Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Fellow Brit's

We the people, own the land mass called the united kingdom.  We lend our power to those who we elect to govern us for the betterment of all the people within the UK.

Our present leaders have betrayed us completely, and given our country away to a foreign power at the behest of the Banksers who have bought and paid off our 'leaders'. 

Please read all within the following links below to understand the massive act of betrayal that has taken place, and is still taking place, by those we have trusted with our freedom and sovereignty.

To not act NOW, is to guarantee that our children and grandchildren etc, will grow up in a blatant and open world of slavery, to those that controll, at present, the money flow of the planet; the bankers. At present, our slavery is only recognised by a small percentage of the population as it camoflaged by a corporate conbtrolled media the also belong to the bankers that enslave us. 

The following links explains how, precisley, we are being enslaved.

Please pass on to all you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"None are more enslaved then those who think they are free."