Political Vel Craft
Of Politics
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» Pravda:
Is The United States Prepared?: While Iraq Buys Back Currency Off The Streets
& Retires It ~ The FED Is Smothering America In Newly Printed Funny Money!
Pravda: Is The United States Prepared?:
While Iraq Buys Back Currency Off The Streets & Retires It ~ The FED Is
Smothering America In Newly Printed Funny Money!

Over the last 10/12 years, I have done a large amount of reading and research into history and world events – post 1900. With my dealings around the world in Arms, I have met many very interesting people who have shared ideas and information with me on world events both past, present and future possibilities. What I want to say now, is a culmination of many years of gleaning as much information as I can about world events and information currently being provided by friends/business colleagues around the world.
- America
Calls For Print Control: To Save Our Country ~ Enforce Print Control On
Rothschild Federal Reserve!!
- TaxMageddon
2013: U.S. Citizens Forced To Pay Double-Digit Interest With Current REAL
Money For Access To Trillions Of Freshly Printed Funny Money!!
It is necessary for me to paraphrase
much of what I have so it may seem rather “short on detail’ , but if you wanted
any more information/detail, I’d be happy to provide it.
Firstly, money has no intrinsic value; and really, neither has Gold as it is a controlled market. The American Federal Reserve {FED} have been printing monopoly money for 75 years and there is no backing to this currently – other than people’s “faith” in the dollar.

Firstly, money has no intrinsic value; and really, neither has Gold as it is a controlled market. The American Federal Reserve {FED} have been printing monopoly money for 75 years and there is no backing to this currently – other than people’s “faith” in the dollar.

Big Gains for Iraq Security.
BAGHDAD — The Iraqi central bank is buying back its currency at a feverish pace, forcing the value of the Iraqi dinar higher and limiting increases in consumer prices.
The bank spends $1 billion to $1.5 billion every month in oil revenue to buy Iraqi dinars on the open market, said Mudher M. Salih Kasim, senior adviser to the bank. This is the main lever for controlling consumer prices, said Kasim, who noted that the value of the dinar had risen about 20 percent against the dollar. An oil price crash, he added, would be “a disaster.”
The government is also trying to funnel money to placate Iraqis who endured the military operations in Sadr City, Mosul and Basra and cement their loyalty. Tahseen al-Sheikhly, a spokesman for the Baghdad security plan, said $100 million will go to Sadr City to upgrade economic and social conditions there in the wake of the two-month military operation, which left buildings shattered and markets destroyed. Dr. Safaa al-Deen al-Safi, who is charged with implementing development and reconstruction activities, said another $100 million will be spent on areas like health and education.
New York Times
BAGHDAD — The Iraqi central bank is buying back its currency at a feverish pace, forcing the value of the Iraqi dinar higher and limiting increases in consumer prices.
The bank spends $1 billion to $1.5 billion every month in oil revenue to buy Iraqi dinars on the open market, said Mudher M. Salih Kasim, senior adviser to the bank. This is the main lever for controlling consumer prices, said Kasim, who noted that the value of the dinar had risen about 20 percent against the dollar. An oil price crash, he added, would be “a disaster.”
The government is also trying to funnel money to placate Iraqis who endured the military operations in Sadr City, Mosul and Basra and cement their loyalty. Tahseen al-Sheikhly, a spokesman for the Baghdad security plan, said $100 million will go to Sadr City to upgrade economic and social conditions there in the wake of the two-month military operation, which left buildings shattered and markets destroyed. Dr. Safaa al-Deen al-Safi, who is charged with implementing development and reconstruction activities, said another $100 million will be spent on areas like health and education.
New York Times
It has been a contrived financial
system based on the Petro-Dollar and a debit based economy. Karl
Marx said ‘war is inherent in Capitalism”. This is because capitalism needs
to expand , based on debt driven greed and waste, in order to survive.
There comes a time when this “bubble” cannot be sustained – rather like blowing a large soapy bubble; it grows and grows until a point whereby the surface tension cannot sustain it’s continued expansion.

There comes a time when this “bubble” cannot be sustained – rather like blowing a large soapy bubble; it grows and grows until a point whereby the surface tension cannot sustain it’s continued expansion.

