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The entrance to the Meditation room at U.N. headquarters in New
York is 33 feet
long and eighteenfeet wide
(6 + 6 + 6 = 18)!The small, dimly lit, windowlessroom has been described by some as a 'Satanic Temple'. It is designed like a pyramid lying on its side with a mural in place of the capstone. “The custodian of this ominous shrine is the Lucis Trust, formerly known as the Lucifer Publishing Company.” (Gary J. Eddlleman, 2001 Constitution Party of Illinois). Who funded the building of the room? Illuminati crime boss, John D. Rockefeller. |
The United Nations has been working diligently for decades to
usher in a one world government and one world religion as prophesied in
the Judeo-Christian Bible. Hiding behind words like sustainable
development, global warming, global consciousness and civil liberties, they
are busy implementing the plans laid out in the UN Charter, the Earth
Charter, and many other UN resolutions. These plans include a globalization
effort that would eliminate state sovereignty, and place the world's people
and resources under the direct control of the United Nations.
In the center of the room is
a 4 foot high, black casket-shaped
stone slab. The stone is the
largest magnetite ever mined and it is extremely magnetic and possesses
polarity. Magnetism is the primary means to harness aetheric energy. By
meditating in a room with
a giant magnet in it, the natural hyper-dimensional energies from the Earth
are greatly enhanced.A single beam of light from a lens in the ceiling strikes this 13,000 pound altar (6.5 tons) which rests on a concrete pillar that goes straight down to bed-rock beneath the floor. The number 13 is the occult number associated with rebellion and witchcraft. The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor “enlightens” the world with a torch of 13,000 watts and the former World Trade Center had 13,000,000 square feet of office space! All of this is found in New York City, the financial and shipping capital of the world! Dag Hammarskjold, former UN Secretary General, described the meditation room's center stone as “the symbol of the god of all.” The question is - what god?
The mural is divided into 72 separate sections. It depicts
triangles and pyramids representing "the deity".The mural's center sphere and outer circle roughly form the "all seeing eye" of the deity. 'Sacred geometry' is built into the mural's construction with various occult symbols including the serpent, triangle, crescent moon, and square. There is a spiraling energy in the diagonal line from the bottom right to the top left that has a serpent-like curve in it. Three large rectangles form a "phi spiral". According to Plato, the phi spiral is the "key to the physics of the cosmos". Other hidden symbols include the Grim Reaper's scythe and the circle with a dot in the center which is the astrological symbol for the Sun. What actually goes on in the UN meditation room? What types of occult practice occur amongst UN officials? What 'guests' use this room? Is it just an example of Egyptian mystic inspired architecture? What about the magnetite casket shaped altar? Since altars are not commonly used in meditation practice, what types of 'rituals' is it being used for? Why does it look like a raised burial tomb? Who or what is encased inside the stone slab? The lost Arc of the Covenant? The mummified remains of Abraham or Jesus, the last Pharaoh of Egypt, perhaps?
As the sun gives way to waning light, the meditation room at the UN
becomes off-limits to the profane, tax paying public. After dark, what sounds
and energies are conjured up in this eerie place?
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The mural in the Security Council Chamber shows the
"Phoenix rising" from its own ashes as the focus point. The Phoenix
bird is a symbol of Lucifer. Barbara Walker, in her occult book, "Now Is The Dawning",
writes "Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a
god who rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his
fire-immolation of death and rebirth ...". Within the realm of the
occult, the Phoenix is the legendary bird of the Egyptian Satanic Mystery
Let's take a close-up look at the mural hanging over world
leaders who make global decisions affecting the lives of over 6 billion
people. (For a close-up of the mural - click the link below, download and
open it).
