Important Information about SwissIndo
typical mask worn at cirebon ceremony
‘D’ at
Removing the Shackles shared this titillating development. ~ BP
Important information about SwissIndo – more to come
Please take note
of this! THIS is VITAL information that people need to know and
understand. I am pulling together some more information this evening and
will post it in the next few hours. Please share this information!!!
Letter of Resignation From UN SwissIndo by Pieta Morgan
28 January 2014 at 08:02
The following is
a copy of a Letter of Resignation from the UN SwissIndo submitted by Pieta
Morgan. This is being shared with the permission of Pieta who desires
this information be known worldwide. Please feel free to share or tag
anyone you feel may benefit from this information or can disprove her claims.Read the letter…
VITALLY Important information about SwissIndo- more to come
take note of this! THIS is VITAL information that people need to know and
understand. I am pulling together some more information this evening and
will post it in the next few hours. Please share this information!!!
Letter of Resignation From UN SwissIndo by Pieta Morgan
28 January 2014 at 08:02
The following is a copy of a Letter of Resignation from the UN SwissIndo submitted by Pieta Morgan. This is being shared with the permission of Pieta who desires this information be known worldwide. Please feel free to share or tag anyone you feel may benefit from this information or can disprove her claims.
26th Of January 2014
Dear Ross,
Thank you for your time the other night, it was nice to catch up with you and smooth things between you and I.
I take my Oath and Bond to uphold the OPPT UCC filings very seriously and firmly believe that all steps must be taken strictly within the confines of the UCC filings. I was so excited to be assisting in ensuring that humanity is freed from rule and government (mind control) as per the filings, and ecstatic that all were to blessed with abundance, and to be part of the solution for humanity and our Mother Earth, a completely new way to BE, a truly consensual system, where no way of living is forced upon another.
At the beginning of my time with Swissindo I was told that Mr Sino had sworn and oath and bond to the people and Mother Earth, and that his plan was to honour the filings, agreeing that they were in fact international law and the CVAC system was the way to move forward. Our conversation the other night did not answer the questions I had, and as you said, you don't know all the answers either, and they have appointed you emperor. The things I was told were facts in the beginning of my time with the delegation have been changed.
It has never been my intention to cause embarrassment to Mr Sino or any of the delegates, and my only intention is to see humanity free of all rulers and fetters, to be abundant, live in good health,and live in peace.
My concerns about the project are as follows:
1. On my diplomatic papers it mentions the New World Order, I am aware the NWO is a long time plan by those of the 'dark' for one global government. Of course this concerns me greatly. I have read an article by Paula stating that Mr Sino's plans would effectively 'defang' the NWO, this article was made public, and either Paula had no idea what Mr Sino's plan was or her article was a deliberate deception.
2. Mr Sino's identity is not clear. I was at one point told that Mr Sino was channelled by Mr Soegihartonotonegoro, and that Mr Sino was not in a human form, this information came to me from a person within the delegation that speaks the Indonesian language and that has met Mr Soegihartonotonegoro personally, and yet you told me on the phone that Mr Sino is Mr Soegihartonotonegoro.
3. One of our Australian delegates has brought into Australia Chinese currency printing plates, and when I asked you about it you said that the Chinese currency will be the new world standard currency. When I heard that I realised that this project could potentially be a Global Chinese military take over.
4. You told me that Mr Sino is the king because he is of the Illuminati bloodline.
5. Mr Sino has exempted himself of the filings, declaring himself 'King of Kings', on the basis that he has provided remedy, being the gold. He is absolutely disregarding the UCC filings with regard to hierarchy and separation as he has also appointed Queens, Kings, Emperors, Prime Ministers and CEO's to rule, globally. The filings stand internationally as law. And, with respect, he is not above the filings, unless he can rebut them, which of course can only happen if he has the verifiable signature of the Creator/Source/God, stating he has the right to rule over humanity. He has essentially caused great separation.
6. It concerns me greatly that the Pentagon and the White House are involved in this project, as with the Jesuits, and it concerns me that we, the delegates were asked to cooperate with them. These people have enslaved humanity for centuries, and yet we're allowing them to have input into the new system we're creating.. that's madness, or, it's a plot against humanity, and my belief is that as it stands, it's the latter.
