Tuesday, June 10, 2014

From Jim Stone

A mail so good all I could do is laugh

Junebug wrote:
When I read about the "Holy Sites Servants" of Saudi-Arabia, who do not behave as all Muslims do, something came into my mind.
I`ve always wondered why the Popes do no longer wear the triple crown, the tiara. That had been their typical headgear for many centuries. On any medieval depiction of a pope he would wear it. Obviously tiaras are still made nowadays and for every pope a new one, but at once they disappear in a museum only to be admired but not worn. Why?
What they wear nowadays is a litte cap called pileolus which looks exactly like a jewish kippa. That seems a bit strange because for example the ring, the collar and even the colour of the shoes have a certain sense. So they say, well, its origin comes from the monk`s tonsure which they used to cover. Did they really? I always thought they cut the tonsure as a symbol for their spiritually open mind and then it should have to be covered, that`s strange.
And when they cross in catholic churches it looks to me as if it were the wrong way round. The "crossbar" is too deep positioned so the cross is top down and that would be a satanic symbol. Disturbing.
My comment
I always wondered why the popes wore Kippas. And they are Kippas, there is no way around this. I had no idea that they were in fact supposed to wear a crown. Now I have a possible answer, - the Jews usurped the Catholic Church.
I have a little story to tell. I had a good friend in high school who was perfectly straight, went into the Catholic Church system to become a priest, and came out a flaming gay. And I MEAN FULL BLOODED GAY. How could that happen? Well, if Jews took over that system and were hell bent on turning the priesthood into a brood of gays and child molesters, I think they could accomplish it. Just look at what happens to the women in all the Jewish owned or influenced public and private colleges. They don't teach, they indoctrinate hatred towards males and immorality in the name of "personal progress." I believe 100 percent that the Catholic Church has been fully usurped, and that it happened at Vatican 2. If the Catholic Church is at the center of any conspiracies out there, I believe it is via proxy. The Jews are the great infiltrators, and virtually nothing has escaped their reach
June 10 2014

A little suspicious of Snowden

I have had this in the back of my mind for a while, why Snowden got such publicity, and I did not while I clearly stated the exact same things Snowden did, years before he did. And I still take things a step farther than Snowden ever did.
Why did Snowden get all the attention all of a sudden? Perhaps because he never mentioned reactor 3, tsunami nukes, and a man made "9.1" earthquake that did absolutely no significant damage other than tsunami damage in Sendai, which was only 30 miles from the epicenter? Perhaps Snowden got all the attention because he has yet to mention that every Intel processor since Centrino has two processing sections, one for the NSA and one for the user? You can't secure your data from the NSA AT ALL with an always on cell connection from the heart of your CPU, and a separate smaller CPU on the same die that works exclusively for them, and snags your encryption keys to boot.

In fact, Snowden only came out with his revelations after my CoreVpro and smart meter report, which spoke about how even your microwave can now be rigged to spy on you if it is smart meter compliant, and that every smart meter now has 3G, wifi, bluetooth, and several CPU's on board.