_c8a2ee97be_o.jpg&imgrefurl= __DToFVeQ9DaElVFtXkNgxNNsTx74=&h=2269&w=3432&sz=2639&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=iL _jL6a1zuQCwM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=177&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dun%2Bsecurity%2Bcouncil%2Bmural %26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D664%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx= 312&vpy=78&dur=1547&hovh=182&hovw=276&tx=100&ty=117&ei=affVTJX2AYb0swOp1pSQCw&oei =affVTJX2AYb0swOp1pSQCw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
The upper central panel of the mural is shaped like female
genitalia = Christian symbol for the fish. It is a large "Sacred
Strange looking human in the tree = the tempting serpent.
Little girl = Eve accepting the apple from the serpent in the
Man, woman, baby below = trinity.
Little boy hiding behind the tree with staff in hand = Adam.
Trees envelope the people and "beings" at the top. The
trees = the sacred grove. Almost all the people are white-Anglo = superior
race (Aryan) using technology to advance the world. In this new world order,
they control the fields of industry, art and science. (see the Babylonian
ziggurat style building). They stand above the rest as leaders of the new
On the right side of the top panel, a reptilian green creature
with scaley skin is dancing with a half green skinned naked woman while
musicians entertain them. The tops of their heads are not visible
(cone-shaped, perhaps?)
The people and phoenix are standing on an ancient mound which
conceals the dragon (Satan) image and ancient Babylonian image of a
lion/serpent. The Phoenix is standing... not above his ashes...but above his
old skin. He skinned himself like a snake does.
The national bird for the US was not originally the Eagle, but
the Phoenix, symbolizing the death of the old and the rebirth of the new. The
"Phoenix (Lucifer) rising" message when applied to all the
surrounding mural scenes shows humanity taking steps into a new physical
reality. Humans are seen helping the demonic creatures out of the bottomless
pit and then worshiping them.
The sword through the dragon and beast below it = old ways –
thoughts – beliefs – religions being ‘killed’
off to bring in new ways – thoughts – beliefs – religions. Old ways are being reborn and recycled to fool mankind. Lucifer rising from the ashes = eternal life.
People of all nations are looking out at images of the sun/stars
= ancient symbols for god. They are moving towards a void.
The dark race is still enslaved. See the rope that binds them.
They stand on a mound that covers over the hopeless who cannot escape.
The Aryan race is ascending from under the mound. Look at the
man above calling them to climb out of the earth. He is playing PAN'S
(Satan's) flute.
A military man is standing on the tail of the dragon beast. In
ancient times the god’s were often carved as standing on their animal image.
Beast = world wide military power.
Above the military man is another man racing towards a new world
order of collective races. Look how many pyramid symbols are depicted in this
scene. Pyramids = sun sign images = eternal life = phallic symbol of the
god(s). Colors are primarily done in gold and red. Gold is the symbol of the
sun god. Red is the color of blood.
A man is releasing a "pale horse" (found in the Book
of Revelation). It is the horse of
“Death” brought to humanity through weapons, hunger and disease. The man is
looking outside the window at the sun’s rays that are connected to the moon’s
ray = sun god & moon goddess. The white horse is also a goddess symbol =
Selene the goddess of the moon and her white horse(s). The moon appears
behind the horse. Men carrying shovel and pick = working to support those
positioned above them = the technologically evolved Aryan race.
In the panel to the left of the pale horse are 3 children - one
with green skin (alien), blue skin (alien-human hybrid) and white skin
(alien-ape hybrid).
A woman stands with the windows to the sun god wide open. Women
= goddess = fertility = a new generation of people to be born from the sun
god's (Satan's) rays.
Above that scene are people standing together forging something
new. A military man, a farmer, a hard hat/construction worker. They are
peasants..ordinary workers. The peasants are standing in front of pyramid
symbols. The church steeple has NO CROSS. They are pouring gold into a pot
that is being held up by a hook (crook) which is an ancient symbol of
belonging to the crook and flail of the Egyptian Pharaohs. (The British royal
family are descendants of the Pharaohs).
Our world leaders are making global decisons beneath this occult
UN Security Council mural. They are also "meditating" (or chanting)
under the occult mural in the UN meditation room.
Another mural filled with satanic New World Order symbolism is
in plain sight at Denver Airport.
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