Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ascension Earth 2012

Subject: Ascension Earth 2012

Ascension Earth 2012

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 08:58 PM PST

Mother Sekmet

As channeled through Elizabeth Trutwin

Greetings Children of Ra. This is Mother Sekhmet. Major changes have come forth in the last three weeks and the next five weeks promise to be even more event filled. October Surprise brought the return of the Prisoner Ships back through the Scorpi Black Hole and Hurricane Sandy closing down Wall Street for two days to correct the accounts of insider trading. This was a wake up surprise for the super rich right before their attempt at rigged elections failed and President Obama was re-elected. 

The Fiscal Cliff and the European Union

Now that many of the dark Ones have been removed all we are seeing now in the news are look-alike doubles, clones and holograms. Some of the dark Ones remain for the purpose of Collective Healing when the truth comes out we will all need closure seeing these Ones taken away to prison.

The fiscal cliff has been crossed back on October 31st at the end of the fiscal year - three weeks before the EU meeting. Friday afternoon Angelika Merkel missed her final deadline to return to love. She refused to address the world stage to say she is the daughter of Hitler and Eva Braun and set things right with the Eurozone. 

The Eurozone has seventeen Member countries with a common currency. The European Union is a cooperative intergovernment body formed by two White Knights - Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterrand. 

Christine LaGarde is an Attorney who spent her childhood in Bethesda, Maryland being handled and groomed to write The Lisbon Treaty - the governing document which was designed to dissolve the governments and banks of Europe. 

The Lisbon Treaty of 2009 reversed all the good gained by the original European Union. The main function of the Lisbon Treaty was to ensure there would be NO BAILOUTS. The Lisbon Treaty changed how the European President is elected. No longer elected by the people but rather appointed by  the EU Council. The dark Ones can place in whomever they choose without a vote from the European Citizens. The Treaty of Lisbon also brought enforce a European Police and Court of Justice which would have jurisdiction in the UK and Ireland and other Member Nations. This would effect all UK-issued EU arrest warrants. The Lisbon Treaty succeeded in what it set out to do on the beginning - have the few in control the many - in their Central Banks and their Governments. The EU new laws of 2009 were designed to fail on purpose and their laws written for this purpose. Once a government and its Central Bank failed there would be no bailouts. The Lisbon Treaty was designed to remove the democracies of the UK and other 27 Member Countries as well as the sovereignty of their Citizens.

Conflict in the Middle East

Egypt, Libya and Syria have heirs to political power father to son in Mubarak, el-Qaddafi and Bashar al-Assad. Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait among others have Monarchies associated with their governments. Some of the Light, some not.                 
The fake story of Israel - Gaza - Iran. There is a fake story with no basis whatsoever repeated over and again that Israel wants a war with Iran. This is like Russia saying Cuba wants a war with the U.S. Israel is the 51st State of the United States. Hillary Clinton is the granddaughter of Hitler through a mistress. Hillary running the State Department worked with the Head of Mossad - Rahm Emmanuel. President Obama placed them both in positions where they could implicate themselves. He likes to keep his enemies close. President Herbert Walker Bush Sr is Hillaryʻs handler and it was his family and their money going back to his grandfather who funded Hitlerʻs attempt to control Earth. Hillary partnered with the CIA Black Ops and Pentagon Black Ops through the State Department in Libya, Syria and Israel. Hillary and Petraeus worked Black Ops together. Netanyahu, Merkel and Hillary Clinton work together, funding both sides of the wars, for the purpose of controlling the StarGates. It has never been about Gold, Oil or Drugs. Those things fund the fighting in an attempt to control the natural StarGates across the Middle East, the African Great Lakes and South America. There are two StarGates in Israel since the Borders were changed in 1969 during a “War” which lasted 7 days. The Clan Families in Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Egypt are bought and sold by the dark clerics and the corruption is woven into the fabric as well as everything that goes with it. With Earth changes the indigenous peoples will no longer be held in slavery and forced poverty.

When the bombing began in Gaza it made it possible to have even more support from our Galactic Wing Maker Ships to intervene. It will not be long before the Keshe Foundation will be given the signal from Ashtar to activate the Zero Point Technologies on the ground which will create a force field in Earthʻs atmosphere where no weapons will work. It is a magnetic field created in cooperation with technology from the Ships and conventional weapons will be useless. The tenuous Cease Fire between Israel and Gaza was staged by Hillary and Netanyahu. President Obama charged the two of them with being responsible to the press. He is setting them up for when Patrick Fitzgerald opens the indictments and they are ushered off the stage. Merkel will be with them now that she has refused on Friday for the final time to end what her Father started. There is no turning back.

