Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Here You May Read, the Proposed Neil Keenan No Fly Accords

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Here You May Read, the Proposed Neil Keenan No Fly Accords
Posted By: CapnGriff
Date: Tuesday, 3-Jun-2014 17:40:38

Got this in an email a while ago. Has a list of various names from various countries that will be put on a No Fly List. The rest of the accords precede the list. I have no opinion, other than thinking that Keenan would have written them more lawyerly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neil, in regard to the USA, I suppose you are referring to not flying on American or Continental or Delta or United et al - meaning commercial airlines. However, a 'no fly' is of no consequence to ANY of these people, as most all of them own private aircraft, boats and even are able to access the underground ultra high speed train systems or move to the underground cities that we are not supposed to know exist, and even possibly access the UFO craft that the black ops have readily available. So, I am trying to understand any real purpose for this list other than to, hopefully, encourage patriots worldwide to do their patriotic duty to God and their country by arresting and or exercising justice against these scum. Could add quite a few more names. Let's hope this list proves to provide a good purpose, one that the world desperately needs, other than to take up space on a blog. Otherwise, with some punctuation and spelling corrections, not bad.