Sunday, February 17, 2013

"The Music of the spheres."

"The Music of the spheres."
Posted By: Jill [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 17-Feb-2013 14:39:57
Ancient people attuned to the harmonies, rhythms and melodies of nature. They had no artificial time keepers, such as clocks, but lived in sync with nature's rhythmic patterns. As God created nature, then being in harmony with nature was a method of drawing near to God.
These ideas can be found in this poem by Ernesto Cardenal.
"The Music of the Spheres
A harmonious universe is like a harp.
Its rhythms are the equal repeated seasons,
The beating of a heart,
The going and returning of migratory birds,
The cycles of stars and corn,
The mimosa that unfolds by day and folds up by night,
The rhythms of moon and tide,
And apples that ripen and fall.
Melody, accord, arpeggios are the harp of the universe.
Unity behind apparent multiplicity.
That is the music."

Jill, a four time author/soundhealing expert, uses Sound Healing techniques with original music. Free soundhealing mp3s at her website.

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