Subject: Ascension Earth 2012
Earth 2012
- The Flying Humanoids Mystery Captured on
- Tolec - December 21, 2012 - What Will
- Méline Lafont: Message from the Pleiadians
~ Love One Another These Last Days, Progression will be Achieved by This ~
- SaLuSa Speaks of the Mission and of the
Akashic Records - Auroradreamflights Update – channeled by
Multidimensional Ocean 11/23/12
- Maine News Anchors Resign On-Air in
- Abundance for All, Abundance for Earth: A
Prayer Doreen Virtue
- A Great Outpouring of Light from the
Ascended Jesus Christ
- Passing Into the Energy Cloud
- Latest News from Michelle Manders/Palace
of Peace - "Stellium Gateway Opening & Crossing the Threshold
- Message from Saint Germain - by Aruna
- New Massive UFO Sighting Witnessed on
Video November 2012
- Black Friday Secrets Revealed! Alex Jones
Concerning Soul Connections, Soul Counterparts, Karmic Soul Evolution -
J'Tariah En Ra El
- SaLuSa of the GFL Speaks of World Peace -
Mike Quincey 11/23/12
23 Nov 2012 07:42 PM PST
of the strangest mysteries I have researched, and one of
my favorites as well due to the sheer mystery of who these
beings, if they are even related, are and where it is they come from. These
flying beings have been spotted flying over several different areas of
the world including one of my previous home towns of Santa
Monica, California, and they have been seen flying over hilly areas
as well as within forests. Some appear to be flying without the use of
any noticeable technology or vehicle, though in other cases these
mystery beings appear to be utilizing either a jet-pack type technology or a
platform type technology capable of flight.
23 Nov 2012 07:05 PM PST
Méline Lafont: Message from the Pleiadians ~ Love One
Another These Last Days, Progression will be Achieved by This ~
23 Nov 2012 07:00 PM PST
channeled through Meline Lafont
greetings from our Presence of the Light. We are the collective
consciousness of the Pleiadians, star family of many of you on Earth.
have made a conscious choice to step forward in this time and space of Earth
and we wish to elucidate on a number of things for all of you. Due to the
fact that you are now in an extremely intense and important time we wish to
request that you focus on certain things and become interested in them. Most
important things are now going to unfold, requesting complete trust and
commitment of all of you.
profound changes will come to pass and introduce themselves to each and
everyone of you on a personal and also on a collective level. Those changes
have been a long time coming, nevertheless, we feel the intensity of it all
increasing and gradations of interests are beginning to surface so we no
longer wish to wait to get it to complete fruition.
is the only state of being left when all is said and done. Since we all
originated from the Light and since we put our own imprint of this further on
through this evolution, all will continue to evolve from this Love and will
grow into a fusion of all these particular creations and states of Being.
Fusion to a high degree is now the order of the day.
the reason why it is so important to hold your thoughts and creations in the
most loving state. Love and tolerance towards each other create cooperation
and this cooperation advances your Being and Ascension into a fusion of a
collective creation and world. We too are a collective consciousness, just
like many other civilizations, and we try to guide you along so you too can
reach this collective state of being.
on a high energetic level are to be expected.The portals in and of themselves
have brought you so far already that awakenings are happening now on a global
scale, and even more is still to come forward. Events are happening on
this Earth which are no longer tolerated and we will arrange
matters partly by your consciousness and our assistance. You are definitely
not alone in this, you can expect our continued support at all times.
That's why we are here in the first place, along with the great love that
we actually feel and send to you all.
and your planet are being taken care of and we oversee all that happens on
your beloved planet. We are stationed and scattered everywhere around the
Earth as well as in countless places in your spheres. Many times
our fleet of spaceships have been observed by individuals and more
observations are expected of course. Everything in its time, we know all too
well what we do and what can be expected in these times.
longings and the yearnings for first contact have considerably increased
lately resulting in a shift in this regards what only can signify that our
presence is already known by many. With each passing day we feel your request
for contact increasing. We are extremely pleased with this and we continue
working on our plan to announce our presence officially and to meet you all
effectively. In case you are uncertain as to our intentions consult
your hearts and you will get to know for yourself who we really are and what
we stand for. We only have your best interests at heart and display only
loving intentions towards you as we feel so close to humanity and its planet.