Then it bursts.
The American economy is such a
bubble – already America cannot ever hope to repay it’s debt. The way out of
this conundrum, is to devalue the dollar – let it free fall.
Then countries like China, Japan etc who are holding huge amounts of American debt will effectively be holding useless paper money. The FED, after seizing what real value is in the country by way of foreclosing on mortgages, loans and collection of businesses etc, will simply print a new currency. Ala Germany with the Deutschmark and the new Reichsmark. Depressions are generated to redistribute wealth. Nashville Home Owners Are Being Financially Raped By Arcane Laws: More Than 62,640 Homes Now Stand Vacant ~ While Investors Swoop In To Reap Big Profits From Foreclosures!

Then countries like China, Japan etc who are holding huge amounts of American debt will effectively be holding useless paper money. The FED, after seizing what real value is in the country by way of foreclosing on mortgages, loans and collection of businesses etc, will simply print a new currency. Ala Germany with the Deutschmark and the new Reichsmark. Depressions are generated to redistribute wealth. Nashville Home Owners Are Being Financially Raped By Arcane Laws: More Than 62,640 Homes Now Stand Vacant ~ While Investors Swoop In To Reap Big Profits From Foreclosures!

Take from the middle class and poor
and give to the 10% of the wealthy.
America has been heading along this
path of controlled devaluation since the middle of last year – the FED stated
in December that the dollar needed to drop 33 1/3rd % .
The issue here is, a controlled devaluation is a fairytale; external forces and other markets will cause a run which cannot be anticipated or controlled. Japan is onto this and they have been printing money [like the FED has] and effectively devaluing their Yen in unison with the US Dollar. This has caused the FED to complain strongly – but there is little that they can do about it – China and Japan have already begun trading each other’s currency [So too, Russia and China] rather than using the Dollar as the unit of trade, further weakening the position of the US Dollar.
However, a collapse of the US dollar will cause major problems for the countries that are holding huge amounts of American debt – China and Japan especially as both of these counties have supported their balance sheets with US debt. Wipe of that debt and they are bankrupt! This will trigger worldwide depression as the two major industrial powerhouses of the world cannot pay for goods.
The issue here is, a controlled devaluation is a fairytale; external forces and other markets will cause a run which cannot be anticipated or controlled. Japan is onto this and they have been printing money [like the FED has] and effectively devaluing their Yen in unison with the US Dollar. This has caused the FED to complain strongly – but there is little that they can do about it – China and Japan have already begun trading each other’s currency [So too, Russia and China] rather than using the Dollar as the unit of trade, further weakening the position of the US Dollar.
However, a collapse of the US dollar will cause major problems for the countries that are holding huge amounts of American debt – China and Japan especially as both of these counties have supported their balance sheets with US debt. Wipe of that debt and they are bankrupt! This will trigger worldwide depression as the two major industrial powerhouses of the world cannot pay for goods.
Switzerland and Germany have
requested their gold be returned from Fort Knox – world markets and countries
around the world are becoming very nervous. Switzerland would be regarded as
one of the cagiest financial counties in the world – why now demand their gold
back? The FED refused a German audit of German gold reserves being held by the
FED – why??

