Wednesday, June 4, 2014



cold heartless money.please never forget your dreams. it seems as if you really don't want to tell the truth. Let's go fly a kite up to the highest height where we can all go soaring.I promise I will never leave you. Something is brewing what I feel is happening all happened before. soon we all slide backwards up the banister. 

Is the red pill or The blue pill really just a spoonful is hint hint : 

The asia cell phone company called Asia cell will be trading as of next Tuesday do you really think that this multi billion dollar company is going to come out at 1066 Denar for one dollar bill USD. no more smoking mirrors if you don't want to be told the truth. 

THEN I won't tell the truth so go again one more day this is all Entertainment someone yell now Timber and if you smoke and you want to quit call It is in my opinion. You be the judge of whether you deserve any money at all the person that is eager for money will find their way broke. yell TIMBER NOW ROAR KABOOM..............P

1 comment:

Dan said...

Maybe if people were taught on how to STEAL money then we would ALL be better off.
If 1 Person stole $500,000,000, yes Million.
They filed a 1040 Income Tax Return which would be 39%, so the IRS gets $195,000,000.
For 200 Million people that would be $39 QUADrillion of USA Revenue.
$300,000,000 goes back in the banks so they can loan it out or it is stolen.
Times 9 is $2,700,000,000 able to loan out.
Don't you like their way of thinking?
They have done it for over 100 years, and it still works for them.