We do not differ that much in appearance from you, a fact that will become
quite obvious really soon now.
you will feel in your hearts at the moment of our meeting will be our true
nature and Light, be it on an etheric level or on a physical level. You can
never ever get deceived by the feeling of this : it is what it is.
The only factor that would bring deception is the feeling of fear. That’s the
reason why we have decided not to visit loved ones who still harbor some kind
of fear in their hearts. Fear can give a distorted image of us and that’s not
what we wish to arrive at; you have had more than your share of deceit and
fear. We rather wait to meet a certain soul until we feel that the gradation
of fear he/she is still harboring is next to nothing.
way our real presence can be sensed, and you will see that our presence is
absolutely loving and warm like a stove, a heat source in itself. Our Light
will also confirm everything and prove to you what might not be sensed fully.
We carry a true enlightenment with us, a state to which you are progressing
and transforming shortly. We are from the Now, which is your future and which
is our past as you use these terms.
each other’s company and never forget that you all are little sparks of God’s
creation and of God’s Being. How can you not feel the Love for each other?
How can you not share Love with each other? Be Love and share this Love with
everyone, this is most important in this moment. You are approaching this
immensely important portal. Now the time has come to once and for all
effectively practice being Love and not just know about it!
lots of Love we encircle you.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. for Blogger and as Homepage |
SaLuSa Speaks of the Mission and of the Akashic
Records - Auroradreamflights Update – channeled by Multidimensional Ocean
23 Nov 2012 04:46 PM PST
As channeled by Laura - Multidimensional Ocean Beloved friends, we have always told you that Earth was a training ground for souls. Now more than ever you come to understand what we mean by that. Keep in mind that all that is being uncovered is for the highest good. All is coming into the obvious sight in these last days before the sacred heart connect with the divine for Mother Earth. . What this mean is that the days ahead will offer even more opportunities for the light to shine on Mother Earth from now on with the new portal opening at these very moments. . Remember that when light is turned on in a room, all becomes seen by all. So please remember to look into your own soul and heart before rushing to be critical of others. If you need to point something out to somebody, please always connect with your sincere Higher feelings and relate to the person before you point out in a direction where you feel something may have been misunderstood. . While on the higher planes we enjoy telepathy, empathy, connection to source, please do remember that on Mother Earth this has not taken place ordinarily for the vast majority of people without hard, life long, sincere spiritual work. Divine sight is neither natural nor common under normal circumstances on Mother Earth, due to many blockage within your DNA. . The last act of the sleep stage for humanity is playing itself out right now, and the inner considering that people have about themselves and others are spread to international conflicts when these happen with head of States. . This coming Saturday’s mission for Aurora will be centred on the topic of heart connection. The commonly spread idea is that the connection with your heart is simple and easily accessed by all. However, when in grip of ordinary life and events of daily life, it is easy to forget who you all really are. You are all divine beings, experiencing Mother Earth’s ascension and you have volunteered to help humanity on Earth become free of oppression and illusion. . We will give the opportunity to many of you to literally experience your rivals’ life for a few brief moments. You will be able, if you wish to try this exercise, to feel and hear what those you have little regards for are experiencing. This has for aim to bring a little more humility during these confrontational days ahead. . After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the victims of the STASI were allowed to view their own records and to meet with the ones who have literally ruined their lives at times. The country has going through these major transformational changes, and the same process is about to unfold world wide, for you all with the help of divine powers and advanced technology. You will be able to have access to your own Akashic records and the records of the ones who have injured you in previous lives. . This will be a very emotional time unfolding during the weekend for many of you, so please ensure to be kind to yourself and to those with you during the coming week. . I am SaLuSa from Sirius and send my continuous love to Mother Earth and to her inhabitants as the light is constantly increasing its intensity. We are always by your side, you are never alone. The love of our Creator is always by your side, as well as your guardian angels and protectors. We always keep you in our heart and admire your courage for all eternity. Thank you SaLuSa |
23 Nov 2012 04:22 PM PST
Michaels, 46, and
Tony Consiglio, 28, resigned on the air from their anchor positions at WVII (ABC Channel 7) and sister
station WFVX (Channel 22) at
the end of their Tuesday night broadcast in
protest that they were pressured to report slanted political journalism.
