Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More Truth on Benghazi?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
More Truth on Benghazi?
Posted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jun-2014 09:17:27

For anyone still obtuse enough to think a video sparked the Benghazi massacre, here is another piece of the puzzle. It’s a funny thing about the truth. Like a dead body emerging to be discovered, eventually the truth rises to the surface. The administration can put whatever spin they want on that incident, few Americans believe them anymore.
But for a brief inside look at the way politics work in Washington (yes, both parties) check out Dick Morris short video on Hillary and Obama. It isn’t the truth that is important. It isn’t even four people’s lives that were important. It was all about image and getting re-elected. And more than likely, one of them will be running in 2016.
I’ve voted for people I didn’t know were liars, and I don’t know about you, but I’ll be damned if I would even consider voting for one that I knew for sure was a liar. I never cared much for Johnson and always suspected that he had, if not a hand in the Kennedy assassination, at least insider knowledge. But when Vietnam blew up in his face, he had the good sense not to try to paint a pretty picture and cover up his past performance to run for another term. That is far more than I can say for either of the two primary players in this sorry event.
Obama was busy campaigning for 2012 and using a very bogus 'kill' of Osama bin Laden as his main platform to show how strong he was on terrorists. OMG! We can’t let this unfortunate incident tarnish that presidential image. And Hillary was, no doubt, thinking ahead to 2016. Neither of them were concerned enough to send aid to these Americans in harm’s way. And once the deed was done, neither of them was going to be forthcoming about what really happened, for a political purpose. Neither is presidential in my opinion.
Listen to this video and see what you think.

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