9/11 researcher found dead: Wrote book implicating
Bush administration in the 9/11 attacks
Before It's News
Thu, 07 Feb 2013 20:34 CST
Thu, 07 Feb 2013 20:34 CST
Phillip Marshall wrote about conspiracy. Was he a victim of one?
'9/11 Truther' Phillip Marshall and his entire family were recently found dead
of gunshot wounds in what authorities are calling a murder suicide. Marshall
was a former airline pilot and a '9/11 Conspiracy Theorist' and book writer who
believed that the Bush administration, with cooperation from Saudi
intelligence, had committed the 'false flag' terrorist attacks on September
11th, 2001. Marshall was also a former CIA and DEA pilot during the Iran/Contra
Marshall lived in fear for his life while writing his 9/11 Truther book implicating the United States government and George W. Bush in the 'false flag' attacks. Has the US government begun an all out assault on whistle blowers and so-called truthers? That would certainly put at least 50% of Beforeitsnews readers and reporters/contributors in jeopardy of a drone strike or 'accident' for merely seeking truth. The excellent videos below share that many Americans believe that this was another HIT upon a man who knew too much and was willing to share his information with the world. Why'd THEY kill his family, and dog, too? Was that REALLY NECESSARY George Bush?
The story below is from The Mail Online and The Santa Barbara View.
Marshall lived in fear for his life while writing his 9/11 Truther book implicating the United States government and George W. Bush in the 'false flag' attacks. Has the US government begun an all out assault on whistle blowers and so-called truthers? That would certainly put at least 50% of Beforeitsnews readers and reporters/contributors in jeopardy of a drone strike or 'accident' for merely seeking truth. The excellent videos below share that many Americans believe that this was another HIT upon a man who knew too much and was willing to share his information with the world. Why'd THEY kill his family, and dog, too? Was that REALLY NECESSARY George Bush?
The story below is from The Mail Online and The Santa Barbara View.
Murder suicide: Philip Marshall is accused of shooting his children Alex, right, and Macaila Marshall, left, before turning the gun on himself
A pilot who wrote a conspiracy theory book about 9/11 is dead
after he shot his two teenage children and family dog before turning the gun on
himself. Micalia Phillips, 14, and her 17-year-old brother Alex, were also
found dead at the home inside the gated Forrest Meadows community.
The former airline
pilot's controversial conspiracy book The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on
Terror was released last year.
While he was writing it,
Marshall believed that his life was in danger because of the allegations
According to Santa Barbara View, during the editing and pre-marketing process of Marshall's book, he expressed some degree of paranoia because the nonfiction work accused the George W. Bush administration of being in cahoots with the Saudi intelligence community in training the hijackers who died in the planes used in the attacks.
"Think about this," Marshall said last year in a written statement, "The official version about some ghost (Osama bin Laden) in some cave on the other side of the world defeating our entire military establishment on U.S. soil is absolutely preposterous."
Marshall went on to say: "The true reason the attack was successful is because of an inside military stand-down and a coordinated training operation that prepared the hijackers to fly heavy commercial airliners. We have dozens of FBI documents to prove that this flight training was conducted California, Florida and Arizona in the 18 months leading up to the attack."
The veteran pilot confided that he was concerned about his 10-year, independent 9/11 study and most recent book since they pointed to the Saudis and the Bush intelligence community as the executioners of the attack that defeated all U.S. military defenses on Sept. 11, 2001. Marshall said he knew his book might cause some people to take issue with him.
Marshall Killed His 2 Children, Dog and Himself? - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po6uP8w2kwI&feature=player_embedded
Philip Marshall Killed
His 2 Children, Dog and Himself?
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