23 Nov 2012 02:46 PM PST
23 Nov 2012 02:37 PM PST
23 Nov 2012 02:20 PM PST
Latest News from Michelle Manders/Palace of Peace -
"Stellium Gateway Opening & Crossing the Threshold Countdown"
23 Nov 2012 01:52 PM PST
Michelle Manders
Palace of Peace Friend,
energies are building by the hour now, as the 23rd of November marks the
opening of the Stellium Gateway in Scorpio, triggering the Ascension Waves
contributing to the work we are doing in Egypt between the 3rd and 17th of
December, and the preparation upgrade grids for the activations taking place
in Bali in April 2013. We also basically have 4 weeks left until we cross the
threshold into the new world on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of December.
Besides this, Venus is now entering Scorpio and Mercury is about to station direct, also in Scorpio, resulting in many of the deep seated secrets of self hidden within being exposed to us. We are also being encouraged to address all the parts of self that have been deceived into believing we are not good enough and regenerate the intensity of these debilitating beliefs. Mars, ruling Scorpio, is now in it's exalted position in Capricorn and driving the energies of Mercury, Venus and Saturn resulting in smouldering emotions bubbling to the surface. Mars is pushing us to implement fresh boundaries, apply patience and discipline and actively go deeper into ourselves than ever before so as ensure successful and long lasting transformation of the effects of the past 2737 years of outdated karma and suffering. This Stellium Gateway not only marks a major turning point in healing on an individual level, but also marks the onset of the greatest opportunity to heal heart, love and sexual wounds to date - individually and collectively. This is why it is such an important preparation portal in relation to the project Mary Magdalene and Kuthumi-Agrippa have set up for transforming the old twin flame experience into the Divine Counterpart manifestation, and reviving the Alchemy of Quantum Tantra teachings (The Magic of the Potential to Weave Light) given by the Scared Alchemy and Fire Goddesses, lead by Mary Magdalene. As a result there will be no more room to beat around the bush or skirt around these old wounds. The bottom line is: work through them and transform or continue spinning the same old tune day in and day out. We have been told by the Masters for decades that this time will come. Now, it IS literally all up to us to use our free will as we so often proclaim to be doing, and get up and over the obstacles. The rewards are beyond our comprehension. Crossing the threshold into the new paradigm will not accommodate any kind of victim consciousness. We are being given what we have prayed and intended for, now it is our turn to keep our end of the deal and do what needs to be done to surrender to the inevitable changes and LIVE from a point of emotional and spiritual intelligence and maturity. It is no secret that should we choose to shirk our responsibility to take full responsibility for ourselves and our lives, and instead hide under a rock, things will become unbearable. Everything that challenges us now is a whole new ball game, because where it takes us we have never been before, thus there is no room for excuses, and wasting energy on fearfully expecting the past to repeat itself and reacting defensively will leave us feeling like a dog chasing it's tail. Making solid and authenticcommitments is now also on the cards, and we will soon see why. We are now well on our way to getting to the core of what haunts and taunts us, and transforming this will bring new life to every aspect of our chosen reality. We are being given the opportunity to experience first hand the potential that lies within our raw positive power. We have experienced the negative side of this raw power, now we are called forward to transform the negative into it's equal and positive opposite. You have the power now, over the next 2 years, to completely rebuild your life. Mary Magdalene delivered a beautiful and very powerful healing channelling this morning (Part 4 of the Egypt 2012 - Pilgrims Return) which I urge you to work through, as it enables the breakthrough required with regards the major theme of this stellium, which is forgiveness. The power of the energies that came through in the channelling were beyond words and will touch you on profound levels.
