Saturday, November 24, 2012

21st of Dec. 2012 – Are you counting the days?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

21st of Dec. 2012 – Are you counting the days?
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 24-Nov-2012 13:53:29

Even though we have our very own views and opinions on what will or will not happen on the 21.12.2012 (or as some of us think, in February and March), over the last few weeks we have had a lot of discussions and contacts in regards to this subject. We did make a short video on this subject, which outlined our thoughts and views on this… but now, it seems more and more are either panicking, scared, concerned or simply counting the days… How about you?
If you are or not or if you’re completely convinced that this is just a mass hysteria with absolutely no grounds… we hope the following will help bring about the calm that some may seek or provide some food for thought on the principle of; Being ready does not harm you and maybe it’s a bit like “Murphy’s Law”, if you have it you won’t need it. :)
We have tried to take a methodical approach to this as much as possible considering that physical and spiritual manifestation of this all, if any, just isn’t clear and actually this is probably the real problem for most… the not knowing. :)
0 – Getting Ready (can anyone really be ready?)
You can definitely “prepare” yourself to a certain extent for all this. We are not referring to your stock and plan here but much more your mind setting and feelings.
To start we suggest you watch our 10min video “2012… Transition, Awakening, Ascension or absolutely Nothing?!” if you haven’t already and if you have, watch it one more time with all this in mind.
Then, as also highlighted in our video “Never Say Never (the secret behind the secret)”, just try to see things the way they are, without expectations; It is the way it is and it will be the way it will be… Whether this is Nothing, WWIII, Apocalypse, 3 days of darkness or simply the awakening of more individuals to this entire materialism oriented environment and finding back to what is really important, the way to our hearts and soul.


Anonymous said...

Hell people! I thought it was ascension time. No need to continue paying your mortgage, bills, prepping, worrying about what Obama and the cabal is doing. Just sit back and relax and wait for the ETs to take you away. Uh, yeah, right! said...

Too many Americans are in prison today, and it is very important to improve the penitentionary system. You seem to be a very informed person in this kind of legal issues. You can publish on Attorney Online . This is a category with prison legal news you can publish links to legal sites there. Moreover. Other people cam publish interesting news on this topic there.

Eric said...

Nothing is going to happen. you watch and see. the 21st will come and go just like y2k, just like any other day.

brando9000 said...

Ascension has nothing to do with ET's....

Anonymous said...

NECREDINTA, TEAMA, HAOS, DISPERARE...Iata cateva dintre starile si sentimentele care ii caracterizeaza pe cei mai multi oameni in aceasta perioada de timp, nu intamplator denumita in Scriptura ca fiind cea a “ZILELOR DIN URMA”. Aceasta psihoza, aceasta nebunie mediatica ce a cuprins intreaga planeta in momentul actual scoate la iveala cel mai evident lucru prevestit de Biblie, si anume: NECREDINTA SI NEPUTINTA OMULUI DE A SE INCREDE CU ADEVARAT IN DUMNEZEU!

Istoria omenirii a cunoscut prevestiri de tot felul privind un eventual “sfarsit al lumii”, insa oamenii nu au invatat nimic din toate aceste SEMNE FALSE si AMAGIRI prin care satan isi deruleaza cea mai mare lucrare de ratacire a omului. Biblia – Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu – reprezinta singurul loc in care se arata celor ce au “ochi si urechi de auzit” ca sfarsitul tuturor lucrurilor si implicit a intregului sistem format din MATERIE, TIMP si SPATIU nu va imbraca forma descrisa de mintea umana.

Anul 2012, calendarul Maya, civilizatia mayasa, si toate celelalte nascociri cu caracter apocaliptic, menite a-l aduce pe omul fara credinta la apogeul disperarii nu au nici un fundament biblic si, in mod evident, reprezinta o MINCIUNA si UN FALS dovedite prin Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu. Din nefericire, cea mai mare parte a omenirii, prin aportul sustinut al stiintei, cultelor religioase si al mass mediei, a cazut in aceasta capcana mediatica fara precedent. Marturie stau numeroasele exemple, surprinse pe intreg mapamondul, in care oameni apartinand tuturor categoriilor sociale si-au parasit locurile de munca, au renuntat la bani, la locuinte, unii chiar la familie, refugiindu-se in natura, cat mai departe de aglomeratiile urbane, construindu-si tot felul de adaposturi si buncare care sa ii salveze de la un posibil dezastru.

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