7. Lack of transparency and lack of proper language translation. The lack of actual documentation regarding any of the plans for our projects for humanity, means the delegation have no clue what's going on and exactly what it is they are agreeing to. The one answer we have received is that “We'll find out in Cirebon”. This is not acceptable.
8. You told me that anyone who causes a scene to disrupt the proceedings in Cirebon would not come home. You asked me not to “streak the cricket match”. I took this as a threat and take it very seriously.
9. I am confused as to what it is I would be required to do when attending the Cirebon ceremony as there is literally no information supplied.
10. If I am required to sign off on a global take over I could not participate, and if I did so I would be committing treason against my brothers and sisters of Earth. I am here completely to serve humanity and represent the people and in doing so I will not sign anything I cannot ethically or lawfully agree to.
11. I am wondering why it is that the delegates have not been paid for the time and effort they've put in with regards to the CVAC proposals and meetings, as per the agreement. I have sent a letter asking where our funding was, and yet again, there was no reply, at all.
12. I am concerned that so much money is being spent on the ceremony while people all over the world are starving.
13. I'm concerned that the other delegates, including yourself, believe that they are doing the right thing for humanity just because they've been told it's the right thing, and because they have kind hearts they would do anything to help humanity. But without all the facts how can you know? You can't. This could be the biggest corporate take over in history, and we literally have no idea what it's all about. We're told it's for the good of humanity, but no real proof. No disclosure.
14. I am concerned that we could be aiding a global Muslim take over, of course that is completely unfounded, it is just a concern to me because of all the speak of Allah from Mr Sino, and the Indonesian delegates, and the fact they openly speak about the one true 'God'. I do not have a problem at all with kind hearted Muslims, but I do have a problem with any religion being forced on humanity. The New World Order plans were apparently to have a one world religion, this has been well known. I cannot agree to that, it would be unlawful.
15. The latest law 'system' that has been suggested by Gary Simon's AKA Jagamara and approved by Mr Sino, the 'three tiered system' is further proof to me that this is a criminal venture designed to further enslave humanity.
16. Gary Simon's involvement in itself concerns me considering his back ground and shady dealings of which you were aware when he was voted in and did not disclose to the other delegates. That is the reason Sean and I did not vote for him. He allegedly has a history of manipulation and has allegedly attempted to access funds that belonged to the tribal people of Australia without the permission of the Tribal Elders. I am also concerned with the fact you refused to disclose this information to the other delegates, even when I asked you to just before it went to vote. When Sean and I were asked by Phil why it was that we didn't vote for Gary, we were quickly shut down by Rena.
As you can see there are too many unanswered, important questions, too many concerns, and too many deceptions for us, Sean and I, to proceed as things are. Until Mr Sino agrees with pure intent to honour all of the filings, renounce his alleged 'kingship', and until the delegates are able to truly represent humanity according to the filings, with regard to the CVAC systems, we will not be attending the Cirebon ceremony, we will not be signing away humanity's freedom, and we will not consent to or allow a global Chinese takeover, as long as it is in our power.
In the interest of transparency, we have recorded the conversation you and I had regarding my involvement in the Swissindo delegation, for my own records, and protection, and this may or may not be made public. If it is made public, we will do our utmost to protect the identity of those whom you mentioned in the recording, to the best of our ability.
May the truth set us free.
Kind Regards,
Pieta Morgan
1 comment:
Sino together with those mentioned in point 6 above are thought forms of the dark matrix that practice a form of inexplicable hatred towards mankind. The dark matrix an AI that is presently out of control i.e. venturing beyond the purpose of its creation and almost sentient. Humanity beware. As long as you practice happy thoughts and avoid dwelling in negativity of thought and emotion no matter your circumstances you are immune and assured of victory over it. Clean house (subconsciousness by renewing mind (thought) and heart (emotion). Avoid thinking and acting in any way that resembles the cabal elite. Don't hate anything as you will receive more of it. Strive to vibrate higher and that shall be the salvation of the cabal as well.
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