understand more of what the planetary positions in Scorpio mean, please read
my past newsletters where I elaborate at length on this. I suggest you read Ascension Gateway of Transformation and Scorpio's Kiss of "Death" and New Life.
this time of change, breathe into it and take regular refreshing swims or
long soothing baths. Get together with people you deeply trust and let
yourself release what needs to come out in the safety of this trusting
company. Use prayer and intention setting as you work closely with your
Guardian Angel and other Guides to reach your healing goals, and trust that
you have what it takes to take full advantage of this powerful healing
opportunity and totally reinvent yourself and your life.
I have had
endless problems with my website over the past 3 weeks courtesy of the
Mercury Retrograde which swallowed up a lot of my time, especially the past 8
days because I have had to send files manually and reload files to my
website. I can't even begin to tell you what the back-log of my e-mails looks apologies if I have missed your e-mail or not as yet responded.
I leave for
Egypt on the 3rd of December, but will send out another newsletter with the
links to the channellings for the December events. If I am unable to upload
the live channellings I conduct in Egypt whilst I am there, you can expect to
see the Mp3's available on my website from the 20th of Dec. The transcripts
will more than likely only become available from mid January.
Much love,
23 Nov 2012 12:43 PM PST
channeled through Aruna
Germain: For more than one month we have been unable to use this channel to
deliver messages. Channeling my energy is not the only thing this body
contributes to mass consciousness, she also supports awakening and clearing
of all that is around her, including many conduits of negativity near her
country of residence. China, Korea and all the many Islands in-between are
areas considered areas that need light, and we use her at night to generate
more anointing in these areas, as well as in all of Japan. Using her body in
these co-creative activities has been the cause of my decrease in messages.
She is used to the work that is done during the night, but it does take a
major amount of her energy to do this and her body is not able to come to
terms with all that is being asked of it. Hence, a lightening of the load has
now occurred to give her a chance to heal and get back her ability to channel
for you.
the masters of the Great White Brotherhood, are grateful and also cherish the
loving contact through our channels. We don't want to cause them any
difficulties. No dark forces are disturbing Aruna, nor is she negating her
commitment as a contact channel for me. Please give her another two weeks to
complete the work we have been doing through her in an important area of the
Asian continent. My words may be delivered through other channels, but there
is no substitute for the use of her body in the Asian area. Many channels are
now available in areas where there is darkness to deal with, but no one can do
what Aruna does in the calmness of her body.
and games are not a distraction from channeling. Channels need nurturing, and
because Aruna is now being used a great deal, she needs more grounding, not
channeling. Please give her your caring.
Saint Germain
Thank you to those who have been concerned about me and my ability to receive
the messages. I am very busy—day and night, and do appreciate the rest that
Saint Germain has provided.
23 Nov 2012 12:35 PM PST
23 Nov 2012 12:25 PM PST
Connections, Soul Counterparts, Karmic Soul Evolution - J'Tariah En Ra El
23 Nov 2012 12:20 PM PST
23 Nov 2012 11:15 AM PST
channeled through Mike Quincey
To launch
world peace all warring has to stop, and if necessary we have the means to
ensure that it does. There is absolutely no place for such low vibrations in
the New Age. It is in fact somewhat easier to achieve success now, as the
rising levels of consciousness are resulting in more souls rejecting anything
to do with war. Even some of those hardened veterans are ready to change
track and see the virtues of working for peace. They are beginning to see
that their calling to protect their homeland, has been insidiously used for
ulterior motives. When such people start to awaken to the truth, you know
that the Illuminati is rapidly losing its power and control over the armed
forces. They are indeed a spent force to what they were, and will not be
allowed back.