But I did not see Snowden as a psy op early on, I saw him as vindication because all he did was stop people from shilling my inbox saying I had to be full of crap with all of this. SO, now what is Snowden NOT SAYING?
He is not telling you that every car in America released after 2004 has, VIA FEDERAL MANDATE, an engine control computer that is always hooked up to the cell network complete with microphones, GPS and often in car cameras to spy on you. When I was in the NSA they made it clear that if you wanted to discuss anything classified outside a secure area the best thing to do was leave all cell phones and other transmitters behind and go for a drive, because there was no way to spy on a conversation in a moving car. But after 2004, that is no longer true no matter what car you have, and many cars before 2004 were already spy boxes with systems such as Onstar.
Snowden is also not telling you that in many cases, (especially with cell phones that stopped delivering full battery life, which is a huge percentage now) that when this happens, it is because the phone is bugged and is sending out audio and usually video of everything happening around it. And this can happen to your phone even if you are completely innocent of everthing if their algorithms detect that at any time you get within the vicinity of anyone they are watching. They want YOUR PHONE switched on as a spy device in the event you get near anyone they are interested in, and they can calculate if you are likely to because they stole all your meta data. So now you have an Iphone that goes dead quickly, or other device that is now practially trash as far as usefulness because they hijacked it and basically stole it from you.
Now, I know the above statements to be true, because all the technology surrounding it was discussed there. Now let me make a few guesses.
It is my guess that all cars after 2004 have every conversation ever made in them recorded and permanently stored. Certainly every place they ever went is recorded and permanently stored. America's cell service is ridiculously expensive compared to other nations and I suspect it is because when you get a cell phone you are actually paying to support all the spy devices in everything else.
One thing I do know is that with the old land lines, they could always record everything in every house in America because when you hang up, the phone's microphone remains connected to the system, only the earpiece cuts and a signal is sent to cut the call. But it was standard procedure for the NSA to over ride the system and just listen in on the microphones and record whatever they saw fit. At that time it was not policy to record everything in America, though they could have if they wanted to. 911 changed all that.
It is my guess that a new system is going into place for total information awareness, and that smartmeters will play a central role in this. For what reason would a smartmeter need wifi, bluetooth, and cell connectivity, as well as an ability to communicate via the power outlets in the home? If all that smartmeter was doing is radioing in how much power you used, it would not need ANY of the above, a simple radio transmitter that had nothing to do with any of the above would do it.
In fact, if smartmeters were legit, they would have their own protocols and if one could not reach the base station, it should be able to chat with a different smartmeter that was in it's vicinity and pass along your consumption by word of mouth. After all, it would only need to chat a few digits. A minimalist system is all that would be needed if the meters were legit, they don't need multiple processors, multiple connectivity options and gigabit bandwidth for legitimate business.
But if their real purpose is to talk to the NSA via your Samsung SmartTV's camera, a microphone in your microwave compliments of the beeper that can double as a microphone, or hook up to your PC via your Intel processor, or your cell phone camera, or any other device you might have sitting around including even an Xbox, then such connectivity and processing power would be needed because it might have to negotiate with multiple devices in your house if you have them, and handle all that video and audio throughput. THAT MUCH is certain, my guess is that all devices will be recorded and stored all the time. I think they could probably do it now with all the taxes getting raped, to then turn around and screw you with.
Let's hear Snowden discuss the above. I beat him to the punch with this web site, let's see if there is any follow up on this.

911 pet theories

Quite frankly, I have had enough of them.

I have had several people with different pet theories regarding 911, stating that if I don't post exactly what they send, it proves I am an agent and working for the enemy even if I at least post links to what they think. Quite frankly I am suspicious myself of people who take that attitude. FOR THE RECORD, here is my official stand on 911 and that's the end of it
Here is what I care about:
No arabs flew planes into any towers. Five dancing Israelis were caught with explosives. Over 100 Israelis were arrested. No Israeli got prosecuted. THAT says it all, and beyond that I don't care if there were planes or no planes, if there were nukes or thermite or demolition charges or directed energy weapons or holograms or a missile or a 737/800 or remote control or whatever else including magic trolls, the bottom line is WE KNOW WHO DID IT AND THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT SCOTT FREE WHILE MILLIONS OF INNOCENTS WERE MURDERED IN FOREIGN LANDS WHILE THE PERPETRATORS PLAYED THE VICTIM, and THAT was the REAL goal and reason for 911.
Obvious sub goals were the theft of billions if not trillions from the Pentagon, collection on huge insurance policies, and milking of put options on companies that would be adversely affected. All evidence points directly towards the Federal Reserve, Bush, the Rothchilds and Israel and NOTHING AT ALL POINTS AT ARABS and that's all that matters.
Even the FBI came out and said the phone calls reporting plastic knives and box cutters never happened and those phone calls were the only thing supporting the entire story other than a "passport" which survived a fire ball perfectly intact, and landed ON TOP OF ALL THAT DUST, NOT UNDER IT to be found the day after perfectly clean laying right on top. Such obvious BUNK only an enemy owned press could ever make it stick.
June 9 2014

Something big before BRICS?

This years brics summit was supposed to happen in March, but was delayed until July 15 at the request of China. Brics is an economic alliance similar to Nafta which involves a total of 80 nations and approximately 2/3 of world population. It is mostly controlled by the five biggest players, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
Brics forms an economic alliance which when actual productivity is considered, is bigger than anything else in the world. And Putin and China are pushing hard toward getting Brics in position to dump the dollar as a reserve currency. This will likely happen at the 2014 brics summit.
I strongly suspect that the recent American/CIA/Blackwater sponsored violence in Ukraine was instigated by Brics, if the Wall Street bankers lose the status of holding the world's reserve currency in Brics nations, it will be the end of the dollar in that role. And they are desperate, clinging to power on the value of the dollar, if they lose that dollar they are finished.
We all know the Wall Street and Rothchild bankers are the lowest of filth, the epitome of evil and that it is their goal to reduce world population by 90 percent anyway. It would not bother them at all to kick off a huge war, even a nuclear war, to keep the dollar in place because most of mankind is to them disposable, if not considered roaches.
So heads up on Ukraine, Gazprov has already switched to dealing in Euros instead of dollars (they did this today)and that could be a real hairbinger of things to come. Brics may well be the spark that finally ignites world war 3.


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