Sunday, August 12, 2012


(Editor’s note: This is Part 1 of a three-part series by Chuck Norris on why American voters should not re-elect President Obama.)
On Feb. 2, 2009, President Barack Obama explained his chances to fix the economy to host Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today” show: “I will be held accountable. I’ve got four years. … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”
Here are my Top 10 reasons why I believe President Obama shouldn’t stay a single day beyond his one term in the Oval Office:
10) Obama’s economic actions have failed to lower the U.S. unemployment rate below 8 percent for last 42 record months
Four years into his presidency, Reuters has reported on Obama’s economic progress: “Details of the household survey, from which the unemployment rate is drawn, gave a downbeat assessment of the labor market, with the share of the population that has a job falling to near cycle lows. In addition, the labor force participation rate, or the percentage of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one, fell to 63.7 percent last month from 63.8 percent. That is a sign of low confidence in the labor market. Data last week showed the economy grew at an annual pace of 1.5 percent in the second quarter, also far short of the 2.5 percent rate needed to keep the unemployment rate stable.”
9) The Obama administration’s out-of-control spending has led America to the economic brink and destroyed our country’s credit rating
In 2010, President Obama spoke out of one side of his mouth when giving financial advice to the people in New Hampshire: “When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you’re trying to save for college.”
But he then spoke out the other side of his mouth when he informed the American public that he was proposing a record-breaking $3.8 trillion budget for 2011, which equates to spending $7.3 million a minute. (The federal budget was only $1.9 trillion in 2001.)
Tragically, the president expects Americans to live financially one way (fiscally prudent) and the federal government to live another (extravagantly wild). Not surprisingly, Moody’s credit rating agency announced the next day after the president’s 2011 budget proposal release that his fiscal policies “test [America's] AAA boundaries” and now push the U.S. government credit ratings below those of Canada, Germany and even France.
Even the liberal media predicted that Obama’s spending would “leave a string of deficits dwarfing any in the nation’s history.” And they were right.
8) Obama’s reckless spending and fiscal policies have added more to the national debt than most U.S. presidents combined: Roughly $6 trillion during his first term in office (making the total debt nearly $16 trillion) and, by White House projections alone, $21.3 trillion by the end of fiscal 2017, $25 trillion in 2021 and $25.9 trillion in 2022.
In 2007 when I began writing my New York Times best-seller, “Black Belt Patriotism,” unemployment was less than 5 percent, the annual federal budget was about $2.9 trillion, the federal deficit was $161 billion and the national debt was $9 trillion.
Today, unemployment is stuck at 8.3 percent, the federal budget at $3.8 trillion, the federal deficit at $1.3 trillion and the national debt is quickly approaching a staggering $16 trillion.
And to add insult to injury, our vassalage to other countries deepens as they bankroll increasing amounts of U.S. debt, with more than one-half of the public debt alone held by private investors in foreign lands.
A few weeks ago, the International Business Times reported, “China overtook Japan as the largest holder of U.S. national debt in 2009. As of December (the most recent data available), it held about 23.1 percent, or $1.15 trillion, of all foreign investment in U.S. privately held federal debt, according to a newly released report by the Congressional Budget Office, or CBO. … Without monetary policy change, the CBO warned in its 2012 Long-Term Budget Outlook on June 5, the U.S. federal debt could be twice the size of the U.S. gross domestic product by 2037.”
Even PolitiFact confessed, “U.S. total debt is now about 101 percent of GDP. … The president’s current spending proposal projects the debt will grow to $21.3 trillion by the end of fiscal 2017 – the last year for which a two-term Obama would submit a budget. … The White House projected [its] plan would lead to gross national debts of $25 trillion in 2021 and $25.9 trillion in 2022.”
America, is that really the burden you want to place upon yourselves and your children?
7) Obama has not only detrimentally increased the costs of entitlements but the dependency of citizens upon government subsidies, rather than empowering the people’s autonomy, responsibility and freedom.
President Obama has been called the “food stamp president” because more federal grocery subsidies have been given out under his presidency than most others combined. A record 44.7 million people – or one in seven Americans – were on food stamps last year, up 33 percent from fiscal 2009. But far more than that, this president has radically increased government entitlement expansions.
The Heritage Foundation documented that President Obama’s 2011 budget increased total welfare spending to $953 billion, a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in 2008. And over the next decade, welfare spending is projected to cost taxpayers $10.3 trillion.
The Heritage Foundation reported that not only has the president greatly expanded welfare, “but he has also eliminated a program that aims to reduce the prevalence of single motherhood, one of the greatest contributors to poverty in the United States.”
And the Congressional Budget Office recently released updated figures that reveal how Obamacare will cost twice as much as the original price tag first soft-lobbed at the American public, from $900 billion then to $1.76 trillion between now and 2022.
And who is going to have to pay for all those entitlements? That’s right: you and your posterity. Trust me. That’s a fact you can take all the way to yours and your loved ones’ bank accounts.
6) Obama demeans private enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit – the very heart of America – and, instead, believes “only” government is our savior. 
In 2009, right after taking office, President Obama emphatically stated “only government” is our savior, and then he supported his socialistic platform through multiple company and corporate bailouts.
Recently, Obama reiterated his anti-individual and anti-capitalistic beliefs when he defined the “somebody” who’s responsible for the success of your business as being the federal government: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”(Underline added)
The Wall Street Journal even confessed that the president is “subordinating to government the individual enterprise and risk-taking that underlies prosperity.”
(In Part 2 next week, I will continue my Top 10 reasons not to re-elect President Obama.)


