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WOW! James Holmes (CO Shooter) FatherVIP with American Credit Score and about to appear before Congress for LIBOR
Posted By: Maryhrt [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012 09:12:13;article=141704
If this information is correct, James Holmes' father, Robert Holmes, is a VIP with American Credit Score Company and is about to appear before Congress regarding this LIBOR scandal. Guess what? Now, he is having to focus attention on this ordeal with his mind-controlled son. This could be the reason his son was chosen as the Manchurian candidate for yet another staged event aimed at convincing the masses that gun control is necessary for the safety of the public.
Because of this event, gun sales in Colorado escalated to an all time high. Hmmm.. NICE!!!!!!!! Remember, folks, guns are no good without ammo and you need more than a few rounds.
2) The shooter is the son of of Robert Holmes, the senior lead scientist with the American Credit Score Company FICO.
Guess where his son went to school and where Robert Holmes lives?
Berkeley, California - home of Timothy Leary and the original LSD mind control experiments.
Robert Holmes is about to testify before Congress on the Banking Scandal called the "Libor Scam."
The manipulation of these credit rates has made the top 12 banks in the western world look very solid. The truth is about to surface.
$45 trillion given to these banks by Bush and Obama did not go to the banks - but about 92,000 of the Lucifarian Elites.
Please see: Colorado Massacre Linked to Historic Bank Fraud.
3) This Libor Scandal was exposed to the US Federal Reserve Bank of New York way back in 2008 and they covered it up. Apparently they also used their influence with the Operations Director of the CIA to kill all these people in a theater to distract Robert Holmes so he would not testify.
The True Light Is Exposing The Hidden Deads Of Darkness!
The veil will be lifted !!
the downfall of evil; the rise of goodness. the truth is being exposed like cracks in a sidewalk. may conservatives and liberals alike unite against this evil. we are on the same team now.
God says to fear Him ,not other men. Redirect your fear
of Government into an actual reasoned thought process and stop using conspriracy theories to decieve others with your own misguided fear. God will then be more pleased with your actions . This will open your mind up to see the influence of money on Government. Government is not the problem, people who do not understand the emotion of desperation are , The Preamble of our Constitution directly spells out it's destructive force in the line about Gov promoting the general welfare of all of our posterity. Those who listen to their own child cry from hunger or hear their own poor parents suffer from health issues will do evil things to make it stop.There is nothing at all that is remotely close to conservation in the hearts of most of todays Conservative political minds . The only thing they are trying to conserve is their jobs ,knowing the mine is mine mentality of their followers and the racially biased morraly biased flaws fit their own. These people concern themselves more with what they feel another deserves than being grateful for what they have, and are the apittimy of all hypocrits. They now try to restrict voting rights of people when there is no proof of a problem.They do this because they see minoritie populations growing faster than that of white people, when all they have to do is look white folks square in the eyes and drop their nuts and tell them HAVE MORE BABIES.Cowards through and through.
Attention please!
(This is no joke!)
Please do NOT hesitate to pray to God to take James Eagan Holmes' life, so people will not suffer anymore and also people should rest in peace and such. Please pass it along.
The worst mass murder in the movie theater in history was the arson fire in Iran. Over 400 people died and injured many more. It was the worst terrorist attack on anybody's soil until September 11, 2001 in the United States.
^"pray to god to take James Eagan Holmes life", jeez! I'm not a religious man, but I'd say your request defies the original teachings of Christianity. And with no uncertainty do I declare that Holmes is a patsy, therefore it was not exclusively he whom caused such heartache. You fail to see the forest through the trees on both accounts. Putting Holmes to death would not save any further lives, if anything it would simply limit his suffering in his future years of imprisonment. Your lackluster "fun fact" about the theater fire in Iran was unwarranted and irrelevant, it actually dissuades from your overall opinion on the matter. Nobody ever characterized the event as some sort of joke, I'm sure the victims of such tragic events would appreciate that people question the discrepancies and errors in the official report of the incident and seek to bring the true killers to justice on the matter.
I knew from the start that this shooting was a setup,this is all about milking AMERICA that boy was given a dose of "MK-ULTRA" yep,they the elites
want gun control,because they will need it when they "TRY" to bring America
down,Robert Holmes should go before congress anyway and tell them about the
libor scam anyway,let the us army rangers guard his son,zio's have to be 100% crazy to run up on a 260lb ranger that is pissed off,BTW bring the navy
home from around Iran no war will take place,we have another target,called
zio land
im glad to see this is coming to the light. this country and its people are operated like a key pad. either people dont care or are to lazy to understand just whats going on in their country and whos trying to take over.
Just one thing. How do people like yourself KNOW what God says, knows or wants???? You just dom't. People who act like you only use God when
it is convenient and to control people. This behavior bugs people, big time. Religion and spirituality are different.Spirituality can be
seen in ones works. Religion is private No human wants to be told what to do based on personal interpretations of a book written thousands of years ago...As far as conspiracies go, they are real, but don't happen as often as people think. Unluckily, in my life I have been involved with two. MK Ultra and Chalk River Cover up/Legacy. These took place in Quebec and Ontario. In each case the US military controlled these ops. In each case there were negative outcomes for the Canadian test subjects, people I knew, family.
The USA and Canada are great allies.I don't even mind the cover ups.(there needed) I just want them to pay up fast regarding innocent test subjects they injure. And not threaten plaintiffs "To disinform you and your family for the rest of your lives for what you did today"
All he did was testify in court as to his 218 malignant cancers he had lived through and they were caused by radiation.
This man was Air force 23 years, Special forces PPCLI spent 34 months in Korea during the conflict. Biological and Chemical defence expert.
flight instructor and demolitions expert. They treat this great soldier like Shit when he got sick. I witnessed it all. He was my dad.
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