CGI's Swami: A Righteous and Determined Minority Always
Prevailed Against Tyranny
"I am tired of disinfo-agents pulling
others down and making people feel depressed about the sad state of the
nation. They whine and cry about the stupefied dumb down population. The
illusion of getting over 50 percent of the people to wake up is not always a
good thing. The first reason speaking hypothetically if we have over half of
the people on our side does not guarantee a victory. Many will go wobbly when
the pressure is on. Second, hearing about how the super elite owns the media and is brainwashing the people. Nobody is watching the establishment media anymore. CNN,CBS,ABC,NBC and MSNBC have dismal ratings speaking to a small audience. Nobody reads the New York Times. They are talking to barely no one but to themselves. As long as Pierce Morgan demonized freedom and Al Sharpton calls all gun owners racist.(In Texas there are many negro gun owners who will not turn in their guns either) As long we see this outrageous rants from these useful idiots in front of the camera. They will lose more of their audience. The market share of network TV of shows that does demonize the institutions and values that made this nation great. This is not the 1980s where only three dominate networks held a monopoly on news and entertainment. The market share and viewer ratings do not exist as it once did. The networks had a TV show after the Waco raid called “ATF” trying to repair the damage done after the siege. That did not work. The lies and propaganda is not working anymore. Millions of American do not trust the establishment media and the government anymore. One thing former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said that is correct” You go to war with what you have”. That means must act and move with what we have. Many activist are on the front lines dong some real damage to the New World Order. They acted on with what they had. They did not wait for the world to wake up and then acted. The result of their actions won the hearts and minds of those who see these courageous people take a stand. Some will join and stand by their side or some will shrink. We cannot worry about the people who refuse or are incapable of accepting the truth. Move on to those eager to listen. We have the numbers to win, we cannot be held back complaining about people who do not get it or will never get it. It is a waste of time. Three percent of the population fought the king of England. At the end of the war it was up to five percent defeated the most powerful army on earth. So what is holing us back? It is us whining about the ignorant and uninformed. If they want to watch American idol, let them go on. My hat is off to them. We are at the point, we go forward with what we have. We have the numbers. We have done really serious damage to the globalist and their minion tyrants. The signs are encouraging to see. Sheriffs are starting to tell the Federal government to take a hike. Many in the military will not follow illegal orders from Obama. The guns sales in December in January of 16 million plus. That is enough to equip the Chinese, Indian, Russian and US Military ground forces three times over. That is not including the trajectory since Obama being elected of gun sales increasing. I say if China and Obama wants our guns. Bring it on. Come and take it. Japanese Admiral Yamamoto knew better to take on the American people because he knew there will be a gun behind every blade of grass. We have a core minority determined not to give up setting brush fires in the minds of many. We have nothing more to complain about. We take back American with what we have. We know there is an awakening going on. The tipping point is now toward liberty away from authoritarianism. The other side is getting desperate knowing the window of opportunity is closing. That is something we have to exploit as their weakness. So stop whining and complaining about the dumb down masses. We have the thinkers and they have the stinkers. Enough said." |
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