On November 11th a Flood of Light and Truth beamed from the Sun at the beginning of Diwali Celebrations and on November 13th tremendous coronal ejections with the Full Solar Eclipse sent a Mother Load of energy to Earth. Ten days later there was a large Op carried out by the Galactic Federation. 

We Have Commenced the Dissolution and the Separation of Worlds

I, Mother Sekhmet, with my Consort Father Alcyone came together in the physical in a process where anti-matter was brought in from the Light Universe and merged to create an Explosion of Light which began in the Causal World the dissolution of all which will not continue at New Earth. This is what was needed to end the Kali Yuga. It is done. The Timelines are being corrected and the final stage will happen before our eyes on Earth following a series of events. It is extremely rare for the two of us to be together in the physical on Earth and that it was carried off without interference and was a Blessed Event.

We Have Commenced the 7th Initiation and Soul Merge of Sananda Kumara and KOS

Also yesterday another significant event took place. I, Mother Sekhmet, from the physical realm, commenced the 7th Initiation to bring in the 7th Incarnation of Sananda Kumara to merge with the Soul of KOS already on the ground. King of Swords (KOS) is a code name for one of the heads of Secret Service who works closely with President Obama and his family to keep the Plan and his Mission safe. He is a Navy Seal who during the Vietnam War refused the orders of his Commander to kill women and children and then turned his weapon on his Commander. He gathered others together to refuse their illegal orders to hurt civilians and they worked together to end the corruption in their ranks. He then came back to the United States and eventually made it to the top of the Secret Service. He works together with millions of Galactic Humans implementing the Plan with President Obama. He is the full template incarnate on Earth of Sananda Kumara. With this Soul merge between KOS and Sananda Kumara all will be in place for new developments which will bring Announcements and Full Galactic Disclosure. This will usher in the 10th incarnation of Father Alcyone as Kalki Maitreya, an Avatar incarnate on Earth. When Sananda Kumara incarnated as Jesus then he was over-lighted in his work by Maitreya. Now they come to incarnate together to finish the work they did together 2000 years ago. It will take one week for this very special Soul Merge to be complete. 

Sequential Flow 11.11 - 11.13 - 11.28 - 11.29 - 12.12 - 12.21 Keep the Love Moving 

With the November 13th Full Solar Eclipse release of vast amounts of healing light, our Souls have been flooded with light causing challenges to arise as we clear out all that is no longer needed and prepare to make ourselves ready for more responsibility. On November 28th there will be a partial lunar eclipse. This is a time of deep purification and alignment with Divine energies. All hoping to upgrade their DNA will receive a big boost for this purpose then. Some will complete their 12 strands of DNA and others will be integrating Higher Levels of DNA. On November 29th KOS Soul merge with Sananda Kumara will be complete. This will change the energy of the Planet tremendously to allow the opening of the StarGates. 

What Will Happen on 12.12.12

Just as the dark Ones time to release their karma is over, so too must we all face up to our potentials by 12.12.12 This date is a kind of portal energy - a Gateway opening. What you have achieved by then will be what you will carry with you to New Earth. You have time to significantly alter your level of achievement by then and I am here to instruct you how.

Karma can be imposed by oneSelf or by society as a whole or even by nature. Karma may be the result of a curse. It can also be a Spiritual Practice. High Beings, fully Enlightened, often carry karma as a good deed and work it out. They do this as a promise before they incarnate - you may recognize some who are doing this. Their lives are not easy and it is for a Purpose and nothing they have done wrong. Karma imposed by society comes for each of us. If we identify ourselves with any religion then we carry the karma of that group, Catholics all carry the karma of the pedophile priests for example. Americans carry the karma for the fake wars their Country has been represented in. We all carry karma for the environment we live in. If you live by the Sea, or fresh water, the mountains or prairie lands then you are responsible for the mistreatment of Mother Earth and the life forms on the lands and waterways where you live. You may experience a hurricane, earthquake, flood or tsunami and that is the environmental karma of the Soul Group living there together. Karma imposed on Oneself is the big One. You have time to completely burn off your karma, but it takes effort.

A Lion is strong and King of the Beasts, but still must run fast to capture his dinner. Effort must be put forth to clear karma and effort will be rewarded. Lack of effort will guarantee starvation in the end.

What Will Happen With NESARA?

When you receive your individual packet from the deliveries under the care of Lady Master Nada from St. Germainʻs bank, there will be exquisitely individual instructions in each one. 

