Sunday, June 8, 2014

Banks Remain On The Brink

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Sunday   June 8, 2014
Banks Remain On The Brink
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Founding Father and 3rd U.S. President Thomas Jefferson quote
A Run on the Bank   source

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that worldwide banks led by HSBC Hong Kong and Bank of Americawill soon place cash limits on their customers' ability to withdraw funds from both personal savings and checking accounts.
The crooked banks continue to write illegal cross-collateralized foreign currency derivatives on a record scale and are ready to "BAIL IN" on their own customers to meet margin requirements that the banks can not meet.
Note:  There is NO volatility or volume left in worldwide financial markets with liquidity non-existent.
Reference:  The U.S. FDIC is now mute with the derivative provisions of Dodd-Frank and Graham-Willey taking precedent over the FDIC insurance.

FDIC & Bank of England Create Resolution Authority ... - SilverDoctors

... The joint US/UK resolution states that depositor haircuts are already legal in the ... Such a strategy would involve the bail-in(write-down or conversion) of creditors .... Click here for the full joint resolution by the BOE and FDIC:.

P.S.  Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will provide information and evidence on former U.S. Vice pResident Richard 'Dick' Cheney and his direct role in 9/11.
It is important to remember that Cheney began negotiations with the Taliban government of Afghanistan in February of 2001 concerning the construction of an oil pipeline that would run through Afghanistan into the Peoples Republic of China.
Cheney was guilty of a massive conflict of interest and ethics violations when as then Vice pResident was negotiating on behalf of the Halliburton Corporation which Cheney has 80% control of the stock.
The Taliban government's price was too high for Halliburton, at which point the negotiations collapsed the result seven (7) months later the 9/11 NAZI Paperclip NSA FALSE FLAG attacks on the American People.
In closing, I want to congratulate all surviving U.S., British and French veterans who recently celebrated Operation Overlord June 6, 1944, which led to the liberation of the European continent from the NAZI Beast.
We now call for another Operation Overlord on American soil, which will liberate and free the American People from NAZI Paperclip occupation that began in November of 2000 (the NSA overthrow of the year 2000 presidential election) and was then cemented with the 9/11 BLACK OP that led to martial law, the shredding of the U.S. Constitution, the looting of the U.S. Treasury with illegal wars and eventually the crooked banks destruction of the U.S. economy in 2008.


Secret European Cash Limits in Place

Some of you might remember the recent scandal where #HSBC tried to impose cash withdraw limits on their accounts:
Well it turns out that was just a trial balloon, to see how the public might react to withdraw limits being public knowledge. Limits that are already in place!
Let me tell you what my sources are telling me.
They have tried to withdraw large amounts in cash from a bank. They were told quite categorically “No, you cannot have this amount in cash”. They then asked if they could make an appointment to receive the amount in cash and were told “No”.
Just an awkward bank clerk right?
They then proceeded to transfer the balance to another bank, and tried to make the same withdraw. They received exactly the same response “No, No, No, No, you can’t have your money”.
So what’s going on?
The #European Union is fearful of a systemic bank run taking place. After all, they have already seen bank runs in Cyprus (a successful testing ground) and other peripheral countries. Such a bank run would overwhelm even the European Central Bank.
But their steps to prevent this have been interesting to say the least…… They simply won’t allow a bank run – it’s against the rules!
What rules you say? Well, these vary from bank to bank and I’ve assembled them from a few different sources, but here they are:
- A depositor can only withdraw ~10% of their balance in large-scale cash per year.
- These limits do not apply to small one-time incidents such as ~5000 euros.
- All large cash withdraws must have a “valid” reason given. Hint: “I don’t trust my bank”, is not a valid reason.
- Daily cash machine limits are exempt.
Since the majority of cash withdraws are not large, these rules go unnoticed. But if they see an excessive/unusual amount of small daily withdraws taking place they can easily tighten these limits – all the procedures are in place.
So what are the implications of this?
Quite simple really. There won’t be a bank run in #Europe – because it’s no longer allowed. Just like a toddler, you will NOT be allowed to play with matches!!
So given the system is tearing itself apart at the seams, we’d better start looking for the weaker stitching somewhere else!
As to whether this system is in place in the #US yet I cannot say. If it isn’t yet it soon will be.

. . . 


Dan said...

I would see that if there are people that show us how to fill out the Treasury Direct Account (TDA) and then the UCC-1 Financing Statement, then we should have NO Problem to get our funds back.
I would see that the Banks MUST honor those Treasury Direct Accounts and the amounts that are in them, or else EVERY Banker and Government Official IS CHARGED WITH A CRIME!
There should be a certain order as to what should happen;
1. Order the banks and credit card companies to halt the collections and zero out the debts,
2. Order the IRS to halt the collections and zero out the debts,
3. Order the employers to halt the Withholdings of ALL taxes,
4. Order the States to open the Treasury Direct Accounts for EVERY Individual, including the homeless and mentally handicapped people,
5. Order the IRS to place ALL collected taxes into the Individual's Treasury Direct Account,
6. And much more, but this is the start.

Anonymous said...

There has been cash limits here in the US for years. Banks already limit cash withdraw up to $10k. Anything over that must be issued with a cashier's check.

So looks like the other side still has it better where if up to 10% can be withdrawn in cash then one who had say $500k could still withdraw $50k in cash where here no matter the amount the max cash withdraw is $10k.

Dan said...

Maybe they will get to the point that UNLESS you get a loan from their bank to make a purchase on a home or automobile you will NOT be able to get a large size withdrawal even on a direct transfer because they lose money.