Saturday, February 9, 2013

Targeted, Staged US Economic Collapse…Part of an International Plan

Plant your moringa tree seeds and get them growing.  You may have to eat the leaves whether you like them or not!

Insider Warns: Conservative Websites Targeted, Staged US Economic Collapse…Part of an International Plan

Steve Cooper
This is something that is international in scope. The plan is international, and is dedicated to the dismantling or destruction of America. It’s happening right in front of us, but too few can actually see it. – Interview with anonymous insider

The Conservative Monster has already been targeted by the professional leftist bloggers that are mentioned in the interview with a supposed Homeland Security ‘Insider’.
  1. This article also warns about the staged economic collapse that I have warned about for many years. This is an international conspiracy.
  2. The ‘insider’ warns: People that are not prepared for the economic collapse, because they think it is all BS will be desperately seeking food and supplies when it does happen.
  3. Also, the insider warns about a false flag attack that will blame the Tea Party and Conservatives when the collapse does take place. This false flag will be used as a reason to install Martial Law.
  4. Now do you understand why they want to disarm the American people? No, most still don’t because they are brainwashed fools or just too dumbed down.
This staged economic collapse is similar to the staged economic collapse that was seen by the USSR for Americans to lower their guard about the Communist threat. Then, suddenly a new enemy emerges (Al Qaeda) on 9/11/01? I have a bridge to sell you…
This is an International war against CAPITALISM and it is way bigger than just the Democrats. This is why I laughed in 2012 when people told me that ‘Pizza Man’ Cain was going to save them. We are past the point of elections, because many levels of the US Govt have been hijacked by radical Marxists. George Bush feared them, but Obama is their ally.
The soccer moms will wake up when they have no money for that cup cake batter or gas for their SUV.


Anonymous said...

The evil think that they are set up, because they have stolen all of America's money reserves, and bought them tons of freeze-dried foods, tons of hollow-point bullets, lot's of bomb making materials, and built them underground bunkers all over the world that have mag-lev trains, and special lighting technology. I think they are too arrogant to realize that the extinction of the whole human race includes them too!!

Anonymous said...

This could be "fear mongering" at its best. But on the other hand, we should always be prepared no matter what.

Anonymous said...

this has a lot of truth to it, but lets get real!
it has NOTHING to do with right and left, conservetive and liberal.
things will get very very bad here in this country, but I've read the BOOK WE WIN!!! AMEN