To begin with, if you now have wealth your accounts will be balanced to zero. If you give all your money away now then it can burn off a lot of karma. Any company who is set up to produce free energy for the world is a very good donation recipient. Likewise those feeding and housing and educating the indigent poor are also a good choice. Letʻs take an example who I, Mother Sekhmet, met with personally. Sir Richard Branson. He has been given a lot of gifts, a railroad, an airline, a phone company, space and deep sea exploration. He invests in green technology companies for the purpose of making a profit. Everything he does is for profit. Just like Angelika Merkel, he was invited to change the world. He was invited to give his money to a program that would expose the Secret Space Program. He respectfully declined. There are thousands of millionaires and billionaires who have been invited to give away all their money who also have declined. When NESARA is announced they will no longer have money. It will be moved from their accounts to St Germainʻs bank and it will be used for humanitarian purposes. Someone else will take over their concerns. They have all been visited by St. Germain and they have been asked repeatedly.

If you are reading this today and have money you are being invited to share your money with those in need before 12.12.12. This is completely voluntary.

When NESARA is Announced the reparations will be the same amount given to every woman, child and man on Earth - $10 million dollars. It sounds like a lot? Besides that then there will be much more given only to certain individuals and that money will come with instructions. In order to receive each packet - it will be received in a hand delivery which must be signed for. Included with your signature will be a Disclosure Statement which when signed you agree not to share the information of your instructions with others. Nor will you share the amount you received. The instructions will be voluntary, but it would be in your best interest to follow the instructions. These larger amounts of additional funds will be used for humanitarian purposes and to fund projects benefiting all on Earth. These projects must be carried out by individuals within groups working together. It will all be better than you can imagine and the assignments have been chosen with your greatest JOY in mind. It will all be much much better than you can imagine. 

What Can I Do To Prepare for the Highest Potentials on 12.12.12 For My Life

Up until the moment you receive your packet the instructions you receive are being determined by your collective Soul Record of all your actions since Creation until 12.12.12. You have time to make the New Earth transition as beneficial to you as possible. It is all within your hands. 

Personal relationships are huge. Do you have unresolved relationship issues? Did you throw a child out of your house because they didnʻt follow your sensibilities? Did you leave your parent without help in their old age? Do you live with a spouse you barely speak with? You have time to mend these outstanding issues. You hate no one! You dislike no one! You do not have to love everyone. You must find a way to be neutral without reacting to them for any reason.

Begin by speaking with them in their Higher Form. Go into the Silence and have a conversation with them speaking your heart about what no longer works. This may be all that is needed. In some cases you will know in your heart you must extend a hand to mend a certain relationship in the real. Do this. It will be in your best interest in the end.

A basic requirement to go Higher is having a right relationship with your Self, your Mate, God and Goddess, Mother Earth, your children and parents, your boss, your community, your society and your country, the World and the Cosmos. Look into the relationships which need healing and act in earnest to Be Compassion and Be Love and heal what you can post haste!

If you suffer from an illness then it is wise to discover anything you can do to alleviate the suffering and do it. Change your habits. Change your diet. Change your exercise regime. Do everything you can that you know you are not now doing to balance health within your own body. You are solely responsible from birth for the Temple Goddess Mother has given you. It would be within your best interest to Make It So. Ask for help on the Inner Planes to speed the process. Consider releasing emotional blockages, release oppression, open neural pathways, repair your DNA strands, increase oxygen in the system, tone the body, reverse aging. Ask for help with all of these and any health issues which are creating a challenge now. We are here to help you and you must ask.

Integrate into your lifestyle anything Spirit has Guided you to. Do your walk in nature, your meditation, your attitude of gratitude, helping others, being an example, living right relationships, give everything, do mantra, do yoga. Improve yourSelf. Add in one new thing everyday. Repeat. The next day add in more. Change your outer life by changing your Inner Life. You can accomplish a lot by 12.12.12. Put your mind to it and see what happens.

12.12.12 is the day we balance our karma within duality. If we fall asleep between now and then refusing to change then it will be like falling asleep on the snow. You will fall asleep never to wake again. You may then finish out your time on Earth but as your Spirit leaves this time it will go on to another duality place to finish unfinished karma. It will not be invited back to Earth. It has always been your Mission since birth to resolve your outstanding karma. It was your job to wake up and figure that out before it was too late. The Lion must make an effort to find nourishment and without effort starvation and death are Self-imposed. Those who have more have more responsibility to share what they have with the others.

What Will Happen 12.21.12

On 12.21.12 there will be a Cosmic Alignment lining up Galactic Center with Cosmic Center. This is an unprecedented rare Cosmic Event. It will effect all Persons, Planets, Galaxies, Universes, Super Universes and all that is Infinite in All That Is in all space in all time in all dimensions layers and levels. This Mega Boost of Love pouring down from heaven will effect all Life Forms. 

We have the ability to effect What Will Happen 12.21.12. It is completely up to us.
Thanksgiving is a very Spiritual Practice.

