Saturday, June 21, 2014

Rumor intel

P.Diddy:  we should relax...the 800# is let's wait and see.I dont know how the 800#s will be distributed but they will and will prob go up on sites asap.

"We are now officially on the same page. I might hear something about the 800#s less than an hour before you see them but I cant let that cat out and really, its only talking minutes ahead of you guys. I would encourage everyone to stop…"

the upper tiers are done... just waiting for them to put the final touches on the public offering process.  Personally, I'm waiting for 800#s to be distributed tonight to be able to call and set up an appt for Saturday but most likely a Monday exchange.  That timeline is all an educated guess tho but who cares.  Once you've got the 800#s you're in control of your exchange (FINALLY!!) instead of someone else in the world.

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