Active-Shooter Drill Took Place in School with No Warning to Anyone but
By Shepard
February 3, 2013
The simple fact is, live
active-shooter school drills (with real guns and possibly live ammunition) have
taken place in the past without the schools staff, parents, or teachers
consent, terrifying students and staff. In fact, in at least one occurrence a
student was sent into an asthma attack as the event was so
February 3, 2013
Eastlake High
School, EL Paso
Although members of the mainline press including Anderson Cooper
would like you to believe that that this would never be a reality and that no
one can question inconsistencies found in the Sandy Hook shooting case.
However, the authority’s claim, “It’s
an active shooter drill,” O’Neill said. “We do this every now and then. If you
warn too many people then the simulation is not effective.”
A report by Rick Dupont details;
EL PASO, Texas — The
Socorro Independent School District stands behind its decision to simulate an
act of terrorism without warning teachers, parents or students.At 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, the students and teachers at Eastlake High School were told to vacate the hallways and lock down in their classrooms. According to students and parents, gunshots and screams were heard. The SWAT team was seen entering the school.
Stephanie Belcher has a 15-year-old son enrolled in Eastlake. She said she got a text message from her son that scared her.
“He said, ‘I’m not kidding. There’s gunshots and people screaming and we were locked in a storage closet,’” Belcher said.
SISD’s Assistant Superintendent, Pat O’Neill, said the fact that only the principal of the school was warned was a necessary part of the plan.
“It’s an active shooter drill,” O’Neill said. “We do this every now and then. If you warn too many people then the simulation is not effective.”
“These kids thought that their classmates were being killed and that they could be next,” Belcher said. “There’s no excuse for that.”
“I’d rather them be upset with us now instead of something happening and we’re not prepared,” O’Neill said. “Then people are going to ask questions like, “Why weren’t you prepared?’”
“I went to school in California and I don’t remember them shaking the building when we had an earthquake drill,” Belcher said.
Eastlake freshman Rudy Soto said the drill was too realistic.
“It was pretty scary,” Soto said. “Even the teachers got scared.”
Soto said he almost experienced a full-blown asthma attack when he heard the gunshots.
Could such an event have taken place or intertwined
someway with an actual shooting in Newtown? We do know that 2 other active-shooter drills were taking place simultaneously
to the actual reported events as Sandy Hook Elementary School that December
A popular YouTuber that goes by the name Montagraph
breaks down part of his findings;
Video Description:
Mr. Rosen’s Not So Rosy Picture:… To
all of the emails suggesting False Flags Don’t occur, read it and weep!…
Shepard Ambellas is the founder & director of (a popular alternative news website), researcher,
investigative journalist, radio talk show host, and filmmaker.
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