Integrate Thankfulness Into Your Practice and Raise Your Vibration on Earth Call In The Ships with Your Love

What do you have to be thankful for? You can thank all the people in your life who have helped you in anyway. You can thank all your relations, all your ancestors who came before you. You can thank Mother Earth for all the bounty and harvest she has provided you. You can thank God for all the times you have been given gifts, protection, help and Guidance. Start now and make a list. Make this a new practice from now until 12.12.12. Review your list each day and add to it as you remember new ways to be thankful. Gratitude is 4/5ths of Love. This practice of Giving Thanksgiving every day will increase Love on Earth and help Birth the Golden Age in our hearts and that will spill out all over, all around. 

Finally I want to thank you for all you have done to bring this moment of Earth Ascension to pass. Thank you for your sacrifice, your help and your kindness. Call on me with your questions. I am always with you. I will help you and you must ask. This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 24, 2012. © All Rights Reserved. 

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 08:47 PM PST

ETs known as 'Tall Whites'

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Posted: 24 Nov 2012 07:56 PM PST

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Posted: 24 Nov 2012 07:48 PM PST

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Posted: 24 Nov 2012 03:27 PM PST

Denver, Colorado

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Posted: 24 Nov 2012 03:18 PM PST
As channeled through Magenta Pixie

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Posted: 24 Nov 2012 03:08 PM PST

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Posted: 24 Nov 2012 02:56 PM PST

By Tom

Mother God,
Father God,
I find myself stuck in a tar pit
Of my own making.
Although I could have chosen
To let go of my feelings
of being disrespected,
Treated unfairly,
And deserving more than I received,
I decided to wallow
In a state of self-pity,
And martyrdom.
I deceived myself through my
Right to feel moody
Complaining and whining,
About an insignificant event
That doesn't deserve to be mentioned
In the same breath
With the daily life-and-death encounters
That face many of my brothers and sisters.
Forgive my selfishness
And misplaced, distorted emotions.
While I beg Your forgiveness
for the size of my office,
help those who have no shelter
In lands devastated by the ravages of nature’s storms.
Shield them from the force of the elements.
Provide them food and medical care
To aid their survival.
Let we who have much
Remember and aid
Those who have little.
In Jesus’ name.


Posted: 24 Nov 2012 02:45 PM PST

The mysterious Sandy Island
*Click image to enlarge*

A well documented South Pacific island, shown on marine charts and world maps as well as on Google Earth and Google Maps, really does not exist, scientists now claim.
Sandy Island, shown to be a substantially sized piece of property, is thought by many to rest midway between Australia and New Caledonia, though the island could not be found during an oceanic expedition by scientists from the University of Sydney, Australia
Scientist Maria Seton was quoted as saying; “We wanted to check it out because the navigation charts on board the ship showed a water depth of 1,400m in that area – very deep,” 
Dr Seton, from the University of Sydney, added; “It’s on Google Earth and other maps so we went to check and there was no island. We’re really puzzled. It’s quite bizarre.
“How did it find its way onto the maps? We just don’t know, but we plan to follow up and find out.”
A spokeperson for Google Maps said; 'The world is a constantly changing place and keeping on top of these changes is a never ending endeavor'.

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 02:12 PM PST
Vatican City

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The pope is urging prison administrators to respect the dignity and rights of criminals in their care, and to help rehabilitate them.
Pope Benedict XVI met Thursday with participants of a conference of European prison administrators and urged them to re-educate prisoners, not just punish them. He said society and prisoners themselves would benefit.
The Vatican itself has been accused of shortcomings in its detention practices. Benedict's ex-butler Paolo Gabriele, convicted last month of stealing papal documents and leaking them to a journalist, accused Vatican police of causing him "psychological pressure" by keeping him in a tiny cell with the lights on constantly for his first 20 days of detention.
Vatican police defended their actions and said the cell conformed to international standards. But the Vatican prosecutor opened an investigation. 

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 01:04 PM PST

The Himalayan Mountain Range 

“Once we have made enough progress to go to the moon, Mars and further, we must go with an open mind, with no desire to conquer. The Guide told me that we would be under surveillance. That if aggressive ideas germinate in the minds of astronauts, they’ll be prevented from carrying out their plan. 
‘You must come in peace, with sincerity, honesty, and humility. If not, we will stop you.’

All the conversations we had at the base come back to me. We have a long road in front of us before we can liberate ourselves from enslavement, big or small. Of course, we mustn't reject everything, we need to keep what seems good to us. We won’t change our mode of thinking so easily, which is often 
egotistical and egocentric.

UFO research is a good thing. The overall mentality and opinions on the subject are changing rapidly. The arcane secrets are beginning to open up gradually. It’s better to go slowly and go far. When the majority of the planet is ready, there could be a possibility of encounter. The Guide’s word.”

