Friday, June 13, 2014

Still Sick

John is still in the hospital undergoing tests and diagnosis to figure out the cause of his ailment and also getting well rested and fed so that way when he leaves the hospital he is 100% again.  


fedup said...

God bless him....I pray for his complete recovery.

bz said...

He suffered from Congestional heart failure... because he did not trust anyone to share load and his ego try to be super man... lol

Liz said...

Praying for a speedy and total recovery. The Father has His hand on you John, so just rest and let the angels do their work.

Anonymous said...

John, you need to take the mercury out of your dental fillings. Most probably this is the origin of your heart problems. Mercury destroys nerves responsible for proper heart beats. Do a mercury detox and also chelation (if plaque in arteries is involved). Then take chelated minerals. Nano silver for infection (in IV is best in acute situations. 2nd best is to nebulize). Kills virtually all pathogens, viruses, fungi. Take natural (Himilayan is preferred) salt (kills pathogens) with sodium bicarbonate to alkalize your cells (1/4 tsp. each 3 times/day on empty stomach). You're in my prayers!!!

beinki said...

My guess is John has not supplemented with absorbable plant derived minerals and essential fatty acids. Everyone should listen to DVM, ND, Dr. Joel Wallach's "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"

Unknown said...

You don't go back to 100% after congestive heart failure, it's a sign that you're a ticking time bomb. Either he stops eating garbage or he'll kill himself.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I meant to say---take the bicarbonate (baking soda) and Himalayan salt with a glass of water on an empty stomach. This will neutralize toxic waste, which is acidic---which inhibits oxygen absorption by your cells from your blood, in exchange for ridding the cells of their (acidic) waste. If you're sick or fatigued, this will increase your energy substantially and within hours! Most pathogens, microbes, fungi, and all cancers thrive in an acidic environment, and cannot survive in an alkaline, oxygenated one.

Anonymous said...

Our bodies never ever lie. John you are stressed psychologically and placing to much stress on your heart.
Don't Worry Be Happy. Your Heart will be Delighted and you'll notice the change in no time.
Perhaps it's time to prioritize a few things in your life right now. This is two recent incidents John. Your Heart is obviously trying to translate a message to you that is not getting through. In short you need to ease your stress to ease the stress you are placing on your heart.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

check out a natural product called heart drops by strauss work very good!! best wishes