are going to do nothing but put out negative rants? At least some here are attempting to give you info which you apparently are too blind to see.

Anonymous said...

Re: 1:50 A.M. I read and comment on this site because it's better than trying to have a conversation with people that don't come to this sight. I mean at least there are some people here with half a brain. People that are at least aware there is a problem. Knowing the truth is a lonely place. Trying to route out the truth is exhausting. Anyone that doesn't have William Cooper in their research background is at a disadvantage.I know He was for real because they murdered Him. He predicted 9/11 three yr's before it happened.He laid out the after spin to the [T]. H.L.S. Terrorist etc.