In 1969, a French farmer was asked to spend one year living and working at a
subterranean base in the Himalayas.

A 40-year silence was imposed following his return,
and in 2005, Robert L. came forward ...

• Intimate contact with ETs

• Daily instruction in yoga, information on the Universe,
  galactic communication and Earth’s dilemma.

• Mission to provide genetic material for Earth-like planets

• Spacecraft excursion and encounter with French fighter jet

Bullet-shaped craft
During this time period, the property began to be filled with white 
'ball lights', which floated along the ground. These lights, 
whatever they were, appeared to be intelligent. 

For two years Robert received many visits in his bedrothe proom at night. Extra-terrestrial entities crossed
through the walls and surrounded his bed. Robert was paralyzed.

The visitors were tall, blond, and thin with long arms. They were dressed in skin-tight jumpsuits open at the 
neck and wrists, with a metallic shimmer and a wide belt.

They introduced themselves as scientists from another galaxy. They took a blood sample and told him they were interested in his genetic structure.

Over the next two years, Robert was mentally and physically prepared through these visits and instructed in yoga-like exercises. A man who presented himself as the “Guide” nicknamed him “Roro”. They were part of a Galactic Confederation in charge of maintaining life on planets inhabited like the Earth.

At the end of the two years of night-time training, he was invited to accompany them back to their base on Earth and to serve as a donor of genetic material to populate a faraway planet. He was assured that everything would be taken care of and he wouldn't lack anything.
A spacecraft came to pick him up in a field next to his farm. It was a large, flat vessel 65 feet long with a dome. It was red like hot iron, surrounded by a yellowish-orange cloud. It landed without touching the ground. A door opened and the “Guide” welcomed him. The craft took off, with no detectable motion. Robert was worried. The Guide showed him the wall had become transparent and Robert saw what he thought was Marseille.

They were at an altitude of 40,000 meters. The trip lasted less than an hour and they arrived at a subterranean base in the Himalayas. After a night spent in a bedroom with rounded  walls, Robert was served coffee which tasted as if made by his mother. He put on an outfit resembling an overall of soft,tight-fitting material. It would be changed and regenerated for the capture of magnetic rays.

Two women introduced themselves:

a "Biologist” and an “Ethnologist”. In the bedroom there was an eye-shaped device which was a kind of television in 3-D where he could see and hear everything happening at his home, and listen to his parents’ conversations.

Underground ET base
Click image to enlarge

They took him on a tour of the cave which was actually a base with several floors, constructed over 3000 feet below the earth.

It was surround by a triple magnetic belt which insulated and protected the base from earthquakes.

There were numerous rooms. An elevator opened onto a platform in the open air where he could go in the evening, though he was accompanied.

The terrain was rugged with high snow-capped mountains.

The Guide demonstrated how he could disintegrate a tree with a ball-like device which he carried with him at all times.

The spacecrafts accessed the base by way of a snaking tunnel with a funnel shaped entrance situated lower in the valley. It opened onto an immense hangar where the spacecrafts and personnel were located.Robert saw vessels entering from 90 feet away.

He was permitted to walk around the interior of the base, except for certain zones.

One day he forced entry into the rooms containing nuclear, magnetic and electric fields. He was pushed back by an invisible wall.

Robert was taken care of by the Biologist who explained to him nicely what was expected of him: a regular sperm donation. This operation, destined to populate a planet, took place every two days.

There were conversations between the Guide and the Ethnologist about our Earth civilizations.

Of particular interest was our behavior and how we treated the planet.

They gave him much advice on physical and mental health. He received regular yoga instruction.

Despite their politics of benevolence and noninterference and their respect for “free will”, caution would be taken regarding nuclear dangers. In case of nuclear conflict, intervention was possible.

Robert observed an ambiance of peace and harmony at the base. The occupants seemed to master perfectly the present and the future.

Everything was planned to the smallest detail.

Order and discipline seemed to be the motto. It was said that the extra-terrestrials were 20,000 years ahead of our civilization.

They explained the Universe to him as well as interstellar communication.

At one point the Biologist invited Robert to observe a meeting. He was ordered to remain perfectly quiet and simply to observe.

The room was equipped with a big oval table, and he watched in surprise as one by one the guests of different races began to materialize around the table.

People appearing in 3-D had discussions with the guests about suns and the movement of spacecraft between the planets.

The Guide also gave Robert information on time and space and the magnetic energy needed for travelling.The Guide told him he was able to live four to five hundred years before changing bodies, and that death didn’t exist.

The only thing that counted was the perpetual evolution of the soul.

The body was only a container.

During his stay in the Himalayas, Robert was invited to take an excursion to France aboard a spacecraft. Seven people were on board: the Guide, the Biologist, the Ethnologist, the captain and two pilots.

