The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
A depressed Ulsterman quotes the Old Man: "SO SORRY. SO VERY SORRY TO HAVE FAILED ALL OF YOU."
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 7-Nov-2012 09:42:58
Date: Wednesday, 7-Nov-2012 09:42:58
You haven't failed us, God has failed us!
Alternatively Ulstermann, what if enough people bought into Obama to vote him back in?
Would that scenario (they don't even need voter fraud because they have so many people duped) be even more depressing then theft?
Anon. 10:45...God never fails us. We have failed him. We pushed him out of our marriages, our courtrooms, our classrooms, our government, our military. He made it very clear when we were warned in II Chronicles 15:2 "The Lord is with you when you are with HIM; and if you seek him, he will be found of you. But if you forsake HIM, he will forsake you." The shepherd didn't abandon the sheep, the sheep strayed too far for help. We even have the audacity to shake a fist in his face and legallize what he calls an abomination (homosexuality)in our military. Do you suppose we're going to be victorious in our next battles? Not likely!
John read this commentary, this ridiculous narrow minded fanatics, no wonder this site is under disinformation
The scary question is: Do this people really think Romney was their guy??
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