Saturday, June 14, 2014

2014 New files released. ALIENS ON EARTH

This is pretty intense and seems to debunk the debunkers.

Posted by Freewill


Anonymous said...

I saw several aliens consuming mass quantities of food at a McDonalds just yesterday. They had cone shaped heads and were heard telling everyone that they were from France.

Anonymous said...

You may joke about it anon 8:05. But you are like the millions that want to sweep the truth under the carpet. Thus the reason why no real breakthrough has happened. Not enough people that are open minded enough to accept the possibility of us not being alone. How narrow minded most are...

Anonymous said...

I believe it!! How on earth could we possibly be alone? Take a gander at Egyptian carvings, the pyramids, O - blood type, Adams Calendar in South Africa. I can't wait for the first government to come clean about the 'true origins of our species'. Bring it on! !

Riiiiiiight........ said...

Yea, and Muslims with boxcutters knocked down 3 (or more) buildings with 2 airplanes because 'they hate our freedoms'. LMFAO!

Anonymous said...

We MAY not be alone .. but they aren't here. There is no way any living creature could survive the trip from even the closest galaxy. If they did survive the trip they most certainly would be NOTHING like us.

Andromeda Galaxy
2.5 million light years away

or 2.5 million multiplied by 186,000 miles or 465,000,000,000 miles (465 billion miles). If someone fired a laser beam from Andromeda at Earth, it would take 2.5 million years to get here.

Anonymous said...

In fact, THEY have been here long before we were brought to this rock, and still are-both above us and below us. The travel time/distance is therefore a very moot point.