It was a circular fighter craft, 90 feet in diameter.

At one point, a Mirage III French military jet, appeared on a screen in the inner wall of the spacecraft.

The spacecraft swerved under and alongside the French jet, and Robert could see the pilot in the cockpit who turned his head and looked toward the spacecraft.

Robert could also see the pilot and his instrument panel on a screen, and discerned a registration number on the jet: FB.

Later investigations beginning in 2005 confirmed the presence of the Mirage III identified at the Dijon military base.

The name of the pilot was retained for possible testimony, but he has not been found. 

At the first European UFO conference in Châlonsen- Champagne (France) in October 2005, Robert revealed his story. The Guide had told him to keep the story secret for 40 years.

Robert believes he has a foreign implant in his back.

During the conference, another contactee with paranormal abilities, examined him and found something moving under Robert’s skin which emitted an electric charge into the hands of the therapist at the moment of a camera flash, followed by an intense vibration in his back.

Robert does not wish the implant to be removed.

In examination of ET implant

“Once we have made enough progress to go to the moon, Mars and further, we must go with an open mind, with no desire to conquer. The Guide told me that we would be under surveillance. That if aggressive ideas germinate in the minds of astronauts, they’ll be prevented from carrying out their plan. 

‘You must come in peace, with sincerity, honesty, and humility. If not, we will stop you.’

All the conversations we had at the base come back to me. We have a long road in front of us before we can liberate ourselves from enslavement, big or small. Of course, we mustn't reject everything, we need to keep what seems good to us. We won’t change our mode of thinking so easily, which is often egotistical and egocentric.

UFO research is a good thing. The overall mentality and opinions on the subject are changing rapidly. The arcane secrets are beginning to open up gradually. It’s better to go slowly and go far. When the majority of the planet is ready, there could be a possibility of encounter. The Guide’s word.”

Robert L.

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 11:56 AM PST

As channeled through John Smallman

To awaken is the right and the destiny of every sentient being, and it is God’s Will that all awaken.  The illusion has brought much pain and suffering into your hearts over the many lifetimes you have chosen to undergo experiences within it.  You do not need to continue engaging with it, because it is an invention of your collective minds, and it is they that provide its maintenance and support.  The opportunity is constantly being presented through which you can abandon it and move forwards into your fully conscious and awakened state.
Many are now helping to change the collective perception that maintains it unquestioningly.  The time has come for your unawareness of its unreality to dissolve.  The phrase “You create your own reality” has been bandied about for the last thirty or forty years, falling in and out of favor as fashions and the seasons change, but that is how you invented the illusion and how you continue to maintain it.  You can see its effects in action as the political moods in a country change in response to events, and waves of despair, anger, or exhilaration sweep through a population.  And your elected officials are always attempting to use the mood swings that occur to their own personal advantage.
However, many of you have become aware of the unfortunate effects and the irresponsibility of responding to mood swings with corresponding changes of intent.  You have observed the enormous damage that results from such unbalanced and unpredictable behavior, and you are no longer willing to be swayed, influenced, and manipulated by egoic power seekers riding the waves of perceived public opinion.  There is now a conscious intent on the part of the majority of those incarnate on Earth at this time to find and follow a constant path of spiritual evolution that will bring all into harmony and enable the peace for which you all long to be achieved.  You have limitless amounts of assistance available to you from those in the presently unappreciated and unseen realms whose only wish is to help you to awaken, and you are finally taking full advantage of it.
Your Father loves you with an intensity that you just cannot conceive of while you are focusing on the sins, the wrongs, the betrayals, and the suffering that are endemic within the illusion, and which are constantly distracting you from opening to His Love for you.  By focusing your attention there you become caught up in the fear and anger, and in your emotional reactions to the unfairness and unjustness that you see all around you.  Focus on Love.  Its divine field surrounds you in every moment of your existence, and you only remain unaware of it by your own choice to focus, instead, on the illusion and all the problems and issues that it invents and spreads, to ensnare you in its relentless and seemingly inescapable web of intrigue and lies.
As long as you choose to engage with it, so long will it continue to ensnare you. Vast quantities of “shoulds” fill your minds as you wonder how to put right the wrongs and terminate the suffering that your reason tells you can and should be eradicated.  But they are all of the illusion, and putting your attention there does very little to alleviate them, while it does distract you from your task of holding the Light, showing the way, and being loving presences in every situation.
Your history is filled with stories of heroic figures who strove mightily to right wrongs and injustices, often dying for the causes for which they fought so courageously.  And the implied message is that you should be willing to do likewise.  But over the eons these heroes have in fact achieved very little because after they were gone the old order re-established itself, often with renewed vigor, and in the illusion only illusions — the unreal — can survive.
But the illusion encourages you to “fight for what is right.”  And of course you cannot agree on what is right!  Every single one of you embodied within the illusion has a different perception. You may belong to a religious organization, a political party, a corporate entity, or just your own family, but they all set rules and codes of behavior that you have to follow to remain in good standing with them, and, as a result, there are times when you have to disregard your conscience, your integrity, your true divine self if you wish to find acceptance within them.
To change — really change the system to one of peace, harmony, and dignity for all — you have to live it.  That means letting go of judgment, and all the ancillary services and functions to which it inevitably leads.  You have to live with love flowing through your hearts, offering compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and healing to all — indiscriminately.  As soon as you take up arms, figuratively or physically, for whatever reason, conflicts ensue, and you end up in the cycle of the endless repetitive loop.  And that is what you are attempting to circumvent.
Living the change that you want is the only way to bring it about, but the cultures that you have established and maintained within the illusion insist that to actually practice living lovingly, peacefully, and compassionately only leaves you open to certain attack and likely destruction.  With war, conflict, disagreement, dishonesty, and self-serving agendas filling your environment, that appears to be a very valid viewpoint, and it appears to be confirmed for you by your history and when bad things happen to good people.  But as long as you believe in the illusion and follow its guidance you are energetically supporting and maintaining it.
The answer is Love.  You have been told that time and time again, and your answer has for a long time been “But it does not work!”  In fact It does work for those who practice It, and as the end of this calendar year approaches, more and more of you are engaging with the divine Love field surrounding you and you are changing yourselves and the world and proving that It works.
From our vantage point what you are achieving makes a magnificent spectacle as the Light of God’s Love shines out brilliantly from an ever-increasing number of you, and from the planet herself.  The tide has turned and the dark is melting away and disappearing in the Light as the brightness of the Love field into which you are weaving yourselves, making yourselves integral and inseparable aspects of It, intensifies and strengthens daily.  You are most definitely well established on the path to awakening, and there is no chance that you will be diverted from it.
Delight in the certain knowledge that the moment of awakening into your natural state as fully conscious beings is rapidly and inevitably approaching, and that the rush, the shock, and the amazement that will occur as you awaken will fill you with joy and happiness that is presently far beyond your abilities even to conceive of.
Your loving brother, Jesus. 

