Message From God Found Hidden
Inside DNA Sequence
Feb 01, 2013

In a little-explored section of non-coding DNA, a team of top geneticists discovered a 22-word snippet of ancient Aramaic in which God confirms his existence and his role in creating life on Earth.
The stunning finding represents nearly irrefutable evidence of God's existence and his role in creating the process of evolution by natural selection.
The message was discovered when researchers noticed strange mathematical patterns appearing within a certain section of the genome.

"We knew the patterns weren't naturally occurring," explains Charles Watson, the lead scientist on the project, "but we couldn't come up with any convincing explanation for them.
"On a whim, we started cross referencing the patterns with language databases," he explains, "and we were shocked to find that the patterns corresponded to ancient Aramaic."
Stunned by its discovery, the team contacted language experts familiar with Aramaic - the language Jesus Christ spoke in daily life.
Entirely decoded, the message reads: "Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation's secret. Now share it peacefully with the world."
Yahweh is the biblical name for the Judeo-Christian god.
Inherit The Earth
The findings will be published in the journal Nature next month, and are expected to provoke the biggest scientific controversy since Charles Darwin published his theory of natural selection in 1859.
"This doesn't mean that the theory of evolution is wrong," says Watson. "It's just incomplete. It seems that in reality the Judeo-Christian god actually started the whole process.
"And instead of just telling us about natural selection, he left a hidden signature that we could find 200,000 years later when we invented the right technology. It makes total sense really.
"Before this discovery I was a committed atheist. Now I'm a devout Christian. This is exactly the kind of proof I needed to ease my doubts."
In addition to its profound impact on science, the news is set to revolutionize the world of comparative religion.
"I think the message clearly indicates that God wants us to co-exist peacefully with our fellow human beings," says Janice Taylor, a bishop in the Anglican Church.
However, other Christian denominations have a different interpretation of the scientists' findings.
"Clearly this means our God is the one true God and that we should exterminate rival religions," says Frank Page, leader of the conservative Southern Baptist Convention. "Now that we have truth on our side, I think it's time we start a new crusade."
I'm not convinced this is true. Consider the source of this revelation. ' Harvard ' is owned by the Cabal, and certainly is tasked with producing appropriate propaganda for the masses. The ' evidence ' this conclusion is derived from is essentially incapable of being examined & verified by us. Can you read Aramaic ? Which of us can verify this alleged sequence in DNA ? Yeah, I thought not. We are back to using ' faith ' in trusting Harvard's hypothesis. Common sense dictates that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence THAT WE CAN VERIFY. Harvard et al, knows full well most can't check this claim themselves. The same faith required to accept this claim has been used by the Vatican for 2 thousand years & has led tens of millions of humans to their untimely deaths. The bodies of all those children found in Ireland & Canada in unmarked & early graves demonstrate pretty fucking clearly what the Vatican is really up to, & Harvard exists at the behest of the Vatican. This is just one in a very long string of gentle cattle proddings used to keep the faithful in the land of wonder, so kindly provided by the magic man in the sky.
Reread above what Frank Page, a ' Christian,' is reported to have said. " . . exterminate rival religions . . .", and he is ' conservative.' WTF ? Does this sound even remotely like something from the ten commandments ? Does Frank and many like him remotely resemble the tenets of peace and love, charity & tolerance ? AND HE LEADS THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION ! ! Why would any sane person revere this type of rabid intolerance ?
Sorry, Harvard. Clever & timely revelation in a chaotic world, but still bullshit until proven true by many qualified UNAFFILIATED academics. TYJM frj
I'm not convinced this is true. Consider the source of this revelation. ' Harvard ' is owned by the Cabal, and certainly is tasked with producing appropriate propaganda for the masses. The ' evidence ' this conclusion is derived from is essentially incapable of being examined & verified by us. Can you read Aramaic ? Which of us can verify this alleged sequence in DNA ? Yeah, I thought not. We are back to using ' faith ' in trusting Harvard's hypothesis. Common sense dictates that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence THAT WE CAN VERIFY. Harvard et al, knows full well most can't check this claim themselves. The same faith required to accept this claim has been used by the Vatican for 2 thousand years & has led tens of millions of humans to their untimely deaths. The bodies of all those children found in Ireland & Canada in unmarked & early graves demonstrate pretty fucking clearly what the Vatican is really up to, & Harvard exists at the behest of the Vatican. This is just one in a very long string of gentle cattle proddings used to keep the faithful in the land of wonder, so kindly provided by the magic man in the sky.
Reread above what Frank Page, a ' Christian,' is reported to have said. " . . exterminate rival religions . . .", and he is ' conservative.' WTF ? Does this sound even remotely like something from the ten commandments ? Does Frank and many like him remotely resemble the tenets of peace and love, charity & tolerance ? AND HE LEADS THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION ! ! Why would any sane person revere this type of rabid intolerance ? Sorry, Harvard. Clever & timely revelation in a chaotic world, but still bullshit until proven true by many qualified UNAFFILIATED academics. TYJM frj
Totally unconvincing and really very silly. We are not subservient to any 'Lord.' Doh and doh again. The idea that our 'God' is an authority over us, is just more of the exact same stupid simplistic and patronising propaganda that we've had to put up with from the Cabal for 1000s of years. Go away!
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