Speaking with business partners I
have in the States, they are not “alarmists or kooks’, but they are alarmed and
very concerned over current events. The establishment of the Department
of Homeland Security [DHS] is a major concern to many in America.
THE DHS are not trained police, they are not trained
military, they are people who have been “especially vetted” as to their
loyalty to the flag [government].
presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., delivers a speech about
terrorism, Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2007, at the Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars in Washington. Obama said Wednesday that he would send troops into
Pakistan to hunt down terrorists even without local permission if warranted _
an attempt to show strength when his chief rival has described his foreign
policy skills as naive. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) ORG XMIT: DCCD111
White House Wins Fight To Keep Killings Of Americans Secret!
Federal judge Colleen McMahon
issued a 75-page ruling on Wednesday January 2, 2013 that declares that the US Justice Department
does not have a legal obligation to explain the rationale behind killing Americans.
A grim Federal Security Forces (FSB) “urgent action” memorandum prepared for President Putin is warning that United States President Barack Obama has ordered at least 800 highly trained “death squad” units to disperse throughout his country.
According to this memo, Obama was emboldened to implement this murderous plan against his own citizens after this past weeks US Federal Court ruling granted his regime the right to kill, without trial or charges, any American he so chooses, and keep the reason(s) for doing so secret. Read More Here.
A grim Federal Security Forces (FSB) “urgent action” memorandum prepared for President Putin is warning that United States President Barack Obama has ordered at least 800 highly trained “death squad” units to disperse throughout his country.
According to this memo, Obama was emboldened to implement this murderous plan against his own citizens after this past weeks US Federal Court ruling granted his regime the right to kill, without trial or charges, any American he so chooses, and keep the reason(s) for doing so secret. Read More Here.
- Americans
To Begin Killing One Another Over Rothschild Soros Choreographed Looting
- Obama’s
War on American Generals
- Special
Vetted Military Required By Obama To Fire On American Citizens
- Obama
Mentor Called For 25 Million Americans to be Killed in Re-Education Camps
- Two
Gun Manufacturers Killed In Two Days No Answers: Russia Warns America That
Obama Death Squads Fan Out Across The U.S. As Gun Rebellion Looms!
- Sandy
Hook Killings Now Emerging As A ‘Stage Managed’ Terrorist Attack:
Rothschild Israeli Death Squad!
- From
The Benghazi Murders To The Connecticut Murders: The Lone Nut Scenario Of
Obama’s CIA MK-Ultra Program, Operation Gladio: Who REALLY Killed The
Connecticut Children?
- The
Obama Dead Pool & Kill List!
- Remembering
When Rothschild Thug McCain Introduced Bill S 3002 to Kill Nutritional
Supplement Access To American Citizens.
- Israeli
Mossad Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq (Creating Chaos): U.S. Marine
Throws Medals To The Floor!
- Pre-Emptive
Strike By Piece Of Shit Republican Jack Kingston To Federally Promote
& Protect A Deadly Killer On July 23rd: Monsanto Ushered Into Our Food
Chain By Corrupt Politicians! Take State Action!
- 50
States Where HIV/AIDS Kills More Than Double The People Than Do Cars –
Suicide – Violence – & War!
And XE aka; BlackWater ‘Death Squads’, Hired By Obama To Kill People In
Syria: Creating Terrorism As Pretext For War While Violating The U.S.
- Chicago’s
Murderer’s Sanctuary Obama Feinstein Silent: Rahm Emanuel’s Largest Gun
Free Zone Experiment In The Nation Fails: 2012 Murder Tally For Chicago
Reaches 500 Just Before New Years Day! That’s Two Sandy Hook Classrooms A
Month ~ Every Month!
- Obama’s
Muslim Brotherhood Murdered More Than 11,000 Citizens In The Year 2012:
And Obama/Feinstein Want To Violate Our Constitution And Disarm The United
- Hillary
Clinton, Bathhouse Barry, & Jeremiah Wright’s ‘Gay Cover’ At Trinity
Church: 3 Gays Murdered ‘Coup De Gras’ Within 6 weeks!
- Obama
Administration Gone Wild Now Attacking Yemen: 200 Murdered By Drones ~
Violating The War Powers Act!
- Former
Democrat & Whistle Blower: 2008 DNC Voter Fraud, Financial Fraud &
Gov’t Sponsored Murder. Forward To 2012!
- United
States Christians Must Arm The Christians In Nigeria: Obama Administration
Says Islam Murdering 1,000 Christians & Cutting Out Their Tongues Over
The Last 3 Years In Nigeria Is Not Terrorism.
- Rothschild’s
Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder
America 9 Part Video!
The DHS has recently placed an order
for a further 450 million 10mm Hollow Point ammunition bringing their “stockpile”
to almost a thousand million. [what's that? A Billion in Yankee talk?].
There are approximately 300 million citizens in America – the question being asked is “what does the DHS need a billion rounds of ammunition for?”.

There are approximately 300 million citizens in America – the question being asked is “what does the DHS need a billion rounds of ammunition for?”.

- State’s
Constitutional Militias: Sovereign Militias Buy More Firearms In 3 Months,
Than What It Takes To Outfit The Entire Chinese And Indian Armies
- U.S.
Gun Companies Refusing Sales To Obama Government With Fraud Gun Laws: N.Y.
Charlie Schumer Gets Hit Back Twice As Hard!
Million Starved To Death During MAO TSE TUNG’S Great Orchestrated Famine That
Resulted From The ‘Great Leap Forward’ – CHANGE!
Further, my partner asked me to
provide them with Meals Ready to Eat [MRE - military style ration]. When I
asked him why they haven’t got any in the US – his answer was that the DHS has
been buying them up.
Again, people are asking “why does the DHS need MRE, and in such high numbers?”.