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 11:10 AM PST

As channeled through Laura - Pleiadian Delegate

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Posted: 24 Nov 2012 10:40 AM PST

As channeled through Julie Miller  11/23/12

So many dear souls are searching somewhere, elsewhere to know of their soul purpose. Dear ones please understand when your present moment starts to feel perfect then you know you are living your soul purpose. When you are aware that you are already living your soul purpose you will then realize your relationships will also change dynamically. No longer will you feel the need to look for happiness in a distant future daydream because you already hold that joy and happiness within your precious heart.

You know you are already living your soul purpose when you finally end your conversations that begin with, “…once ‘this or that’ happens then I will be where I ‘want’ to be” – “Then I will be satisfied and happy”. What will change dear one is the wording, “Where I AM right now is exactly where I want to be right now – and nowhere else”. This level of awareness and change does occur when you stop looking so hard everywhere else and look within and see the beauty that is alive inside of you. Nothing dear ones is more perfect than where you are right now, living in the moment that is sacred and precious. Your future will unveil itself one step at a time through your choices. Do not rush your journey; there is much to learn along the way. When you reach this state of accepting and knowing where you are at right now on your journey is where you are meant to be you will feel a most incredible emotion and that is JOY.

Your joy is a product of total acceptance of your present moment. Each time you project your consciousness away from the present NOW moment to seek happiness in another time or place you are leaving JOY behind. Understand dear ones when all aspects of your being fully embraces where you are right now, you are compelled to feel elation and Joy.

There are some among you who have not reached this state of being yet because they are still busy looking for it through other means. Know dear ones; each of you has the ability within you to reach a true state of joy to be demonstrated in all you do in every aspect of your life. You will reach joy in time and understanding of yourself and the world around you simply by listening to your heart and the gentle prompting you will receive. Observe always your emotional state and compare to how you feel when you are in a state of joy and elation. You know yourself better than anyone. If you are truly observant of yourself, you will be able to pinpoint at each stage of your journey where your level of consciousness is at. You already know inner peace neighbours joy. If you are feeling powerless at any moment, know you are more removed from joy and the more you will resist being in this sacred state of Joy and Elation.

