More Warning Signs: Obama Poised for Hostile Military Takeover of U.S. –
A week ago, I laid out a list of things President Obama has put in place to set the nation up for his hostile military takeover.
After my first post about Obama’s hostile military takeover, I received an email from a reader that offered an explanation to my pondering of why NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) would also be ordering millions of rounds of ammunition and assault rifles. He offered the idea that it is an ironic twist to Obama’s relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers. Ayers was a wanted domestic terrorist back in the 1960s and 1970s. Ayers was a co-founder of the terrorist group known as the Weather Underground. Now, Obama is using NOAA, a federal weather agency, to stockpile weapons and ammunition for his terrorist assault on the American people.
Today, I would like to add a few more items to that list that makes the case for his hostile military takeover even more compelling.
It has now been confirmed that the goal of the Department of Homeland Security is to purchase a total of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. A portion of that ammunition is hollow point bullets, which have been banned from use in war by international law. Another portion is specialized sniper ammunition.
In case you have a difficult time comprehending the significance of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, allow me to give you a couple of comparisons. During the height of the war in Iraq, the US Army fired less than 6 million rounds per month. That means DHS has enough ammunition to supply the US Army for 266.67 months (22.22 years) of intense war.
Currently, the DHS uses approximately 15 million rounds of ammunition every year at their various training facilities. At that rate, they have enough ammunition for 106.67 years of training.
So ask yourself, what is the justification for the purchase of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security, especially when some of it is illegal to use in war? Now ask yourself why Sen. Dianne Feinstein is so concerned about private citizens stockpiling ammunition, weapons and using high capacity magazines when the federal government is doing the same time only a thousand times more?
Perhaps the abundance of ammunition goes along with the purchase of ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ MaxxPro MRAP vehicles that are scheduled to be deployed on the streets of America. The number of vehicles they are purchasing has not been released, but they are part of the 2,717 that have been recently retrofitted by the manufacturer. The DHS appears to be taking delivery of the armored vehicles through the Marine Corps Systems Command located in Quantico, Virginia.
The scary part of the DHS acquiring MRAP vehicles is that they have been already been spotted in a number of cities throughout the country. DHS cannot deny their existence since a number of them have been photographed and videoed by citizen observers. Why would DHS need so many, assuming they are purchasing over a thousand, MRAP vehicles deployed throughout the US, unless they are preparing for a war of some kind. Now add to that question the fact that the MRAP vehicles are equipped with gun ports.
There can be no doubt that Barack Hussein Obama is preparing for the bloodiest war in American history and it’s going to take place here on American soil. When? It has to be prior to the 2016 election, unless he manages to force a constitutional amendment allowing himself to run for a third term. However, I truly don’t think the amendment will be necessary, because he plans to forcibly take control of the country prior to the election. Everything points to the conclusion that this is all in preparation for a hostile military takeover.
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/9856/warning-signs-obama-poised-hostile-military-takeover-us/#ixzz2NRmpQISd
Ammo doesn't shoot itself. Offencives are only one third as powerful as defensives. Who wants to be a kamakazi? Now picture this Obama in orange and cuffs.
1.6 billion...hmm.
Shoot the United Nation troops?
Shoot the bankers and their military?
Shoot the people who have millions of guns and billions of bullets?
Bullet making companies will go under or stop producing, so stockpiling for training and real military exercises.
Shoot 1.6 billion birds.
Shoot flying saucers like that guy shooting flying saucers in the movie spoof, called Battle of Las Angeles.
1.6 billion bullets to shoot the sh__
Maybe the local police will be on the take for the bankers and so they military and the police will square off like they should have done when the police was beating peaceful protesters during occupy wallstreet.
1.6 billion reasons I have no idea why they ordered that many more bullets.
Barry's stones arent big enough to take over the people. Neither is his nazi butt kissing see ya in the underground shelter when this goes south army. He has seen the hornets nest he has stirred up by thinking he will take our guns. Its nothing compared to what he will face when we clean house and he and his minions heads are bagged and waiting that nice tight rope neck tie we will have waiting for them. Nuff said.
This paranoid author is way off. First of all, the president does not run the country, the illuminati do. It is an illuminati agenda and the president is the lucky up front man who gets to take the blame, so the illuminati don't ever get noticed while you are distracted with an image.
Secondly, It is the Obama Administration doing things, it is not Obama himself. If he wants to stay alive he can't get any bright ideas to make the US or world a better place while the illuminati are busy trashing the planet. It is a great choreograph orchestrated to snare disgruntled people who have grievances, so the illuminati can see how many mad pissed off slaves they are dealing with.
So they can keep you always off balance by creating another problem to see what your reaction is to it, so they can give you yet another solution to your problem, since slaves cannot determine solutions for themselves, because they are incompetent.from birth.
If you are mad or pissed off and afraid, or anything of a negative vibration, the illuminati knows that you can't do anything about anything, because your valuable considerable energy charge capacity is easily manipulated and drained in the opposite direction, so you don't have that valuable considerable energy charge capacity to use for yourself for the positive to make any significant difference to do anything about anything..
Game over. It is always a cake walk in the park for the illuminati, it's just that simple. You cannot unit together with others to be a fierce force to be reckoned with to over come the tyranny being perpetrated against you, because when you are mad, you do stupid sh*t and make mistakes for undermining and self sabotaging your own best efforts for progress in the positive direction.
Your life is intentionally set up to default always in the negative direction, that is why you can never get ahead in life. You are trapped unless you can get in a good enough mood to raise your resonance frequency vibration and stay there as much as humanly possible, otherwise you can consider yourself illuminati toast for the breakfast of champions.
The illuminati are just letting you to know they have way more bullets than you sitting in a warehouse somewhere. Of course they will never use them all in a million years, they are just telling you they have them and that is enough to get you sideways in your mind.
They don't care if they use them or they don't, because you were pronounced dead at your birth already anyway with the issuance of your birth certificate, it is a death certificate.. So why does a deadman have a need for guns or bullets?
They don't care how much it cost, because they own the printing presses and the idea of how much anything cost is of no concern whatsoever. What is of concern is the intended effect upon your consciousness, so you stay all riled up ranting and raving and mad as hell.
What is of great concern is making sure you always stay paranoid, that some day you "might" be attacked and find yourself totally unprepared as usual, and won't have enough bullets to defend yourself. That idea pisses you off, in which case, you lost before the first bullet was ever transferred out of their warehouse..
Stay centered in your heart chakra in love. Prediction... WE WIN.
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