Again, people are asking “why does the DHS need MRE, and in such high numbers?”.

The answer put forward to these
questions is quite logical. With a depression of the scale that is planned, the
government cannot rely on the loyalty of the Police, after all, they will have
their Super schemes wiped out, their saving gone and their families will be in
the same boat as the rest of the middle class.

Hardly conducive to loyalty! The
Army will fair no better – perhaps worse as many who have been recently
fighting a war on behalf of the FED [controlled government], will see the
stupidity and pointlessness of their sacrifices.
Con game Of The Banking Matrix.
Because of that, it is important
that the US return it’s troops from Afghanistan and reduce the size of it’s
standing army so that there is less of a threat from an organised armed group.
That leaves the trusty and loyal DHS to protect what the “haves” have and keep
the have not from getting it. A frightening scenario.
With money being worthless, there is
no point whatsoever in having a bank account – in fact, the more money you have
in the bank, the better the governments will like you. So easy to reduce wealth
with a stroke of the pen and a closing of the banks doors.
- Iceland
Dismantles The Corrupt, Arrests 10 Rothschild Bankers, Then Issues
Interpol Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Banker Sigurdur Einarsson!
- Decommission
Banks For Credit Unions: Reinstall The Glass Steagall Act To Protect
American Citizens From The 1% Sociopaths.
- Pull
Your Money Out Of Corporate Banks Incrementally: Move To Local Credit
- Corporate
Bankers Hold Zero Cents To The Dollar: Time To Move Your Money To Your
Local Credit Unions!
- Nigel
Farage: The Inevitable End Of Rothschild Banking Cabal’s Euro Union Scheme
~ Closing Your Accounts At Corporate Banks Before They Close You Down ~
May Be Something One Should Consider!
- 1
Recall The Bailout, 2 Remove The Corrupt Politicians, 3 Pay NO Taxes Until
1&2 Are Completed!! Follow Iceland!!
- Its
Time To Get ICELANDIC On Rothschild: Interpol Arrest Warrant For Einarsson
- What
Iceland Teaches Us: “Let Banks Fail”
- Why
Not Get Rid Of The Banks? NWO E.U. Experiment Has Failed ~ Follow Iceland!
The only hedge against the possible
coming gloom is to store tradable. Food [long term storage food] and
commodities that people need are what current money should be invested in. This
‘investment” is better than money in the bank. Consider the rate of inflation
and check out the rate of inflation of food! It will not get cheaper and will
hold it’s value. What was $1 in current currency will be worth say $50 in any
new currency. It will still be worth more than paper value and it is a
necessity! Other things that can be stored and traded are certainly worth
considering and investing in – especially medicines which will become very hard
to procure.
Now, if the worst
does not come to pass – what’s the problem?
The items stored are not spoilt and
can be used progressively in lieu of spending money for them later. It is in
effect a form of compulsory saving and a hedge against inflation – you will
earn more than leaving the money in the bank. Consider also, that shares are a
very risky investment in the current market – companies go tits up just like
everyone else. Holding shares in a bankrupt company doesn’t sound like a great
Personally, I think that the planned time frame for this devaluation is the demobbing of the large standing army [returned troops from Afghanistan], but with current world unrest, events may precipitate a collapse quicker than the FED are planning it.
My free and honest advice is, prepare for a depression and if it doesn’t come, you haven’t lost anything – rather you have made a wise investment.
Personally, I think that the planned time frame for this devaluation is the demobbing of the large standing army [returned troops from Afghanistan], but with current world unrest, events may precipitate a collapse quicker than the FED are planning it.
My free and honest advice is, prepare for a depression and if it doesn’t come, you haven’t lost anything – rather you have made a wise investment.
Related articles
- Iraqi dinar would soon return to what it was prior to 1980
due to global demand: Banking and Finance Ministry Head
- Iraqi Government Seeks Control Over Central Bank
- U.S. to “Win” Currency Wars? (sgtreport.com)
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