If you are in a powerless feeling moment, then you know you are far from Joy. Know dear ones you cannot just jump to this sacred state instantaneously and expect to stay there for any length of time. If you do try to just jump right in yes you may very well experience a temporary feeling of Joy, but whatever the situation that you are dealing with that is pulling you from feeling Joy always will draw you away. If you are fully conscious with your intent to reach joy, then with time, self-love and care to yourself you will eventually reach this sacred state of joy and elation and make this state of being your default way of living. To remain in a state of joy in all you do, you only need to continuously direct your life on the path that will bring joy by making better choices.

Understand dear ones each and every time you are faced with a decision, even if it’s just choosing to reply to a message left to you or passing by a fellow being you choose to speak, smile or do nothing. The most mundane of choices all hold responsibility because they involve you. We encourage you dear ones when you move through your day and you wish to include more joy in your life, they make choices that will direct you to living in a state of joy – choices that will bring you inner happiness and satisfaction. When you realize you have this option, the power you will feel from within will be incredible. Please understand dear ones, when you begin to make better joyful choices at first you may not feel so joyful and this will depend on where you are currently. If you are still influenced by negative thought forms or other negative states, you may not feel the elation of making joyous decisions right away. Begin changing your low energy thoughts a little at a time. It’s okay to take baby steps. The building of you has no time limit. You will discover dear ones there will be some choices that will provide you with a more empowering feeling than others. Begin with these. They will help stimulate your confidence and help to rebuild your self-esteem. Learn that you are very worthy of love and we love you deeply. Our love for you is infinite.

There are many dear souls among you who are angry. Understand dear ones anger is a higher state and is moved away from living in fear. The dear ones who react through anger and greed will eventually find a path that will lead to joy. There are always varying degrees of certain feelings and understanding the difference between anger and fear is a first step towards progression to living in a state of joy.

It is okay and acceptable to be angry and to feel this emotion. Don’t berate yourself for any length of time. Recognize where this emotion is coming from and know its actual root cause. Learn to move away from all negative states like anger as well as you can and in the best and most productive way possible. Love yourself and stop expecting so much if you are giving your best effort each and every time. You know all anger passes and through the confusion anger can bring, you will then see clearly the steps you need to make to raise your consciousness higher into a more positive state of being and living with joy.

Each step you take out of a negative way of living in time will eventually lead you to living in a state of joy. Know dear ones living with Joy and in Joy is a natural way for you to live. When you entered this lifetime you entered fully present in the moment. As babies you were not seeking to see into the past or in the future. Your focus was on the present. This can be reached again and it can be made your default way of living.

Before we continue I would like to remind each of you, the energy each of you give off – negative or positive can be felt by others. Just like making choices, you are responsible for the kind of energy you are sharing. There are some truly empathic souls that feel negative responses quite deeply to the point of illness and pain. Be conscious of your energy and how it’s flowing and of your emotions.

We know when you are feeling joyful – your light and energy flows easily. When you realize you are living in joy you then also come to the conclusion that your existence is no longer a challenge because you have ended your resistance of living in the present NOW moment and you will end the creation of problems for yourself.

Be conscious dear ones that any resistance will cause internal issues such as stress, fear and possibly illness and if not noticed this can escalate into external issues such as conflict, feeling of inadequacy, and possibly inequality. As you learn through gentle love of yourself and from choosing the direction that will bring you joy and to aid you to create more joy in your life, you will discover your whole life will become a joyful experience in every aspect every way possible. It is quite simple dear ones to accept, embrace and feel rejoice for your life when you are living in the present NOW moment. You will see dear ones; joyful feelings will create joyful actions which in turn will create more joyful feelings.

The sacred state of joy when you finally reach here will enable each of you to end worrying about your existence and end fearing what may or may not happen. You will notice it is a lot easier to satisfy your needs when you reduce your expectations of yourself. By making better joyful choices you will definitely propel your consciousness outward and be able to interact with your worldly community with ease and lack of fear. Remember positive attracts positive. Adopting this way of life will draw people to you like a magnet and you fill find yourself surrounded by other like-minded souls that will empower and encourage deeper spiritual growth and development. Through the support you will receive from these interactions and relationships you will discover and embrace your true soul purpose.

All you need to do dear ones is make simple choices that will bring you closer to living in joy each and every time. It is okay if one of your choices appears to far away from reaching joy. Know dear ones that every time you make a conscious choice to choose better the outcome will eventually bring you to joy and you will succeed because you have put your heart and soul into it. The choice is always yours because you are gifted with Free Will. And we of the divine will always be with you when you require a little help if you find yourself surrounded by uncertainty.


And so it is,
I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey
through Julie Miller 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The changeless occult signatures prevail. We are rejecting the Light of Jesus Christ and are being overrun by demons and their devices.

The Word of God is true, fulfilling before our eyes. We will choose whom we will worship.

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

"For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
-Revelation 16:13,14