In your
immediate future you will not in fact need armed forces at all, but will have
systems of protection to keep away unwanted intruders from your Earth. There
is also our Galactic Federation of Light that acts as the policeman of the
Universe. Our technologies are such we can easily detect craft entering the
space of another planet. If the need arises we can move around faster than
the speed of Light, and have our responsibilities for different sectors of
the Universe. There is also the Ashtar Command that also works very much like
we do, and have their own particular responsibilities. All in all every
planet is well protected and their people can live in freedom and peace. Your
old Earth has also been protected against interference, so as to allow your
free choice evolution. However, with such low vibrations we had to allow
similar civilizations to contact you.
When you
have passed through the coming point of Ascension you will also be open to
visitors of a similar vibration of Love and Light. As such you will be able
to trust them, and enjoy learning of how other civilizations live. You will
have great experiences visiting other planets, that are of a mixture of sizes
and sometimes larger than your present Sun. Most advanced civilizations find
it more acceptable to live inside their planets, and most are hollowed out
for that reason. As with your Inner Earth Beings, they have their own Sun and
you would not necessarily know you were underground. They are more evolved
than you are will very soon choose the right time to make themselves known to
you. They are your ancestors who escaped to the Inner Earth with the demise
of Lemuria. Some of your own people have visited them in comparatively recent
times, and their stories are still able to be found.
There is so
much knowledge that has been deliberately held back from you, and you have a
lot of catching up to do after Ascension. No longer shall you be kept in the
dark and told falsehoods, and as you often say, "the truth shall set you
free". The time warp you have been kept in is breaking open, and we
shall help you identify what is truth or otherwise. If some people are
sceptical we have the means to prove what is given to you as the truth. We do
not impose it upon you, and some will still hold fast to their false beliefs.
That does not matter, as in time only the truth will be able to exist. You
have your own Hall of Records and that covers all of your lives, so there
cannot be any dispute where they are concerned. They are used when you have
your life review after each incarnation, which is a sobering thought for some
Believe us
Dear Ones when we say that we are not so serious about life that we cannot
joke and have fun. We live our lives in joy and our bonding becomes closer
when we can share humour. Of course we do not have your worries or concerns,
but you can lighten up your day and that of others by having a good laugh
together. Laughter is Universal and all souls have the inner understanding to
appreciate a funny situation or comment. Laughter is so uplifting and raises
the spirit and the vibrations. However, good fun does not gain laughs by
ridiculing someone. At heart you are all still children but you acquire a
measure of aloofness, as you grow up because you consider yourself beyond
what you call childish fun. Let yourselves go and become that child again,
and see the funny side of life.
You are so
near to seeing the first signs of big changes to come, and our allies are
working hard to create the opportunity we seek to join them. They know what
their responsibilities are, and are dedicated to serving you to enable the
final push towards Ascension. It will of course happen anyway even if it
means that some events are put off for a while. However, certain changes
carry more importance than others, and we are seeking the first indications
of Disclosure being announced. In one sense as it is generally known that we
exist and are with you now, you may not see any urgency involved. Yet we need
that acknowledgement from your authorities, so that we can at last come into
the open.
We still
have the option of forcing the issue but that would be our last course of
action. In all respects we would rather that you were the ones who brought
about Disclosure through your own efforts. To be fair you have pleaded and
petitioned your leaders so many times to go ahead, but so far none have had
the temerity to do so. We appreciate a cautious approach, but now is the time
to throw caution to the wind and announce what a large section of the public
already know. Regardless of what happens we are still making ourselves seen
more often, and are pleased that we are accepted without the fear that once
existed. We feel that you are ready to greet us, and that is speeding up our
I am SaLuSa
from Sirius, and bring the wishes of the Galactic Federation of Light, that
you should all spread your love throughout the world. There can never be too
much, and you will help it grow exponentially at a time when you are almost
ready to ascend. The Earth is presenting a wonderful display of Light that is
coming from you all, and it shows how well you have responded to the call to
prepare for Ascension. You have had much help and it was never intended that
you should face the challenges alone, and so it shall be as you make your way
through to the higher dimensions.
Thank you
Mike Quinsey |
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