Anonymous said...

After reading Financial Tyranny, there are a lot of celebrities that benefited from the shelf corporation aspect of the financial system.

When their system collapsing, and them losing their power and money, of course they want to get rid of the guy who is not arresting any of the "bad" guys, but allowing them to keep digging bigger and bigger holes for their selves and get revealed for who they are and what they do.

If you arrest them, then you have to prove your case and they have all kinds of tricks to make evidence useless and witnesses not credible.

But leave them to their devices and you can expose everything about their wealth and how they got it and how they use it. It'll be up to them to stop what they are doing and they can't.

Libor is already exposed. Off balance sheet book keeping is already exposed. Banks having divisions overseas that doesn't have a US counterpart is already exposed. The Fed printing machine, exposed. The interest rates and bank to bank borrowing already exposed. The US borrowing from Social Security, exposed. The medicare expenses exposed.

The only thing that wasn't clear was how to get rid of the Fed when they are separate from the US and Congress and refused to be audited or have any of their meeting minutes open to the public except a year after the meetings.

Now that O has used their charter to the greatest extent, with that being whenever the US government wanted to borrow money the Fed has to loan it. We are able to see the extent of their reach into our lives, and the ridiculousness of charging an interest on money that cannot be repaid. Even if all the created out of thin air money that was loaned was repaid, no one created out of thin air, the interest.

That guaranteed a debt that could never be repaid unless someone goes bankrupt.

That's unconscionable. No one in their right mind would enter such a contract and no one claiming to represent people can enter them into an unconscionable contract and say they are representing the interest of the people.

This was fraud at inception but we took too long to wake up and say something.

I can guarantee you many who complain about the Fed are using credit (although I see most people saying they want to pay using debit these days), but then again, many still carry the 'paper bills' in their wallet or purse.

Coins are heavy, I know how the pioneers felt carrying gold and silver everywhere to make purchases, and I can see how they let the bankers hold the money and they traded the receipts that led to the paper money we deal with today, but look at what we have as a result of not wanting to carry 'our own burden'.

Someone took our burden from us and then stole our wealth.

We must learn to carry our own burden.
$25 dollar coins are heavier than a $20 bill and a $5 bill, but I carry them. I spend them, and so I give value and get value and I am outside of their system and voting with my actions that I do not want what they offer.

US Mint is from the right to coin money, yet no one wants to burden with the original jurisdiction of money, but complain about what we have.

You either sh..or git off the pot.
You are part of the solution or you are not.
Your get er done means nothing if you aren't getting er done and complaining about O who has opened more eyes than any prior press id ent.

Anonymous said...

As much as I have enjoyed Chuck's acting through the years, I am sorely disappointed to learn that he is so uninformed/misinformed regarding American politics. This first came to light when he published his support of Romney. Apparently he is not the least bit aware of Romney's background, criminal activities (hopefully one of those about to be arrested and tried) and that he works for the same cabal as the rest of DC. If I thought for even a second that he would listen to what I have to say and that he would take the time to research for the truth himself, I would give it the old school boy try but since he is the 'star' making millions and I am at the bottom of the societial rung on Social Security he would never give me the time of day. Too bad. Maybe someone he looks up to that DOES know the TRUTH can get the 'message' he needs to hear to him that us little guys can't?! Sure hope so. I love his career accomplishments but am losing respect due to his ignorance of American 'government' and 'politics'.

Anonymous said...

Obama has already proven that he can't be trusted and that his words mean nothing. (Mr. Pinocchio) I ran my own business and I did most of it myself, except for the men who did the work that I created for them. I used my own money to create business cards and ads, I put out these flyers and all myself, and then I went and conducted a presentation to the customer myself, and got the job, which then helped to support me and the men that did the work. The government did NOTHING for me.(except try to grab my money, maybe) This is the essence of FREE ENTERPRISE and it is lovely! A bunch of people who could be very nice instead of bums sitting around with their hand out for a free lunch don't have any kind of self-esteem or the sense of pride that comes from growth both spiritually and mentally and physically. People are happier and healthier when they feel that they can contribute something to society, and feel productive. The feedback for a job well done is one of the intrinsic rewards that come from being employed and is just as important as an actual paycheck, and sometimes means much more than JUST the actual paycheck. American Free Enterprise is a wonderful thing and America needs to willingly shrug off (what appears to be free, but is deceitfully used to trick people into nothingness) free stuff from the government. A college teacher once said to the class, "There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!" He wasn't about to give us a good grade without us doing the work, research and study that it would take to achieve it, and I thank him for that because it's made me a better person. It says that in the Bible too... "if you don't work, you don't eat" II Thessalonians 3:10